09/13/04 08:34 - ID#24737
i just wanna be a toys R us kid
"The main objective of our senior design project is to work as team to build an office building while taking into consideration important factors such as safety, environmental impact, cost, transportation, architectural, mechanical, civil, and other aspects. The building will be architecturally and aesthetically pleasing to the eye which will attract business and customers. The project will consist of a single building with an integrated parking garage. Specific plans and details of the design will be developed after our group has been given a site and specifications for this project. Group member’s names, majors, and the field of interest are listed below. Our organizational chart shows the diverse interest and abilities of our group and maps out how everyone will help each other during this project." - and then there are a bunch of charts that describe who is heading each category. but come on now, i still don't know what on earth i am suppossed to do with this thing. well i guess i'll have to see how the semester pans out... ahh and then next semester too 8*

Permalink: i_just_wanna_be_a_toys_R_us_kid.html
Words: 286
09/04/04 01:07 - ID#24736
Lock Down...
well i can't say its been all boring, we were allowed outside today where we "attemped" to play a little bit of ultimate frisbee. aside from the winds carrying it off across the field, we had loads of fun then and the several movies watched today and of course the card games... well more fun to come... hopefully ;)

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Words: 195
09/02/04 12:00 - ID#24735
scrunched hair!!!

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Words: 38
09/01/04 11:48 - ID#24734

and then here is a picture ofamanda that same night. check out the poster behind her head, GO KERRY!!! it was one i got down here at a rally last year

and then here is a picture of me ;)

Permalink: pictures.html
Words: 101
09/01/04 11:07 - ID#24733
anyone interested in coming down here for a hurricane party get a flight down now!!! we're gonna be having ourselves some fun this weekend!!!!

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Words: 59
09/01/04 01:33 - ID#24732
back in the swing of things
So im back down in miami, living on campus for my 4th year in a row, yeah, im a dork, but whatever, it's convienent, and a whole lot easier. im living with jess, a coxwain on my team and alex and imani, two girls on the basketball team. they are all really nice girls, and they all crack me up constantly. i just met alex and imani this fall really, alex is a transfer and imani is in her second year so i guess i just didn't really meet her last year. anyways, its a lot of fun here, but our front door sucks and locks automatically, unlike any other door i've had here, and i've locked myself out once and alex did it for her second time today.
well aside from the living arrangements, "stuff" seems to be going well. we havent started rowing yet but we have started lifting and as a result my ass hurts. all the squats and lunges really do a toll on my hamstrings and butt muscles. OUCH. but we have done a lot of our team meeting things and such. but oh, i cnat wait to get on the water!!!! it just makes my day to get up at 5:30, head down to the boathouse and have a good row then back to campus by 9. It really just sets my days up. but im a little worried about when that time will come. we have been getting up at 7:00 lately and not doing neirly the amount of stuff as we will soon be doing and i'm exhausted as well as sore. so i guess im not really looking foreward to getting up at 5:15 just yet.
and relating to rowing, i have been working on fundraising stuff for our team to go to australia over thanksgiving this year to row in a race there, but plans changed and they aren't going till next year, well that sucks for allof us seniors :( but we are still going to do the stuff. we are planning an ergathon that will help rais money for "their" trip next year and for habitat for humanity. and also going to try to build a house for them too, im thinking that will be awesome fun and group bonding for us. i think its hard to get 30+ college girls to really bond, but anything is worth a try right? my co-captain, anna and i have been trying to think of things to bring unity to the team all summer and still now but we really havent come up with many good ideas. but we still all love each other ;) and have a great time together.
ANd then there is school, classes seem boring this semester, well all except for my sr design class which just seems scary. it means im finally a sr and that im almost done which means i need to figure out what i am going to do with myself for the rest of my life. and its really scary because i really don't think i know how to do what we are suppossed to be able to do. we are in groups of 6 people and we are all either civil, environmental or architectural engineers, i'm an arch engineer of course. and we have to design some building, EVERY ASPECT OF THE BUILDING. thats crazy, i really hope those civil and environmental engineers know a lot cuz there was a lot of stuff that i was looking at for the first time the other day. and we all had to kinda break off to group up and pick our buildings and the options were stupid but there was a school building which all the "smart" kids had to go to, then some water piping something up in jacksonville that a lot of environmental guys had to go to then a housing development that a bunch of guys who are notorious for cheating and just being smelly went to so i definitly avioded, then the marina which looked really cool, but they already had a bnch of ppl, so i couldn't join them, and then the shopping center. Now i am really not a fan of shopping centers and such and this is the project that we will be doing for the rest of the year and take with us to our job interviews, but whatever, i got stuck with the shopping center. BUt ideally, what i would love to do is stadiums, anything like that would be amazing, i lo
sports and arenas and such and i was dying to do one of those. but no, im stuck with the shopping center which after discussing with my group, we kinda changed it to office building and to make it even simpler, an warehouse. now i really don't want to spend a year on a warehouse, but we'll see what works out. oh, but the thing that galls me, is the group that was doing the marins somehow changed the marina idea into a stadium!!! now they get to make a stadium!!! how the hell did that happen??? so now i want to up them one and have a warehouse with a shopping center and offices and a dodgeball court in the warehouse!!! suppounded by slip-n-slides!!! or ya know, something!!! but who knows, im still excited about it, we can really do just about anything, but not too hard that its tooooo much work but not too simple that its just too simple. oh, im sure it will be fun!!!
and then of course i can't leave out "someone" who i'm not gonna name, he doesn't need to be named. but its kinda a sore subject this year, he graduated last year, well actually 2 years ago, but was around last year. but now he is gone. it's really so sad. I would see him EVERYDAY every other year. it would really make my day, just brighten up everything. i'll explain him at a different time maybe, he needs an entire entry to fully understand. But he's gone now. my only contact with him is through AIM. how sad is that. I don't even have a phone number, or hell, i don't even knwo where he is right now. i just want to see him again, everyday, just like before, but a little different than before. but im working on that kinda.
but as for now, im tired. its late. i have to get up at 7 to run stairs, ahhh, 15x8 flights. its gonna hurt, but its worth it. and hurricant frances is coming, maybe, but ofcourse its coming over the weekend and into our long weekend. come on, i just wnat them to cancel a few days of classes. or at least a day, and not a friday, come on, who really has friday classes anyways. oh well, the rain is gonna be fun to play in but now im just thinking of my sheets ;) its bedtime for julie. wow, this is long and look at all the typo's and spelling errors, i think im just gonna leave them in ;) byebye for now

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Words: 1207
08/22/04 11:52 - ID#24731
now it's text messaging...
juxtaposition time:
ok, so here’s my rant… So I was at church this evening with my mom, it’s a nice little church right off campus, gets quite a mix of college students and families and old people. But what I saw today just bothered me. Now first, I’m just gonna say how shocked I was 2 years ago when they started announcing before mass for people to please turn off their cell phones so they don’t disrupt mass. And of course people still don’t always turn them off and they ring, but immediately people still grab for the phones and silence them. But today, oh today… this girl in the row right in front of me of all places first lets the phone ring obnoxiously loud, then plays around with it a bit, then, oh then she starts text messaging back and forth with someone. And I guess if it was actually a big emergency that would be ok, but it wasn’t. She carried on giggling as she fumbled with this little phone, pounding little messages. Now I guess she could have been relaying the priest’s sermon to someone, but that wasn’t even funny enough to be giggling that much. Oh well whatever, I know this just shows how sometimes people just really bother me, ahhh!!! Ok, I’m done ranting, wow it feels good to get that one off my chest ;)
ok, well have a good day and i'll get some stuff from here later, i need to finish unpacking and settling in and sending my mom home so i can finally clear my head and begin my sr year of college!!!! :)

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Words: 336
08/16/04 02:22 - ID#24730
two more days...
All in all, i still really havent discovered what so many of you love about buffalo. maybe i will some day, but i really don't think it's gonna happen in the next 2 days.
maybe next summer i'll try with a different approach, try new things, figure this all out. Oh, and that still all depends if i do come back next summer. once i graduate i'm probably going to have to figure stuff out with jobs and stuff. eeek, once i graduate, when am i going to graduate??? herm... well who knows...
wish me luck on my last 2 days!!!!

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Words: 454
08/10/04 09:33 - ID#24729
"can you turn the light back on"

Permalink: _quot_can_you_turn_the_light_back_on_quot_.html
Words: 289
08/07/04 11:08 - ID#24728
my puppy, tucker

Permalink: my_puppy_tucker.html
Words: 159
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