06/11/05 12:57 - ID#34189
Puddle of a man
But for a Pac NorthWest kind of guy, I'm so missing my rainy spring and wet, cold June. I feel totally ripped off. The last couple years in Buffalo led me to believe I could hope for lots of rain in the Spring, at least a bit of goodness before the hell of summer weather. But nope -- stupid, stupid sunshine. I hate it. I get my 15 minutes a day to generate vitamin D, and that's plenty for me.
I get a sunburn in about 30 minutes in the sun. I was on lots of accutane as a child, and I think it killed off all the melonin producing cells in my body. Now I'm just a pale, hairy, short guy who sweats a lot. A LOT. Like, if you meet me, you'll be like, wow, shawn sweats a lot. I was so happy to see that (e:) Terry, also a native dry-heat westerner, sweats a lot, too, in Buffalo. But I think I sweat more than him. How could one measure that sort of thing?
If I get to stay in Buffalo, it has to be central air. I'll make my own little virtual environment. I'll let Sarah keep it at 75. But no more...

Permalink: Puddle_of_a_man.html
Words: 263
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/09/05 11:50 - ID#34188
Welcome to Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia that anyone can edit.
Full of humorous stuff contributed by all kinds of regular folks, I just chose a chunk of the featured article for Today, "You have two cows." I've seen these jokes in many different forms, but never catalogued together like this. Fun stuff. Here's a sample form the Literature section:
You have two cows. Your neighbour has two cows. Together you have five cows. Your child reveal that to the government and one day they come and take your cows. You have never had any cows. You love big brother.
Animal Farm
You have two cows. Two cows bad. Four cows good. (Comrade Napoleon is always right.)
A different Animal Farm
You have two cows and you fuck them on video. Unless you live in the U.S. Deep South this is probably illegal. Makes you wonder why it's called the Deep South though...
You have two coups.
Two cows have you!
Paranoia RPG
Aren't you happy that Friend Computer gave you two cows, citizen?
What's that, citizen? The cows trampled you? They must have known you are a commie mutant traitor!
COBRA Master plan
The Joes have two cows. You steal the cows and attempt to crossbreed them with a snake to produce the milk-producing cowbra. The Joes discover your ridiculous plot and after causing several million dollars worth of damage to your private army retire to their base to drink Yo Joe! Cola and swap an amusing anecdote. Baroness Thatcher steals the milk anyway and makes the children cry.
Two cows or not two cows? That is the question.
Quoted from: You have two cows - Uncyclopedia![]()

Permalink: Uncyclopedia.html
Words: 307
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/07/05 09:49 - ID#34187
Cease and Redux
So folks might remember my last post which got a bit of traffic and kind of sort of weighed down estrip a bit. Sorry about that. Seriously. Paul and I did our best to alleviate the situation, but I know it was inconvenient for folks.
Well, it wasn't all for nothing. The traffic seems to have generated a lasting interest in elmwoodstrip which is cool, even if it's from non-locals. I kept hoping some Buffalo contingent would pick up on it.
But 1and1 actually changed their policies here. And so have some other companies. It looks like the posting on Boing Boing really started a movement of people to question their webhosting services here, and in the end, at least for 1and1 and me, we won. I'm totally amazed and impressed with the power of a bunch of people who give a damn. I have gotten so much email from cool people interested in keeping technologies for sharing media free and available to the public.
I won't go into the details here, but you can read more on my site (http://www.shawnrider.com/candd.php) and you can read an article about the incident at Slyck News (http://www.slyck.com/news.php?story=820). And, of course, Boing Boing posted a final note about the whole thing, too (http://www.boingboing.net/2005/06/07/1and1_changes_its_tu.html).

Permalink: Cease_and_Redux.html
Words: 235
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/03/05 11:44 - ID#34186
Cease and Desist!
I have an installation of Blog Torrent on my personal site (http://www.shawnrider.com/bt) that I use to distro needlessly large copies of my movies (made by me and my friends), and I had intended to experiment with Broadcast Machine (http://www.participatoryculture.org/bm). I hope to get some of my videomaking colleagues (http://mediastudy.buffalo.edu) to experiment with making their work available online. For some reason, though, the Broadcast Machine kept giving me errors and whenever I tried to access the .torrent files it made, I got a 403 Access Forbidden error. I was perplexed, and had pretty much resigned myself to checking in on a later version of Broadcast Machine since it sees pretty regular updates.
Then I received this letter:
Dear Shawn Rider,
It has come to our attention that you are hosting copyrighted and/or licensed
files and software (aka, 'warez')
/bt/btdownloadbg.py ./torrents/booth_babes.mp4.torrent --statusfile data/72eda5dcfb51164fd30cdd88a4d189a8953b96dd.status --display_interval 15 --save_in data/seedfiles/
Please note that the hosting of these files is strictly prohibited by our T&C
You agree not to infringe any copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, or
other proprietary rights of any third party, including, but not limited to, the
unauthorized copying of copyrighted material, the digitization and distribution
of photographs from magazines, books, or other copyrighted sources, and the
unauthorized transmittal of copyrighted software;
Please remove the requested files from your webspace immediately and reply to
this email. Failure to do so will result in your account being locked and
possibly terminated.
Now, I'm all for keeping "warez" (wARR-ezzz, matey!) off the server. In fact, on my Blog Torrent RSS it specifically forbids posting warez to the tracker, and I'd happily remove any pirated movie, music, docs or soft. But this is my movie. I made it in 2001 with my wife, Sarah, and a few of my friends. I state as much very clearly on my website (http://www.shawnrider.com), and anyone who actually took the time to LOOK at my site would have quickly realized that these files are mine and free for me to share (and free for you to download and share, too).
But it's obvious that 1and1, which is a pretty large hosting company, is using some kind of algorithmic filter to block these files. It was "signed" by a tech support person, but the return address was just a generic admin address. I immediately responded to the letter:
Um, I made that movie. It's mine and I am trying to use Broadcast
Machine to host my video files. This is not a copyright infringement
at all. I've been hosting it on GamesFirst! (also my website) since we
made it in 2001. Please cease and desist these silly letters and allow
people to access my legitimate and completely legal personal
Thank you,
Shawn Rider
I don't want them to turn off my websites. And this is not any kind of civil disobedience, which would involve breaking a law. I'm just uploading my files to the Internet and trying out some technologies to facilitate this with the lowest demand on my webserver. If hosting companies apply some kind of blanket filter against .torrent files, that will seriously limit our ability to share media and content. It is completely unacceptable for web servers to do this kind of unmonitored regulation and threatening. What if I had been on vacation, couldn't respond, and they shut down my site in a week?
I see this kind of stuff all the time. On CNN they called EliteTorrents a "part of the Bit Torrent network." You see Bit Torrent referred to as a pirated materials provider all the time. Like in a blurb about Tivo execs retiring, Bit Torrent is blamed and is calld a free "filesharing service" (http://video.google.com/videopreview?q=%22bit+torrent%22&time=2480000&page=1&docid=-4341565409100833355&urlcreated=1117856294&chan=KTVU&prog=KTVU+Morning+News&date=Wed+Feb+2+2005+at+6%3A00+AM+PST).
Bit Torrent is a technology used to share files. The files that are shared could be of any type, including pirated media, but ALSO they could be family videos, poetry, homebrew videogames, podcasts recorded on portable media players... ANYTHING. Bit Torrent is like the Inernet itself -- which has been aptly compared to a highway. You can't fault the road for the things you find along the way.
The difference between Bit Torrent and actual filesharing "services" or "software" is that those systems keep track of files in some direct way. For example, if I were using Kazaa, then I am using the Kazaa software and will only find others plugged into the Kazaa network. Same with eDonkey, Warez, Limewire, Bearshare, Gnutella... all of these are systems where it is very difficult to configure your own little niche. What I mean is this: If I want to share my own videos on Kazaa, then they're just a hop away from pr0n and piracy.
Bit Torrent is different because it has no kind of centralized server at all; instead, one simply installs a little PHP software that creates a file on the server called a .torrent. The "torrent" file is then downloaded by somebody else using a Bit Torrent client (there are like a billion of them). The file itself, the video, song, whatever, that you have requested, is then sent directly from one machine to the other. If lots of people download, then it all goes much faster. That's the beauty of Bit Torrent -- you're rewarded if lots of people share. It's this kind of thing that makes Bit Torrent a much better way of sharing files.
On my website I share the files that I want to put out there, and if somebody wants to use Bit Torrent to go download some crappy pop song, they have to visit a different website. There is a Bit Torrent tracker for everyone, and it's pretty easy to make one yourself if you can't find one that fits. So go ahead and indict the pirates and thugs -- that's not my battle. But leave the Bit Torrent alone for those of us who just have some perverse desire to give our stuff away.
I want this on a t-shirt:
Bit Torrent doesn't pirate movies, people do.

Permalink: Cease_and_Desist_.html
Words: 1160
Location: Buffalo, NY
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