Since it's 7 floors tall you have a pretty good view of downtown and even the lake. The parking wasteland is ugly but you can get a nice view of the sun when it goes down.

From Paul's desk you can the most ridiculous traffic I've seen in Buffalo. Every day, a 15 minute long line queues up outside the valet for people waiting to valet park. It completely closes off the street, everyone honks, it's crazy. I definitely see why they have the service - if you're sick or disabled, it's probably very helpful. But that can't be everyone in this line - you definitely could park in the visitor lot and walk over by the time you got through.
Maybe if more medical campus employees biked, walked and railed to work there would be parking for disabled patients who need it - instead we drop $40 million dollars of health care money on a parking ramp. Why doesn't the medical campus spend $40 million dollars subsidizing transit, bike, or carpooling incentives?

Loving the sunshine yellow!
That room came together splendidly. I love the bold yellow you guys chose.
thanks 27 inches is huge for a monitor or at least it looks huge it is bigger then my small tv :)
Thanks (e:libertad)!
(e:metalpeter) hmm I will find the dimensions for you. But they both would definitely hold three monitors. (e:paul)'s monitor is pretty huge, 27". I would keep an eye out on craigslist!
The Desk looks like it works pretty well holds 3 Monitors I need a Big desk for my media area or something that one Monitor looks Giant How giant is it if you don't mind me asking ?
The room looks great, nice job!
Not ready for plastergeddon yet.