Somehow once again I managed to fit two dinners in one day, and one stomach. I wish we could somehow combine them.
it was crazy warm outside so we rode our bikes to (e:paul)'s parents. gotta burn dessert beforehand.
I stayed there for a few hours and had the amazing risotto and candied yams. Paul made a tasty cranberry sauce with grapefruit and cloves.
Then I sped over to my parents for round two. My mom managed a falafel tukey stuffed with vegetarian stuffing complete with drumsticks! Pinterest worthy, mom. Thanks.
We had the usual relatives and dogs over and 10 different pies. =7 too bad there's no gluttonous emoji.
At the end of the night, Paul and Terry stopped over to say hi to my family. Paul managed to make a few minutes before he started going full allergic. (he did have to bike home to black Friday with (e:mike).) pretty good day!

Omg that falafel turkey is so cute! I grew up having two thanksgiving dinners and loved it! I miss those days.