So This blog or somewhere it might be called a note or something is not like one of those had these goal and made them didn't make these type of things It isn't really specific either really ......
I am Hopeful that 2015 will be better but I doubt it...... Now I do not want to say 2014 was bad but it sure felt like I missed a lot of stuff I wanted to go to like the entire Halloween Weekend .... But I think I am often like that but maybe I just noticed it more this year .... But yeah there have been some rough patches for sure...... Some of that is part of getting older I guess ......
But some times when I did miss stuff and some stuff there is just no way to go to it and get back there really isn't but I mean stuff where I said ok going to go to that..... At least most of the time I tried to make the best out of it at home .... I missed so much cool Infringement festival stuff this year but also ran into some I didn't know about so.... But there is still many things I planned to do or where like a strong maybe I missed or that is how it felt at least .....
Our bad sports often fun to still watch doesn't help with the mood.... But that brings up kinda a point... I think that say something good happens it Yeah this is awesome and fun and wow and it is great .... But then something (and not in a fun way ha sorry had to) leaves a bad taste in your mouth or is Negative and it Hurts more then that good feeling and lasts longer ......
Some things I have enjoyed where TV moments now this sounds odd but sometimes over on Twitter one can have a lot of fun ... I sometimes wake up tired or don't feel well and I missed something pretty cool so watched the 2 Sharknandos and talking about it live with everyone was a blast... And last year started out talking about the parade and whom ever was in the Winter Classic that was a fun day.... It isn't the same as talking about it and yelling with a bunch of people but it kinda feels sorta the same way sometimes ... If it is a talk and not just a comment .....
I can admit that there is something still kinda odd about all forms of Social Media ..... So Sometimes it is tough to know how much to share and you know this person from this one thing and this person from that other thing.... So sometimes the political stuff can get way over heated and can drain one .... And there has been some bad stuff we all have seen this year and we all have different views on it..... But debating can be fun but it can wear you out also...... Hoping to be civil hope I was last year... But it is tough cause words have two meanings and codes so you can say one thing and people think it means something else.... Hoping to be more clear next year if I wasn't this year .....
Sorta lost my train of thought I just hope the new year is better then 2014 we shall see........
Metalpeter's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/30/2014 13:22 #59705
Kinda looking back on 2014 sorta but....Category: life
12/20/2014 23:07 #59669
Christmas Music The Good The Bad and The UglySunday is Pretty Much my Christmas
-I have wanted to write some blogs recently but with so much Political Stuff going on doing it on Facebook or commenting on articles takes a lot out of it and plus I don't think most people get it
--This is true of Holiday Shopping and people working and not only all the ferguson stuff and now the Sony stuff
I know Many people do not like Christmas Music but I do mostly Not all day everyday and not on Thanksgiving maybe after the day or if the day is over and you put up Christmas stuff
What I Don't like is that one song The Christmas Shoes oh that is sad and depressing they need to have a warning on that song and maybe put like a hot line number on after it.... And that brings up another Point warning Can we please get them on any gross out ads or that deadly smoking lady ...I don't eat during gory shows for a reason I should be able to change channel or not look if I wish .....
What I also sometimes don't like but mostly like is a lot of it has a Romantic Feel but some of it isn't Christmas music like Let it Snow and Baby it is cold out side :) but they have that romantic tone
The Thing that I like about Christmas Music is that where else can you hear Big Band Music any more or that old style singing and then there is like a new pop artistic take on it and I have heard a couple that are really good and so you get this great different styles of music on the Radio ....
One Bad thing though is I love TSO they are amazing but when you learn their music first by going to see them if you see them enough you picture like the pyro and them above the crowd when their music plays but if you are someone who doesn't really like that thing but you went then you still see it in your Head ? :)
But the one thing that can also be tough about Christmas Music is that it can sometimes remind you of "The Good Times " or say "The Good Ole Days" what I mean you remember when things where good (Kinda like how in a Christmas Story it is a look back at a better time sort of) but the good feeling can be like argh it isn't that way now ... So yeah you can get a little bit down......
But all in All Christmas Music does make me smile and it is fun to pretend you are singing like that in your head ... That is another thing I like about it... It almost all ways has great vocals .....
-I have wanted to write some blogs recently but with so much Political Stuff going on doing it on Facebook or commenting on articles takes a lot out of it and plus I don't think most people get it
--This is true of Holiday Shopping and people working and not only all the ferguson stuff and now the Sony stuff
I know Many people do not like Christmas Music but I do mostly Not all day everyday and not on Thanksgiving maybe after the day or if the day is over and you put up Christmas stuff
What I Don't like is that one song The Christmas Shoes oh that is sad and depressing they need to have a warning on that song and maybe put like a hot line number on after it.... And that brings up another Point warning Can we please get them on any gross out ads or that deadly smoking lady ...I don't eat during gory shows for a reason I should be able to change channel or not look if I wish .....
What I also sometimes don't like but mostly like is a lot of it has a Romantic Feel but some of it isn't Christmas music like Let it Snow and Baby it is cold out side :) but they have that romantic tone
The Thing that I like about Christmas Music is that where else can you hear Big Band Music any more or that old style singing and then there is like a new pop artistic take on it and I have heard a couple that are really good and so you get this great different styles of music on the Radio ....
One Bad thing though is I love TSO they are amazing but when you learn their music first by going to see them if you see them enough you picture like the pyro and them above the crowd when their music plays but if you are someone who doesn't really like that thing but you went then you still see it in your Head ? :)
But the one thing that can also be tough about Christmas Music is that it can sometimes remind you of "The Good Times " or say "The Good Ole Days" what I mean you remember when things where good (Kinda like how in a Christmas Story it is a look back at a better time sort of) but the good feeling can be like argh it isn't that way now ... So yeah you can get a little bit down......
But all in All Christmas Music does make me smile and it is fun to pretend you are singing like that in your head ... That is another thing I like about it... It almost all ways has great vocals .....
metalpeter - 12/27/14 00:24
Auto Correct is crazy some times the other day changed a word that was spelled right to another word .... Even though the holiday for me is now passed I may listen to some more ... Oh wait it isn't passed going to TSO they don't only do Christmas Music but it is the biggest part of their act
Auto Correct is crazy some times the other day changed a word that was spelled right to another word .... Even though the holiday for me is now passed I may listen to some more ... Oh wait it isn't passed going to TSO they don't only do Christmas Music but it is the biggest part of their act
tinypliny - 12/25/14 09:46
Buble not bible. Lol perils of writing on a mobile self-correcting platform. :-)
Buble not bible. Lol perils of writing on a mobile self-correcting platform. :-)
tinypliny - 12/25/14 09:44
Hahah this made me laugh inside. I love Christmas music all year round. I especially love the traditional carols. I somewhat like all new songs too but seldom know the lyrics to any. Most importantly, I just cannot make out lyrics of most songs unless I make a special effort to find them online - and end up forgetting them anyway. So the songs get judged in my mind by their tunes. ;-)
Merry Christmas!
Oh and I also like Christmas cake and love all Michael Bible's Christmas songs :-)
Hahah this made me laugh inside. I love Christmas music all year round. I especially love the traditional carols. I somewhat like all new songs too but seldom know the lyrics to any. Most importantly, I just cannot make out lyrics of most songs unless I make a special effort to find them online - and end up forgetting them anyway. So the songs get judged in my mind by their tunes. ;-)
Merry Christmas!
Oh and I also like Christmas cake and love all Michael Bible's Christmas songs :-)
joe - 12/23/14 00:33
Christmas shoes is the worst!
Christmas shoes is the worst!
12/28/2014 17:27 #59694
Buffalo And SportsCategory: sports
So Been Meaning to write a Sports Blog for ages and it never felt right to do really but now that The Bills are done with their season is a good time I guess .....
I didn't read the Article but it was 50 years ago that the Bills won the AFL Championship... This was before they had a SuperBowl But some how this doesn't count as a Championship even though back then it was.....
Bills Made it to 4 superbowls in a row and Where AFC Champions 4 years in a Row I know they count that as the same thing but you are still your leagues champion think they also won the AFC East in those same years ... But that was part of the time when the NFC would win the SuperBowl so ....
Now The Bandits Have 4 Championships but People don't count that but then they cry about the Sabres not Winning the Cup hey go look at the Bandits Banners ..... And I admit they have had the chance to win more of them and if played up to their talent might have a couple more (yeah that sounds like the Bills HA )
Sabres Fans make fun of MapleLeaf fans since no Stanley Cup in ages but at least they have one guys ... The Most famous Sabres The French Connection Didn't win the cup granted before my time.... Yes the world famous line don't have a cup kinda odd.....
The Buffalo Bisons Have won Championships Back to Back by the way and maybe even 3 at one point... Now that isn't the Major Leagues but still Professional baseball......
So Yes Buffalo Sports is worse then we are good no matter how you count it not that I am .... But you know what we are where we really should be.... Of course we want to win and get some championships in Major Sports (But I think Buffalo Sports fans like to be miserable some times and if Destroyers would have been good enough to win Arena Bowl wouldn't count that but they where bad) ... But we are not Chicago , Toronto , NYC or one of these big cities.. Yes some small markets like Green Bay are good but they don't have Hockey.... That is like the State Team and community owns them....
Buffalo Got The Bills cause they where a great City then..... We get other sports from the Bills ... If all the leagues formed now Buffalo wouldn't get anything ..... We Had an NBA team that packed up and left , I was not watching sports then but our Arena Team left also (That is a Great sport watched it before we got a team) ..... We got teams at the Arena because of the Sabres now you can expand that to Rochester and The Knighthawks who get a team since they had The Americans .... I'm pretty sure .....
Yes I do think that Not being a NFL Playoff team in I think 15 seasons is depressing and our teams often seem to not play as well as they should... But we are a small City ..... Yes the way NFL shares money helps counter this a lot .... But take Jim Kelly as an example who is like Mr Buffalo when he came here he didn't really want to .... And that is something that hurts us in sports If you do not know Buffalo most people want the Big City or the warm weather .... So it should be shocking we have good seasons at all......
I am Hoping that Pegula can change this.... I mean the Pegulas but I don't know running one team is tough enough unless Kim Runs one Team and Terry Runs the other..... My guess is he is the emotional one... And not to be to racist she is The Dragon Lady cutting off heads with her sword and breathing fire with a smile on her face and very calculated but just a guess .....
And yes I Have seen some Sabres teams that looked like they where good enough to win the cup.... and Yes I was scared Buffalo would Burn to the ground like in that movie... You had a sold out Building and then they invited everyone with that Party at the Plaza... Granted Bandits Fans are more Hardcore but when they won back in MILL Tittle people where pounding on cars like the lets go Bandits if Sabres win Harbor center might burn down or get trashed people wouldn't be able to handle it ?????
I didn't read the Article but it was 50 years ago that the Bills won the AFL Championship... This was before they had a SuperBowl But some how this doesn't count as a Championship even though back then it was.....
Bills Made it to 4 superbowls in a row and Where AFC Champions 4 years in a Row I know they count that as the same thing but you are still your leagues champion think they also won the AFC East in those same years ... But that was part of the time when the NFC would win the SuperBowl so ....
Now The Bandits Have 4 Championships but People don't count that but then they cry about the Sabres not Winning the Cup hey go look at the Bandits Banners ..... And I admit they have had the chance to win more of them and if played up to their talent might have a couple more (yeah that sounds like the Bills HA )
Sabres Fans make fun of MapleLeaf fans since no Stanley Cup in ages but at least they have one guys ... The Most famous Sabres The French Connection Didn't win the cup granted before my time.... Yes the world famous line don't have a cup kinda odd.....
The Buffalo Bisons Have won Championships Back to Back by the way and maybe even 3 at one point... Now that isn't the Major Leagues but still Professional baseball......
So Yes Buffalo Sports is worse then we are good no matter how you count it not that I am .... But you know what we are where we really should be.... Of course we want to win and get some championships in Major Sports (But I think Buffalo Sports fans like to be miserable some times and if Destroyers would have been good enough to win Arena Bowl wouldn't count that but they where bad) ... But we are not Chicago , Toronto , NYC or one of these big cities.. Yes some small markets like Green Bay are good but they don't have Hockey.... That is like the State Team and community owns them....
Buffalo Got The Bills cause they where a great City then..... We get other sports from the Bills ... If all the leagues formed now Buffalo wouldn't get anything ..... We Had an NBA team that packed up and left , I was not watching sports then but our Arena Team left also (That is a Great sport watched it before we got a team) ..... We got teams at the Arena because of the Sabres now you can expand that to Rochester and The Knighthawks who get a team since they had The Americans .... I'm pretty sure .....
Yes I do think that Not being a NFL Playoff team in I think 15 seasons is depressing and our teams often seem to not play as well as they should... But we are a small City ..... Yes the way NFL shares money helps counter this a lot .... But take Jim Kelly as an example who is like Mr Buffalo when he came here he didn't really want to .... And that is something that hurts us in sports If you do not know Buffalo most people want the Big City or the warm weather .... So it should be shocking we have good seasons at all......
I am Hoping that Pegula can change this.... I mean the Pegulas but I don't know running one team is tough enough unless Kim Runs one Team and Terry Runs the other..... My guess is he is the emotional one... And not to be to racist she is The Dragon Lady cutting off heads with her sword and breathing fire with a smile on her face and very calculated but just a guess .....
And yes I Have seen some Sabres teams that looked like they where good enough to win the cup.... and Yes I was scared Buffalo would Burn to the ground like in that movie... You had a sold out Building and then they invited everyone with that Party at the Plaza... Granted Bandits Fans are more Hardcore but when they won back in MILL Tittle people where pounding on cars like the lets go Bandits if Sabres win Harbor center might burn down or get trashed people wouldn't be able to handle it ?????
metalpeter - 12/29/14 08:32
Yeah that was a great movie .... I think for hockey they would for sure if it was a home game or if you had say thousands at the Arena with football maybe not as much since Super Bowl would be in other city but still some un rest I'm guessing but just a guess ....
Yeah that was a great movie .... I think for hockey they would for sure if it was a home game or if you had say thousands at the Arena with football maybe not as much since Super Bowl would be in other city but still some un rest I'm guessing but just a guess ....
joe - 12/29/14 01:35
I think Buffalo would have Vancouver style riots if any of the teams ever won anything. I remember there was a movie about Buffalo with Jim Carrey where it happened.
I think Buffalo would have Vancouver style riots if any of the teams ever won anything. I remember there was a movie about Buffalo with Jim Carrey where it happened.
11/05/2014 20:00 #59542
Harbor Center AreaCategory: photos
On Monday I went to Monday Night Raw and not going to post pictures from that to many I wouldn't know where to start but I did take a few around the arena area .....
First of all the Tim Horton Statue has a chain link fence around it but you can't tell with the shots I took.... I do want to try 716 and didn't make it to the Special Tim Horton's yet ... The odd thing though is how big Harbor Centre looks it didn't seem that big last Lacrosse season ........






















First of all the Tim Horton Statue has a chain link fence around it but you can't tell with the shots I took.... I do want to try 716 and didn't make it to the Special Tim Horton's yet ... The odd thing though is how big Harbor Centre looks it didn't seem that big last Lacrosse season ........
metalpeter - 11/06/14 23:14
The way I came into that area I didn't get a chance to look at the canals I don't think they are finished though .... 716 Opens I think on Friday... There are some things I really like about my Job and somethings I don't... This is a case of if we didn't wear uniforms I would go right down there after work and check it out not sure if there would be any sports on yet so it might be kinda silly .... It is amazing how Massive that building looks ..... When it took up as much space the long way it didn't seem that big .........
The way I came into that area I didn't get a chance to look at the canals I don't think they are finished though .... 716 Opens I think on Friday... There are some things I really like about my Job and somethings I don't... This is a case of if we didn't wear uniforms I would go right down there after work and check it out not sure if there would be any sports on yet so it might be kinda silly .... It is amazing how Massive that building looks ..... When it took up as much space the long way it didn't seem that big .........
joe - 11/06/14 21:23
Nice pictures, glad you posted. Wow, they made a lot of progress on the harbor center in a couple months - are they finished with the other canal section?
Nice pictures, glad you posted. Wow, they made a lot of progress on the harbor center in a couple months - are they finished with the other canal section?
ExBuffalonian - 11/06/14 09:15
Great pictures. Thanks for posting them. They're maybe especially nice for those of us who aren't in Buffalo at the moment.
Great pictures. Thanks for posting them. They're maybe especially nice for those of us who aren't in Buffalo at the moment.
11/02/2014 18:52 #59541
Sucky Halloween It is my own fault though really ....I honestly don't know how to start this post or if it will make any sense I do not even get it my self really ...... (I would not call it a panic attack but think anxiety took me out like before I went to parties)
So Back when on Facebook a saw a Halloween Party I was like awesome ... And With it being on a Friday places don't do anything on Thursday and Sat is Nov. I decided that The e-Strip party was where I wanted to be.... I got a costume one day ... Liquor another and drinks another ........
I had everything planned I was going to come home get ready and watch Wrestling till 10 and then leave at 10 and set up the DVR for all this other stuff ...... By The end of the week gets me pretty worn out sometimes it feels so long to me often... So I figured I might not be able to stay to late.........
However (not that persons fault) I knew someone was going who it would be cool to meet and that it would be great to see a bunch of people I have not seen in a long time (sometimes my mind races about things) .... Maybe I have seen some in passing somewhere .... I get home and my cable is out again .... That threw everything off had to call them and get ready and my heart was racing I did not think I felt that bad but watched something on DVR as part of the getting ready... it was really pounding post shower it really was but got together put on costume sat down thought about how I need to shave a bit and then find Camera and batteries
I am not sure how I went out when I sat down I tried to get up but my body would not let me it was still before the time I would have left if cable was working ..... That has happened before (once recently that I can remember hard to explain)
I think Anxiety is what took me out like back before I made it to parties argh I was looking forward to it and let people down........
Oh it gets worse I guess
I have been behind on (e:strip) for some time and I was looking forward to taking pictures and starting here with pictures and trying to keep up (computer is in room where I watch and live tweet not where I watch DVR is one big reason and the mobile site is nice but don't use it enough I like the pictures big I guess ?)
Saturday was going to be a great event at Nietches with Burlesque I was really looking forward to that as well ... Was sitting around first so maybe landlord so I can pay rent and watching some stuff on line and called cable still out .... I did not feel right not allergies not sick really but cough and hard to explain when you feel you are not all there almost zombie like so figured best to not go get anyone sick(crowded bar ) or like fall over and had to go get an antenna so did that got it home set it up and was out in about an hour of watching stuff on line .... Yeah out cold .......
I didn't even get to watch a Halloween movie .......Oh but I did see a special or two like 3 weeks ago I think ...... and have had some candy here and there ................
I am working on Monday and going from there right to Wrestling and I wonder if (cause this has happened in past) when I have a series of events if my body like shuts me down and it is like... Nope we are knocking you out so you will be fresh for this ..... but not sure .....
on a side note I have wanted to post about like MIA festival and Chicken Wing Festival but so many pictures I did not know where to start .....
So need to do a better job keeping up with everyone .....
It could also be that I was debating that stupid online video to much and got into like a little war over it.... That could have lead to extra stress argh
Not sure but sure did get a lot of unwanted sleep this weekend and I'm off Tues and Wends cause I need to take time off from work and day after RAW that will be a long day... I do wonder if my body knowing that picked that event and shut me down on others .... I'm guessing the Anxiety (and way over thinking things letting my mind go where it shouldn't have in days prior ) ARGH
So Back when on Facebook a saw a Halloween Party I was like awesome ... And With it being on a Friday places don't do anything on Thursday and Sat is Nov. I decided that The e-Strip party was where I wanted to be.... I got a costume one day ... Liquor another and drinks another ........
I had everything planned I was going to come home get ready and watch Wrestling till 10 and then leave at 10 and set up the DVR for all this other stuff ...... By The end of the week gets me pretty worn out sometimes it feels so long to me often... So I figured I might not be able to stay to late.........
However (not that persons fault) I knew someone was going who it would be cool to meet and that it would be great to see a bunch of people I have not seen in a long time (sometimes my mind races about things) .... Maybe I have seen some in passing somewhere .... I get home and my cable is out again .... That threw everything off had to call them and get ready and my heart was racing I did not think I felt that bad but watched something on DVR as part of the getting ready... it was really pounding post shower it really was but got together put on costume sat down thought about how I need to shave a bit and then find Camera and batteries
I am not sure how I went out when I sat down I tried to get up but my body would not let me it was still before the time I would have left if cable was working ..... That has happened before (once recently that I can remember hard to explain)
I think Anxiety is what took me out like back before I made it to parties argh I was looking forward to it and let people down........
Oh it gets worse I guess
I have been behind on (e:strip) for some time and I was looking forward to taking pictures and starting here with pictures and trying to keep up (computer is in room where I watch and live tweet not where I watch DVR is one big reason and the mobile site is nice but don't use it enough I like the pictures big I guess ?)
Saturday was going to be a great event at Nietches with Burlesque I was really looking forward to that as well ... Was sitting around first so maybe landlord so I can pay rent and watching some stuff on line and called cable still out .... I did not feel right not allergies not sick really but cough and hard to explain when you feel you are not all there almost zombie like so figured best to not go get anyone sick(crowded bar ) or like fall over and had to go get an antenna so did that got it home set it up and was out in about an hour of watching stuff on line .... Yeah out cold .......
I didn't even get to watch a Halloween movie .......Oh but I did see a special or two like 3 weeks ago I think ...... and have had some candy here and there ................
I am working on Monday and going from there right to Wrestling and I wonder if (cause this has happened in past) when I have a series of events if my body like shuts me down and it is like... Nope we are knocking you out so you will be fresh for this ..... but not sure .....
on a side note I have wanted to post about like MIA festival and Chicken Wing Festival but so many pictures I did not know where to start .....
So need to do a better job keeping up with everyone .....
It could also be that I was debating that stupid online video to much and got into like a little war over it.... That could have lead to extra stress argh
Not sure but sure did get a lot of unwanted sleep this weekend and I'm off Tues and Wends cause I need to take time off from work and day after RAW that will be a long day... I do wonder if my body knowing that picked that event and shut me down on others .... I'm guessing the Anxiety (and way over thinking things letting my mind go where it shouldn't have in days prior ) ARGH
metalpeter - 11/02/14 22:53
Thanks, I felt welcome .... Yeah I thought I was past it (or maybe I just didn't have anything that caused it recently ) ....but also by the end of the week I am pretty worn out sometimes but it varies .... I think it was the combo (but there has been a lot of stress at work as well) at least for me ... We aren't at the point of the year yet that bothers me but we are close so maybe that is a factor as well .....
Thanks, I felt welcome .... Yeah I thought I was past it (or maybe I just didn't have anything that caused it recently ) ....but also by the end of the week I am pretty worn out sometimes but it varies .... I think it was the combo (but there has been a lot of stress at work as well) at least for me ... We aren't at the point of the year yet that bothers me but we are close so maybe that is a factor as well .....
paul - 11/02/14 22:38
Sorry you missed it. There will always be next year! Anxiety sucks. You are always welcome at our parties.
Sorry you missed it. There will always be next year! Anxiety sucks. You are always welcome at our parties.
That Is a Good Point ..... Hoping for a better 2015
Here is to a better 2015. There is always Halloween 2015!