Despite most of the stations looking worse than ever, the red subway tiles are still just as awesome.

The Sato menu at this location has new stuff like rice bowls. I had one with fried tofu and spring rolls - it was really good except for the ranch on it. Still not a fan of gross condiments.

Paul and his comically oversized ramen

The restaurant was very cute. I think I like it better than the Elmwood one, less fancy and more smiling food.

Paul wanted a shopping spree so we walked down a few blocks of Main Street, with a stop at Parkside Candy.

And this tiny shop (probably 10x20ft) called MerMaid and Weasel. It was supposed to be a shop for nerds. They didn't have much in the store but the owner was in there knitting little fox faces, which I liked. Paul got (e:mike) some candy cigs.
Why is a car dealership allowed to steal the sidewalk to sell their shitty machines? Pretty sure we

On the way back we took the Lasalle station home. It looks like water must be leaking in the tunnel at the top because some areas had a shit ton of paint peeling off the metal panels. Good thing we can get $40 million dollars of federal funds to put cars on three blocks of Main Street, but can't spare any for the NFTA!

I keep meaning to try the Elmwood one but I'm kinda picky some things are great I just don't like the taste ..... Food looks good though