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12/09/2015 23:08 #60359

Deutschland bound!
Category: germany
We're going to Germany! Fuck yeah! I don't think I've ever been so excited for something in my life. Especially since I started learning German two years ago down in Scrody, PA :) (e:joe,58063)

I finally got my check for Squeaky Wheel which I reserved for a trip to Germany. I have been searching constantly for the best deals. Using kayak I found a few amazing deals.

For three weeks in June, we could have gone round trip from Toronto to Hamburg for super cheap - $1800. Anyway we decided to split up the trip from north to south, and finish the trip in (e:paul)'s ancestral home near Venice. So flying out of Toronto on June 8th, and coming back from Venice on the 30th ended up being $2200 total for all three of us. Woop.

Not only that, but I managed to find very cheap passes for the Deutsche Bahn so we can make our away around for a fraction of the normal ticket prices.

We haven't decided everywhere we're going. But we're probably starting out in Flensburg, where (e:paul) went to school the first time around, for the first week. And spending the last few days in Venice.

The list of things I want to do:
1. Ride the high speed ICE bahn train
2. Go naked swimming legally
3. Speak German to people
4. Eat some Turkish food

A picture of Flensberg from the air,

ExBuffalonian - 12/10/15 06:45
Congratulations! That sounds like an amazing trip, and you got an incredible deal on airfare. We've hosted German exchange students many times and have taken trips to Germany. I'm sure you're going to love it. For many years, Munich was our favorite city in Germany, but now we're leaning towards Cologne. It was surprising to s at first how different the cities are from one another, and especially at the differences between regions. The north and the south are like totally different countries, and now that I think about it, the same could probably be said when comparing different regions of the of the United States, Maine versus Texas, for example. Bon voyage!

12/09/2015 00:43 #60358

The Gratwick building view
Category: cars
I like Gratwick Basic Science Building, the building (e:paul) and I work in. Despite the asbestos and radiators that constantly overheat me, I think the old school lab feel is practical and comfortable.

Since it's 7 floors tall you have a pretty good view of downtown and even the lake. The parking wasteland is ugly but you can get a nice view of the sun when it goes down.

From Paul's desk you can the most ridiculous traffic I've seen in Buffalo. Every day, a 15 minute long line queues up outside the valet for people waiting to valet park. It completely closes off the street, everyone honks, it's crazy. I definitely see why they have the service - if you're sick or disabled, it's probably very helpful. But that can't be everyone in this line - you definitely could park in the visitor lot and walk over by the time you got through.

Maybe if more medical campus employees biked, walked and railed to work there would be parking for disabled patients who need it - instead we drop $40 million dollars of health care money on a parking ramp. Why doesn't the medical campus spend $40 million dollars subsidizing transit, bike, or carpooling incentives? If you don't like parking 5 blocks away into the Fruit Belt, the residents don't either, and you don't want to pay the (already subsidized) lot fees - maybe you should find another way to get to work.


12/07/2015 01:31 #60357

Sunday party
Category: parties

I'm behind again. oops.
Last Sunday (e:terry) went to a birthday party for this girl Felicity and her friend Oliver. We didn't know many people there but I did run into my sisters old classmates. We got good and crunk and since everything started at 7pm we were safe and sound under the table by 1.






11/29/2015 19:54 #60354

When did
Category: house

When did I become a homeowner with (e:Paul) and (e:terry)?

We are mostly done with the new study. On Saturday we picked up a new desk for (e:Paul) down in Orchard Park (thanks (e:Heidi) for letting us use your truck rental). He hates it because part of the desk isn't solid wood and has a chip on it. But I think the room looks pretty complete. we took down an old rug and put out the plants and a chair. it's pretty cozy in the daylight. Paul also ordered curtains.

We might buy one more desk from my dad, its very nice and solid hardwood.

Paul also started to repaint the back hall upstairs. The wall texture is pretty shitty but I started to scrape away all the bubbled wallpaper. Unfortunately there are large diagonal cracks down the wall from the settlement of the front foundation. Personally I'd love to rip out some walls to redo electric to modern standards, insulate and add fireblocking. I think we'd have to be ready to do multiple rooms though because I know how quickly that snowballs.






tinypliny - 12/23/15 14:22
Loving the sunshine yellow!
ExBuffalonian - 12/13/15 11:37
That room came together splendidly. I love the bold yellow you guys chose.
metalpeter - 12/13/15 01:41
thanks 27 inches is huge for a monitor or at least it looks huge it is bigger then my small tv :)
joe - 12/09/15 23:10
Thanks (e:libertad)!

(e:metalpeter) hmm I will find the dimensions for you. But they both would definitely hold three monitors. (e:paul)'s monitor is pretty huge, 27". I would keep an eye out on craigslist!
metalpeter - 12/06/15 18:42
The Desk looks like it works pretty well holds 3 Monitors I need a Big desk for my media area or something that one Monitor looks Giant How giant is it if you don't mind me asking ?
libertad - 11/30/15 11:13
The room looks great, nice job!
paul - 11/30/15 00:20
Not ready for plastergeddon yet.

11/28/2015 01:51 #60351

Thanksgiving Day
Category: holiday

Somehow once again I managed to fit two dinners in one day, and one stomach. I wish we could somehow combine them.

it was crazy warm outside so we rode our bikes to (e:paul)'s parents. gotta burn dessert beforehand.

I stayed there for a few hours and had the amazing risotto and candied yams. Paul made a tasty cranberry sauce with grapefruit and cloves.

Then I sped over to my parents for round two. My mom managed a falafel tukey stuffed with vegetarian stuffing complete with drumsticks! Pinterest worthy, mom. Thanks.

We had the usual relatives and dogs over and 10 different pies. =7 too bad there's no gluttonous emoji.

At the end of the night, Paul and Terry stopped over to say hi to my family. Paul managed to make a few minutes before he started going full allergic. (he did have to bike home to black Friday with (e:mike).) pretty good day!









libertad - 11/28/15 13:16
Omg that falafel turkey is so cute! I grew up having two thanksgiving dinners and loved it! I miss those days.