Metalpeter's Journal
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03/03/2015 19:54 #59878
Mayan RuinsCategory: photos
So as part of the Cruise one of the ports was Cozumel I picked to go see the Tulum Ruins.... Yes with both ports there was stress just all the getting ready and having to be a certain place at certain time and not knowing how stuff was going to go down .... But I made it through it .... Now the one bad thing about it is it takes a lot of time to get there you take a boat ride that you have to get on that is very very bouncy and got some people sick ... IF I would have bought a Drink I would have Puked to.... I saw things in Mexico that I didn't get pictures of wasn't fast enough like a guy with some kind of little big cat of some kind and other animals .... Then On the way back there was a place to eat and drink but I didn't eat there cause of the boat ride I would be on later and also a bus trip was part of it..... Now at the ruins there was a beach but it was not safe to swim it was closed... And I did learn a lot it was a lot of fun .....

03/01/2015 09:36 #59872
Bandits Win and ArenaCategory: photos
So I do still Have Bandits Season Tickets and Today I am going to a WWE House Show at the Arena... I know the people who work there like at all NHL Arenas and some places have multiple sports like Buffalo do a great job doing a change over.... I have no idea what they do and if they pull up rug and then lay down stuff ... If it is Hockey do they just cover the ice like they use to with those boards ..... Or is that the Job of the WWE and I wonder what time they came in... Not to mention they have to have the ring set up before the event so wrestlers can hit it first and kinda go over what they do ..... It is a 1PM Bell Time and the game ended at close to 10 .... But they always do a great Job .... But I wonder how much pressure is on the crews to get it all set up ......
It was a great Bandits Game last night and the Bandits won.... I forget the New Goalies Name but he did a Victory lap before the rest of the team did that was kinda cool a few pics .....

It was a great Bandits Game last night and the Bandits won.... I forget the New Goalies Name but he did a Victory lap before the rest of the team did that was kinda cool a few pics .....
02/28/2015 16:39 #59870
Jamaica 2015 cruiseCategory: photos
So I will Admit that I try to Keep up with (e:strip) and fall behind I think part of that is Twitter is good or can be at real time conversation but what it and facebook are not good at is Blogs and I think they teach you in a way to write short or to even leave words out some times ..... But (e:strip) is about writing something and it is odd with how bad I was in English that I have a blog that I don't prof read .... That being said going to try and keep up better then I have been...
In Jamaica the trip I booked (well all the trips are through the cruise line) was to see Dunn's River Falls .... Wow I was out of shape or maybe it is that the water shoes aren't the best for climbing rocks and the falls but it was a fun time with my bad balance .... That I had no pictures of cause they have all these signs about being hands free .... Turns out if you bring a water camera they will take your photo in the water .... But I bought a DVD that I have not watched yet that is supposed to have Pictures on it... You don't have to walk the falls though you can just look at them (My sis did that and has some nice falls pictures) .....
Then it was off to this beach.... I got the one where they bring you food and drinks .... I went in the water a little bit .... You could rent stuff if you wanted to but I wanted to relax.... One could swim I didn't cause I couldn't really watch my stuff not that I thought any one from the group would take it .......
(Photos from Water Camera )

I am Not a Fan of Beer but Had to try to Red Stripe

I added a few from the Big Camera I enjoyed the band and a few shots from the ship of us leaving

In Jamaica the trip I booked (well all the trips are through the cruise line) was to see Dunn's River Falls .... Wow I was out of shape or maybe it is that the water shoes aren't the best for climbing rocks and the falls but it was a fun time with my bad balance .... That I had no pictures of cause they have all these signs about being hands free .... Turns out if you bring a water camera they will take your photo in the water .... But I bought a DVD that I have not watched yet that is supposed to have Pictures on it... You don't have to walk the falls though you can just look at them (My sis did that and has some nice falls pictures) .....
Then it was off to this beach.... I got the one where they bring you food and drinks .... I went in the water a little bit .... You could rent stuff if you wanted to but I wanted to relax.... One could swim I didn't cause I couldn't really watch my stuff not that I thought any one from the group would take it .......
(Photos from Water Camera )
I am Not a Fan of Beer but Had to try to Red Stripe
I added a few from the Big Camera I enjoyed the band and a few shots from the ship of us leaving
02/28/2015 12:04 #59869
CruisingSo I want to Post some Pictures from the Cruise I went on Got back on Monday but that will be the next post later today ... I went with Sis her Daughter and one of my sis Friends and my mother .... Yes it was fun but not as fun as it should have been... One Port where you Taxi in, had high waves , Weather was to bad and that was going to be a family day everyone at the beach.... Also I could feel the movement of the ship not enough to make me sick but still some .... But the part that is tough about a Cruise is you go down a day early and stay some where (Some people didn't do that from Buffalo and Boston and flights didn't make it ) and then you are on the water with out being any where it is like 3 or 4 of the days (going and coming back ) and when you lose one you are on the ship more then at ports ... now Their are longer cruises this is not true (Go to more places ) ... They had some great entertainment like Improve Comedy , Blue Man Group and that Cirque stuff so it was fun I'm not saying it isn't just that a lot of the activities where not my cup of tea..... Yes they Have Pools on the top deck but for me with the wind I would have felt cold or cool I like to be warm so for me it was out .....
We Left out of Miami but for those that don't fly some leave from NYC .... NCL is the cruise line my Sister booked it was for her 30th Birthday... If you don't like Asians it might not be the company for you I have no problem with them and all the crew was great .... But I wonder what it is like to work on a ship .... It must be tough in some ways but I bet it is a highly sought after job ?
We Left out of Miami but for those that don't fly some leave from NYC .... NCL is the cruise line my Sister booked it was for her 30th Birthday... If you don't like Asians it might not be the company for you I have no problem with them and all the crew was great .... But I wonder what it is like to work on a ship .... It must be tough in some ways but I bet it is a highly sought after job ?
01/02/2015 22:11 #59713
Holiday SeasonCategory: photos
So At this time of year there are all kinds of Holidays and it can be tough even if you have a great Holiday it is easy to think but oh we did that this other way like it was better ... But That isn't really what this post is about it is about just posting some Pictures of the season and yeah some will be TSO but Hopefully Not to many just a few .......

Now that being said I do like Christmas Lights and the huge Displays but never got to see that show Christmas Light Fights guess it was a competition I also can take no credit for Christmas Cookies .... Now in terms of TSO I like them and the effects they used with that chest is cool but liked past shows better ..... Hoping to keep up with posting on here .....
Now that being said I do like Christmas Lights and the huge Displays but never got to see that show Christmas Light Fights guess it was a competition I also can take no credit for Christmas Cookies .... Now in terms of TSO I like them and the effects they used with that chest is cool but liked past shows better ..... Hoping to keep up with posting on here .....
joe - 01/04/15 01:46
I agree about the cookies.
With all those fireworks and pyrotechnics that had to be a crazy show.
I agree about the cookies.
With all those fireworks and pyrotechnics that had to be a crazy show.
metalpeter - 01/03/15 00:21
Yeah those cookies vanished quickly I got to Have 2 I think (But I didn't cook them or unwrap the kisses so .... Yes that is TSO
Yeah those cookies vanished quickly I got to Have 2 I think (But I didn't cook them or unwrap the kisses so .... Yes that is TSO
paul - 01/02/15 22:31
The top cookies look awesome. Is that the transiberian orchestra?
The top cookies look awesome. Is that the transiberian orchestra?
I did not miss the wind cause it was windy on the big deck HA it really was for me it made me not swim I wish this beach was open but guess the rip currents where unsafe .... It was a fun time just wish more fun .... The day before was going to be an all beach day with family could have had someone to watch my stuff but do to weather would not let us into the port. Here I would have liked to get a Margartia and some food but the ferry was way to rough thought I might not keep it down it was still fun and I learned some new stuff and stuff I forgot
Glad you had a lot of fun, you always do so many things.
I'm jealous too. I want to swim so bad.
But didn't you miss 5 foot snow drifts and skin destroying winds whipping through your scarf? That water looks amazing, the sun looks amazing, seeing green vegetation is amazing. This looks like it was a fun trip. I'm jealous.