I like (e:strip) but but it like anything else is a habit that I have to be better at ... There is only so much Internet time ... The longer the work day the smaller that window gets I honestly forgot about the mobile site .....
Where I work we get orders for product that gets shipped out .... The amount of work we get daily varies .... So what happens is when you have the right amount of staff you normally get the work done and what has to leave the building leaves and isn't late ..... But we where under staffed and some days I would need to come in early to try and get the work done .... Getting people to stay late is tough it really is ..... It was not a lot of OT but it was some ...
After that we had a guy go down he had to have surgery ..... could have been anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks might have wound up being 9 I don't know ..... There where some days that I worked early aka my old time and stayed late ..... I wouldn't plan stuff for Saturday cause I knew I would need to work to get it done ..... Some Saturdays people would come in before me but not work long enough so I would need to work all day to get the work low enough that we would be ok on Monday.... How crazy things got I can't really explain .......
The Saturday of MIA I told them I couldn't work but other then that I worked them... Oh except this one where no one could open the place so I worked extra late for me ... I know long Hours are not like nurses but with the commute a long day to me ......and yeah one feels it for sure ......
I also went to some things that I wanted to post about but I had so many photos it was to hard to know where to even start .....
I also admit as I watch things I TV I like to live tweet with others watching ....
I do keep up with a lot of people on Facebook as well but those updates are not the same as blog posts here .... But in that craziness I could hardly keep up over there as well .....
Yes I myself called it the Summer Of Work I never really got to get away anywhere .....I'm doing a bad job of explaining it but imagine you had to move 100 bags of flower and you 5 guys that is 20 each lets say you get that done right at the amount of time you wanted to spend well now you only have 4 guys now you each need to get 25 and you are behind then you have your next task .........
It was often very stressful but the OT was nice not going to lie but the lack of time was not .......
Metalpeter's Journal
My Podcast Link
11/15/2015 17:31 #60333
The Summer Of Work (aka why I was away )Category: work
11/15/2015 17:31 #60332
The Summer Of Work (aka why I was away )Category: work
I like (e:strip) but but it like anything else is a habit that I have to be better at ... There is only so much Internet time ... The longer the work day the smaller that window gets I honestly forgot about the mobile site .....
Where I work we get orders for product that gets shipped out .... The amount of work we get daily varies .... So what happens is when you have the right amount of staff you normally get the work done and what has to leave the building leaves and isn't late ..... But we where under staffed and some days I would need to come in early to try and get the work done .... Getting people to stay late is tough it really is ..... It was not a lot of OT but it was some ...
After that we had a guy go down he had to have surgery ..... could have been anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks might have wound up being 9 I don't know ..... There where some days that I worked early aka my old time and stayed late ..... I wouldn't plan stuff for Saturday cause I knew I would need to work to get it done ..... Some Saturdays people would come in before me but not work long enough so I would need to work all day to get the work low enough that we would be ok on Monday.... How crazy things got I can't really explain .......
The Saturday of MIA I told them I couldn't work but other then that I worked them... Oh except this one where no one could open the place so I worked extra late for me ... I know long Hours are not like nurses but with the commute a long day to me ......and yeah one feels it for sure ......
I also went to some things that I wanted to post about but I had so many photos it was to hard to know where to even start .....
I also admit as I watch things I TV I like to live tweet with others watching ....
I do keep up with a lot of people on Facebook as well but those updates are not the same as blog posts here .... But in that craziness I could hardly keep up over there as well .....
Yes I myself called it the Summer Of Work I never really got to get away anywhere .....I'm doing a bad job of explaining it but imagine you had to move 100 bags of flower and you 5 guys that is 20 each lets say you get that done right at the amount of time you wanted to spend well now you only have 4 guys now you each need to get 25 and you are behind then you have your next task .........
It was often very stressful but the OT was nice not going to lie but the lack of time was not .......
Where I work we get orders for product that gets shipped out .... The amount of work we get daily varies .... So what happens is when you have the right amount of staff you normally get the work done and what has to leave the building leaves and isn't late ..... But we where under staffed and some days I would need to come in early to try and get the work done .... Getting people to stay late is tough it really is ..... It was not a lot of OT but it was some ...
After that we had a guy go down he had to have surgery ..... could have been anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks might have wound up being 9 I don't know ..... There where some days that I worked early aka my old time and stayed late ..... I wouldn't plan stuff for Saturday cause I knew I would need to work to get it done ..... Some Saturdays people would come in before me but not work long enough so I would need to work all day to get the work low enough that we would be ok on Monday.... How crazy things got I can't really explain .......
The Saturday of MIA I told them I couldn't work but other then that I worked them... Oh except this one where no one could open the place so I worked extra late for me ... I know long Hours are not like nurses but with the commute a long day to me ......and yeah one feels it for sure ......
I also went to some things that I wanted to post about but I had so many photos it was to hard to know where to even start .....
I also admit as I watch things I TV I like to live tweet with others watching ....
I do keep up with a lot of people on Facebook as well but those updates are not the same as blog posts here .... But in that craziness I could hardly keep up over there as well .....
Yes I myself called it the Summer Of Work I never really got to get away anywhere .....I'm doing a bad job of explaining it but imagine you had to move 100 bags of flower and you 5 guys that is 20 each lets say you get that done right at the amount of time you wanted to spend well now you only have 4 guys now you each need to get 25 and you are behind then you have your next task .........
It was often very stressful but the OT was nice not going to lie but the lack of time was not .......
07/12/2015 08:49 #60106
Taste Of Buffalo not liveCategory: buffalo
So I wanted to post mobile on here yesterday but Battery power was a real issue .... I like the hot weather but it and TheSun and groups standing in middle of road was tiring but every thing was good

joe - 07/15/15 00:35
Do you post from the iPhone browser or your computer?
Wish we were in town for it. Seems like it had a lot of chain restaurants now though?
Do you post from the iPhone browser or your computer?
Wish we were in town for it. Seems like it had a lot of chain restaurants now though?
metalpeter - 07/12/15 08:50
Why it double posted pics not sure what I did wrong
Why it double posted pics not sure what I did wrong
07/05/2015 22:54 #60101
2015 4th Of July and moreCategory: photos
So There will be pictures but gotta vent first .............
So I had off on Friday the 3rd and I thought about going to see The Bisons and BPO but Work is Physically and Emotionally tiring It is all ways a long day and got longer recently since so much work ..... So I was pretty tired anyway and on 4th was going to be a long day .....
I got to wake up around 5AM for a live wrestling event that was live from Japan on line ... That was great to wake up have breakfast watch wrestling and talk on line then get some rest and off to Ellicotville with Sister and Niece and Friend and Friends mom was going to ... It was BPO and some stars wars music ......
Ellicotville :

You can't see it (also not sure why double posted ) but my Niece got a lot of Attention for the Skeleton / Day Of The Dead but it glittered and around the Eyes it was pretty cool ........
Holiday Valley:

So I had off on Friday the 3rd and I thought about going to see The Bisons and BPO but Work is Physically and Emotionally tiring It is all ways a long day and got longer recently since so much work ..... So I was pretty tired anyway and on 4th was going to be a long day .....
I got to wake up around 5AM for a live wrestling event that was live from Japan on line ... That was great to wake up have breakfast watch wrestling and talk on line then get some rest and off to Ellicotville with Sister and Niece and Friend and Friends mom was going to ... It was BPO and some stars wars music ......
Ellicotville :

You can't see it (also not sure why double posted ) but my Niece got a lot of Attention for the Skeleton / Day Of The Dead but it glittered and around the Eyes it was pretty cool ........
Holiday Valley:

06/13/2015 22:53 #60052
Pride Parade 2015 (last weekend)Category: photos
So went to the Pride Parade and it was nice to not see Protesters or at least not where I was till like the end they where there but ..... Also I missed some photos in the middle of the Parade Had trouble changing Batteries ... I wanted to post before now but got behind again and not sure how to post with lots of pictures so hope I give about the right amount ......

having some tech issues my computer is acting funny but it was fun

having some tech issues my computer is acting funny but it was fun
joe - 06/16/15 01:40
Another good year and more good pics - sad we missed it!
Another good year and more good pics - sad we missed it!
ExBuffalonian - 06/14/15 10:27
Thanks for posting these pics. Looks like it was a good time!
Thanks for posting these pics. Looks like it was a good time!
It is odd how long days can sneak up on me at least ... I feel fine then out of no where why am I sleepy I assume it is like that for others as well ....
My life is exactly the computer programming version of that.