10/14/03 10:03 - ID#35354
Black and White
and the differences, or more especially the differences. When a viewpoint is taken it must be based on an assertion. An assertion, by defintion, places one thing into the category of 'truth'. When one thing is deemed truth, another must become 'untruth'.We come back to black and white. Sometimes I feel that I have certain beliefs, and I try to encompass a full worldview when I come to these decision. My worldview is determined by my world, or environment, which is solely dependent on me. My world is different from all others, be it my roomate or Tenli in Singapore. Are common beleifs attainable, when the intial environment doesn't overlap, how can the eventual result thereof coincide? I would love to draw a diagram here; it consists of two circles transpositioned on a 3-dimensional plane. The circles have 4-dashed lines marcating their spatial reference points through space. Their origins are separate. The dashed lines intersect at various points along their paths,but never more than three of the four lines. The final position is determined quite randomly; that the eventual destinations are one is infitesimal (but apparent). This diagram would demonstrate that mindsets could coincide but it is unlikely. The number of instances where a consencus is reached (defined on our diagram as circles that intersect for an appreciable amount of time) are more numerous by far. We come to the conclusion that any social change is a process of blending, that the original black must fade to gray. Gray is the color of my true love's hair.
Permalink: Black_and_White.html
Words: 259
Location: Buffalo, NY
10/09/03 09:30 - ID#35353
Bad News
My grandpa has just suffered a stroke. I guess it was not bad, they're calling it a "mini-stroke" which apparently means that there has been no real permanent damage from it. But any stroke is bad news, and he went in for testing to determine the cause. They found that he has something wrong with some valve or something and also three blocked passages. He is going in for heart surgery tomorrow where they will rip open his chest and perform a triple bypass plus whatever it is they do to fix the valve. Luckily, thanks to all the American fatties, this surgery is very commonplace nowadays and they are very opptimistic about it. This is the problem with grandparents-they are old and are invariably having these sort of problems. At least even if the worst happens, he got through 83 years of life, 5 children, 16 grandchildren, and who knows how many great-grandchildren (already like ten of them, and we're just getting started). That's an accomplishment.
Permalink: Bad_News.html
Words: 164
Location: Buffalo, NY
10/02/03 09:24 - ID#35352
So I got into a minor fender bender today. Very annoying, and only slightly my fault. Three point turn on Elmwood, stopping traffic (my fault, I was a little late for work). So the traffic was stopped and I back up, turn my wheel, and press go. Paul screams watch out and I see that the woman who had just stopped and watched me back up to make the turn had decided to go in the interim (pure stupidity). So I scrape the side of her car before I can come to a complete stop. I agree that I should have been a bit more patient and waited for a larger break in traffic, but c'mon, she had already stopped and watched me backup. Where did she think I was going? She said she thought I was backing up into a driveway or something. Yeah, maybe an imaginary driveway that wasn't there...whatever...geesh. I'm probably gonna lose my insurance now, and be forced to drive without it and then when I am being pulled over the next time by some freakin cop I am gonna have to run, probably run someone over, eventually jump out and abandon the car and make my way on foot through the countryside, chased by dogs, helicopters strobing the area, I'll have to lay in ambush and take out a few of them, steal a uniform, and adopt this strange cop persona for the rest of my life, my wife's name will be Betty-Sue and she will make the worst chili dog sandwiches, so I will eventually have to leave her with my two "new" children for her elderly rich uncle, who will pamper me throughout the rest of my days on the condition that I oil his mustache with precious bodily fluids every other day; his dog Fluffly will eventually drag me over the edge and I will be forced to another heinous act of aggression after this one time when he complains that his curl isn't tight enough, I will inherit his millions but then be audited by the IRS and go to prison, to live out the rest of my days reading C.S Lewis and drooling but only on the inside. All because of this dumb broad who couldn't curb her haste as I had'nt curbed mine.
Permalink: Ka_Boom.html
Words: 387
Location: Buffalo, NY
09/30/03 09:16 - ID#35351
So someone won a million dollars today at my work. Yeah a million dollars ($1,000,000), you kinda have to see the number to appreciate it. Imagine how many car payments fit inside there. Yeah a five dollar lottery tickets instantly elevates a normal middle-classer into the bizzare realm of millionaires (well probably not really, the taxes alone will take a couple 100Ks). Exciting anyways...
Permalink: Golly_Gee.html
Words: 63
Location: Buffalo, NY
09/27/03 02:02 - ID#35350
Mine was first but Trisha's is there
Go to the recipe section and try some cous cous (still trying to think of the proper body part) and soup. MMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmm...
Permalink: Mine_was_first_but_Trisha_s_is_there.html
Words: 22
Location: Buffalo, NY
09/27/03 01:54 - ID#35349
Where yo recipe at
Trisha...welcome!!! I just posted a recipe cuz I thought you did and I dind't want it to be lonely. But now I don't see any recipes and I thinks yous a liar girl. Even so, I am happy that you have finally joined us virtually. Last night we went to see something by Stan Brakhage at

Mostly images flying by so fast as to be mind-boggling. At first I hated it and then slowly I descended into a semi-trance state where my eyes never focused and I let the images wash over me without trying to specifically identify/interpret anything. It was trippy and I am sure that I have been subliminally directed to do some evil deed 2-5 years from now. Until then my mind will slowly be warped as this newly planted seed grows roots; tendrils of subversion slowly boring their way into my psyche. Well that's my theory anyhow. We'll see. Here's a link to a site about him
My favorite was the Dante collection (paint globbles spiralling in and away from the vortex). Check it out.
Permalink: Where_yo_recipe_at.html
Words: 193
Location: Buffalo, NY
09/26/03 02:04 - ID#35348
My response to Wilson Farms
I wrote the following to Wilson Farm and encourage everyone else to let them hear from you:
I recently read on elmwoodstrip.com about the incident involving a black homeless man being verbally threatened with physical violence from one of your employees (apparently someone in management). I am writing this to express my concern about the incident and request that some kind of disciplinary action be taken against this employee. I am a frequent shopper at Wilson's Farm stores and this kind of behavior is disgraceful and repugnant. I respect that the store is on private property which means that you can choose who is on the premises, but there are lawful ways to make this happen, none of which involve the use of threats, especially the kind of ultra-violent "head-smashing" comment that was used in this situation. In solidarity with Mr. Visco, I will also not be shopping at your stores until I have received word that adequate measures have been taken to ensure that this kind of abuse will not be happening in the future.
Permalink: My_response_to_Wilson_Farms.html
Words: 177
Location: Buffalo, NY
09/25/03 11:49 - ID#35347
Goin to Joes place
We are gwinta go to B-way joe's tonite to see our friend Laura's new band. Apparently she is a big New York producer now. Very exciting. Very strange to think that you can go to NY and just become a producer within a couple months. I mean, like, I could do it, but your regular Joe and all could'na have a chance. I am maybe approaching fulfilled enough for the night, but Theresa (still no journal though she lives in our house and has a computer) said we's only gwinta go fo' a little bit. Maybe I'll see ya there.
Permalink: Goin_to_Joes_place.html
Words: 100
Location: Buffalo, NY
09/21/03 12:27 - ID#35346
Tift Nature Preserve
I've been 3 or 4 times so far. It's a good bike ride from Elmwood ~45 min, and is pretty nice (as long as you ignore the fact that it's on top of an old landfill). The whole idea is reclamtion of urban landscapes as viable natural resources. There are swampy marsh areas that are home to many various species of waterfowl (geese, duck, and some kinda thing that stands on one leg, crane or egret or something that I have seen) as well as deer, frogs, cute furry animals (squirrels, chipmunks, woodchucks), and tons o' spiders and other creepy crawlies. The trails are well-maintained and it's big enough that you ususally don't even notice the odd couple of people wandering about. I like to ride there, do a little nature watching, maybe read a little, and then ride back, it makes a nice afternoony trip. The best way to get there takes you directly through the heart of industrial downtown, very educational. So you take elmwood or delaware downtown and make your way to Washington which is beyond Main st. Go all the way to right in front of HSBC Arena and make a left and then go until Michigan and make a right. Now from here I am not really sure of the streets, but there aren't really many choices. I think the next st is Ohio and you go over this steel bridge. Mostly just keep going and take any rights that you can. Eventually you go over this big bridge (the only tough part of the ride, save some oomph) and the Nature Preserve is your next left. Voila! Oh yeah bring a bike lock, cuz you'll wanna leave the bike up front. I hope someone goes and has fun. If anyone wants to do a joint day-outing give me a call or a mail.
For more info:
Permalink: Tift_Nature_Preserve.html
Words: 315
Location: Buffalo, NY
09/19/03 11:50 - ID#35345
Yeah...he's a muthafucka
He come to my house and he be...
He come and complain about my wee...
He come and not be satisfied by me...
And my banana surpriseryeee...
Why he not like me?
Oh why oh why oh why?
Shout out to all my Prozakarias.
Permalink: Yeah_he_s_a_muthafucka.html
Words: 44
Location: Buffalo, NY
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