So I wanted to post mobile on here yesterday but Battery power was a real issue .... I like the hot weather but it and TheSun and groups standing in middle of road was tiring but every thing was good
joe - 07/15/15 00:35 Do you post from the iPhone browser or your computer?
Wish we were in town for it. Seems like it had a lot of chain restaurants now though?
metalpeter - 07/12/15 08:50 Why it double posted pics not sure what I did wrong
07/05/2015 22:54 #60101
2015 4th Of July and more Category: photos
So There will be pictures but gotta vent first .............
So I had off on Friday the 3rd and I thought about going to see The Bisons and BPO but Work is Physically and Emotionally tiring It is all ways a long day and got longer recently since so much work ..... So I was pretty tired anyway and on 4th was going to be a long day .....
I got to wake up around 5AM for a live wrestling event that was live from Japan on line ... That was great to wake up have breakfast watch wrestling and talk on line then get some rest and off to Ellicotville with Sister and Niece and Friend and Friends mom was going to ... It was BPO and some stars wars music ......
Ellicotville :
You can't see it (also not sure why double posted ) but my Niece got a lot of Attention for the Skeleton / Day Of The Dead but it glittered and around the Eyes it was pretty cool ........
Holiday Valley:
06/13/2015 22:53 #60052
Pride Parade 2015 (last weekend) Category: photos
So went to the Pride Parade and it was nice to not see Protesters or at least not where I was till like the end they where there but ..... Also I missed some photos in the middle of the Parade Had trouble changing Batteries ... I wanted to post before now but got behind again and not sure how to post with lots of pictures so hope I give about the right amount ......
having some tech issues my computer is acting funny but it was fun
joe - 06/16/15 01:40 Another good year and more good pics - sad we missed it!
ExBuffalonian - 06/14/15 10:27 Thanks for posting these pics. Looks like it was a good time!
06/07/2015 20:38 #60025
Pride Parade Video 2015
So the Parade was fun I do have Photos to post but wanted to try posting the video they are from an app called Periscope then i uploaded to youtube I have one video that is to long for youtube but lets see if this works
metalpeter - 06/07/15 20:40 it made them links I could not find the part where you high light it and then hit video Interesting ....
05/17/2015 19:00 #60001
Hospice Walk 2015 Category: photos
Ok where to start I guess Things have been bothering me a bit recently but for multiple reasons this time of year is kinda tough... It isn't like oh I'm thinking about this ... It is hard to explain but the Party was great thanks everyone (was not sure if I was going to make it for a bit ) it was a great time so just another thank you....
The Hospice walk there are some people who really get into and have teams and shirts with Pictures on them and team names and really go for it... There is no way I could do that but I give them props it is not a fun walk for me ... But this year there was not that sense of dread (I think the Party had a lot to do with that)
Now the Pictures I am posting are more about what I saw and they are on facebook as well ... But being by the water and seeing the monuments wait wrong term but means I don't need to go on Memorial day , not that I all ways go, .....
Do you post from the iPhone browser or your computer?
Wish we were in town for it. Seems like it had a lot of chain restaurants now though?
Why it double posted pics not sure what I did wrong