03/27/04 02:18 - ID#35487
2 dreams
I'm in some kind of restaraunt or hotel with friends. I have to use the bathroom, so I search around (for a very long time, this is one damned hidden-away john) and eventually find the door. I go in and am in a locker-room type of room with various rows of showers/urinals/etc. Well I look for the place to pee and can't find it. None of the objects quite seem right. Everything is very archaic looking. I am standing in front of what I've decided look most like urinals (but which in fact resemble half-size showers) when a man tells me to go ahead and pee. So I climb in and start to pee in the direction I hope is right and the man pulls out this firehose and starts laying it on me. I am slightly surprised but follow his directions to turn atound and move this way and that as he sprays full force. Well eventually we are outside and he's still beaming me with this high-powered spray and then there's another guy there who starts playing in the snow (yeah there's snow on the ground and I'm not even feeling particularly wet). Well the other guy gets this icicle and gives it to the first who puts it through the zipper of his pants (the water spraying has stopped somewhere in the interim). The first guy tells the other to "go down" and then sprinkles a bunch of cocaine on the icicle extruding from his pants. The guy starts lapping it up (not snorting it at all) and I ask if I can have some and the guy says something like we don't know each other well enough and I ask if I can just have what he spilled all over his pants and shoes (there're big piles cause he was so sloppy). He says sure and I try but blow it all away.
<real life pee break>
I'm in a little village in what must be Italy. I'm with assorted musical colleagues from different parts of my life. We're on some kind of tour I suppose (though I'm not sure casue everything happened in this one place). We're all sitting on the side of a small windy road. There's a fence that I sit on a bunch. Generally everyone is just milling about socializing and such. I keep hanging out with groups of mostly guys, shooting the shit. The weird thing was that everytime I stood still I was touching some guy or other, not sexually at all just familiarly. Like I'm straddling the fence and I have my arms wrapped under the guy in front of me's pits and am holding on to his chest. I kept wondering if it was weird and no one seemed to care (or really even notice) at all. Well I'm roving around talking to people and such. I remember me in a group of four or six people and this guy's talking to everyone about this guy who made his own viola, and another guy is like, "he didn't make his own blah-blah (some term for a part in the top of the instrument which I don't think I really know), did he". And the other guy like "oh yeah" and I asked if everyone here was in the orchestra. Whatever. Then there was this girl from Germany we were talking to and she had a funny accent and Paul came over and asked if she was German, and I looked at her and said, in German, "that is german isn't it?" and she said yes but that she was from the west or something. She had what sounded almost like a lisp. Oh yeah, it was very foggy the whole time, I remember asking her about the nebel (fog) and she said it was a shame cause right over the mountains you could see the Himalayans (whoah just realized my stupid dream-self got the Alps and Himalayans confused-hah). Anyways it's a little later and my whole family is there (immediate plus my grandparents on my dad's side) to visit me or something, and I keep running around giving them all hugs and stuff. At one point I grab my grandma in a big hug and lift her from the ground and she says "you always acted so young," but like she meant it in a good way with a smile. Well the fo
fts and we look up to see a huge mountain and I ask this guy who is oddly familiar to me (though he looks kinda like Holly's Rodrigo) if those are the Himalayans, and he says no it's actually in the way of them, people are always complaining that if it weren't for that mountain they would have a great view. My family and I decide to go see them, so we go down the road to where they've parked their SUV and grandpa's already at the wheel. <I wake>

Permalink: 2_dreams.html
Words: 859
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/26/04 06:49 - ID#35486
tom hanks invades

Permalink: tom_hanks_invades.html
Words: 73
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/26/04 02:29 - ID#35485
they are arising

Permalink: they_are_arising.html
Words: 100
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/25/04 09:36 - ID#35484
US endorses targeted assassinations

Permalink: US_endorses_targeted_assassinations.html
Words: 87
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/24/04 09:51 - ID#35483
i have to say the color is a little much
i commiserate (2 m 1 s, or 1 m 2s?) with lilho. I have a stupid sinus thing now too. For like a week and half now. It's disgusting. Who knew I could produce a gallon of assorted sputum per day? I think this is the first time for me having one (though my memory is admittedly less than keen in regards to these sorts of details). Empathy abounds. Please take and share.
sidenote: quote from war secretary John Calhoun to president Monroe around 1819, speaking to the Cherokee delegation: "You see the Great Spirit has made our form of society stronger than yours, and you must submit to adopt ours if you wish to be happy by pleasing him." So, haters of GW should realize that he is nothing new, we've been this way all along. Let's all just get with the program, eh?

Permalink: i_have_to_say_the_color_is_a_little_much.html
Words: 145
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/24/04 10:59 - ID#35482
goliath smashes david

Permalink: goliath_smashes_david.html
Words: 258
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/23/04 12:03 - ID#35481
crocheting christ
trisha got a new hat
oh come angel band
come and around me stand
trisha got a new hat
trisha got a new hat
oh bear me around on your slowly rings
to my immortal home
I am making yet another hat. The first holly graciously took. I am quite sure she will never be seen in public in it. Yeah, that bad. Well the second was much better. It was cream and scarlet and is now atop trisha's beautious kopf. One of her friends actually liked it so much he asked me to make him one. I should start a business. Unfortuantely I hate capitalism and so will just make it for free. Where is my money-mind? I am making a hat now, and depending on how much I like it, it will become mine or his. Holly deserves a respectable hat sometime too. Though I fear if I make her a nice one she will really never wear the other one. It is colored like a bumblebee. It is however gigantic, perhaps suitable for someone with dreadlocks.
sidenote: Sofar two people have died from watching Christ die. Yes, the profit, Mel Gibson, apparently has the power to strike people dead. The Passion (of the Christ) just gave a Brazilian pastor a heart attack

sidenote(squared): so we learn that the final frog is yet alive. There were three who we were convinced were reduced to two as we hadn't seen more than that at once. Today I come home to all three frolicking frogs. They are little water frogs in a tank with the massive queen angel and her two sentry rainbow fish. The pleckos lie in squallor at the bottom, living off the refuse of the court. The newly arrived frogs simply alight on what they will: a stony outcrop, outthrust leaf, plecko's head, whatever. I think they are more flight or fright. They have two responses to new events: swim rapidly away or freeze stiff in apprehension. They will, in midstroke, become absolutely still and float in any random position for minutes at a time. I suppose that, much like dears, in their natural habitat there are large predators whose hunting is motion oriented. So I refine the langauge: fight/flight/fright. So many ights, isn't it wonderful?

Permalink: crocheting_christ.html
Words: 471
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/22/04 11:26 - ID#35480
Funny idioms

En) Go jump in a lake !!!!
Fr) va voir dehors si j’y suis--Lit: go look outside and see if I am there!!
Ger) Geh dahin, wo der Pfeffer wächst!--Lit: go where the pepper grows
En) He is going to learn the hard way!
Fr) Il va l’apprendre a rude ecole!--Lit: he is going to learn at rude school!!
Ger) Er muss Lehrgeld bezahlen!--Lit: He must pay with an aprrenticeship premium!!
go to the where the pepper grows and see if i am there and while you're at it jump in an oh-so-spicy lake. and go learn yourself some hard shit at the rude school and pay me an apprentice and shit. yeah!

Permalink: Funny_idioms.html
Words: 191
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/21/04 02:47 - ID#35479
I go crazy, crazy. Baby, I go crazy

Permalink: I_go_crazy_crazy_Baby_I_go_crazy.html
Words: 154
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/21/04 12:36 - ID#35478
Protest the wat
I am also of the opinion that it's gone too far. That people are just too damn ignorant, too wrapped up in American Idol and McDonalds to ever give a fuck. And I call them the people because they are the majority (and I the screaming nut minority, much less a representation of america). The next big change just might come about due to a meteor or tidal wave. It could be something much more mundane though, a stock market crash, massive unemployment (we're getting close on both of these). Then it wouldn't be a matter of us leftists making things change, but more a matter of us defining in what direction the change goes. Unfortunately the armed Christian militias are way ahead of us in preparing for these times. I wish I were a prophet or a saint. No not really. That's a lot of pressure. I guess to me, I go to the protest because it's the fucking least my lazy cynical ass can do. I don't do anything else besides write on this dumb useless (in a larger sense, though it gives me much personal satisfaction) journal. And if it's only so the fatfucks sitting on the couch in Cheektowaga see a 20 second news blurb then so be it. I didn't have anything better to do.

Permalink: Protest_the_wat.html
Words: 365
Location: Buffalo, NY
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