Paul's Journal
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01/16/2015 19:08 #59755
ZooeyCategory: zooey
01/13/2015 23:15 #59749
Eragem Has The Best Customer Service In The World - My New Diamond RingCategory: jewelry
You will never believe this situation. As I outlined in (e:paul,59727) I have been pretty down with my

(e:joe) told Michael from about the story and he felt awful about the situation. I would have thought maybe we would bargain down on the ring price, but he went ahead offered to send the ring as a free replacement. He also said he would help look for a new sapphire for me . I really couldn't believe it when the doorbell rang and the ring was here this morning as he overnighted it!
Here was the email from Michael at Eragem.

And this was my response.

Here is the ring on my finger

Here was the text of the emails so that they are searchable
Hello Joe and or Paul,
I was sad when I read in the post that my reply to the email that was sent about the stone cracking was not received. I know that emails/replies from my address are sometimes caught in spam filters so I hope you will check back in your email to find my original reply. (I included a forwarded copy of our original reply below)
I am very glad that you came back to our company even after your experience to find something else that was of interest to you and even offered a very fair price for it, not taking into account all that happened previous.
You coming back gave me the opportunity to send you the diamond ring free of charge and hopefully leave you with a better feeling about my company. I will also continue to look for a replacement stone for the original ring.
Sapphires are one of the more durable gemstones. Star sapphires are normally kept as stars because they are more heavily included and often things like natural fractures and larger internal inclusions aren't fully removed from the stone, especially from the underside, all which can make them somewhat more fragile. They should still be very durable but even diamonds can break. When any gemstone is set in a heavy ring it greatly increases its likelihood of being damaged because of the force inertia behind the weight of the ring all gets transferred into the stone and focused on the precise point the stone makes contact with a hard surface.
I hope the new ring will be worn with good feeling until we can find a good sapphire replacement, which I hope happens soon. I wear a star sapphire as well so I know how nice they are to have on hand.
The ring is so amazing. I seriously cannot thank you enough for this. You have gone above and beyond my wildest expectations as a shop owner and I will continue to do business with you for other jewelry as well as tell everyone I know how satisfied with your shop I am.
When I got home from work tonight I will post a update to my blog describing the very satisfactory update to the situation along with pictures of the ring.
I look forward to hearing from you if you can find a similar sapphire for the other ring.
Thank you again for you help.
01/12/2015 22:41 #59746
Dear Google - Let Me Start A Hangout From My WatchCategory: messaging
Why can't I say, "Ok Google, send a message to John Doe" and have it auto choose hangouts instead of SMS. It seems like hangouts should just be the default. At least give me the option to say, "OK Google start a hangout with John Doe"
Its so crazy because you can in fact reply to a hangout, just not start one. Its almost more work to write all these disclaimers about how it doesn't work than to just fix it.
Some things you can’t do with Hangouts on Android Wear
Keep in mind that you can't do certain things with Hangouts on your watch that you could do on your phone.
Start a new Hangouts conversation. You can only reply to a Hangouts message you received.
Start a group Hangout or add a person to a conversation
Start a video call
Share your mood
Send a multimedia message
Sign out of Hangouts
How are they missing out on this? You would think google programmers could fix this in like 30 seconds but it hasn't been available since the watches came out. UGH.

01/10/2015 18:53 #59738
Soup At Soup With Kim and Kanye and Casey and MisumiCategory: food
I had some amazing seafood butter lemon Ramen with crab and shrimp that was the daily special. The soup there is so amazing. I could eat there everyday.

We were joined by two celebrity couples.
Casey and Masumi

Kim and Kanye joined us as well with Kanye showing off his cleavage.

01/11/2015 22:39 #59745
Digital ImmortalityCategory: life
Imagine if you could text message chopsticks based on the history of what she had written and a computer program to approximate her responses. Would it satisfy you more than the medium?
I never really thought about being able to be recreated at the level portrayed in a recent Black Mirror episode but now I think about it all the time.

I know its long but just watch it, you will appreciate it.
I feel so jealous when I think about the kids a generation or two from now that will have most of their lives available in HD VR format during the same time that most of my earlier memories will just vanish into senility. I guess they can't embellish the way i will be able to when I am elderly.
I wish so bad that I could have digitally recorded my Nonna talking to me in VR before she died. Something that you could share with other people and revisit.
I have just about no images from all my crazy adventures as a high school and undergrad college student. Its kills me that I spent a long while in Africa in fall of 1997 and traveled to my families ancestral farm in italy and have no pictures of any of it. If I didn't have some clothing I bought there I would start to doubt I even went.
Many of the images I do have from earlier periods are just images of some landscape. It funny how those things seemed so important when I took the photos, to show to people who I thought could never see those things - but now just about any landscape can be found on google now whereas pictures of the people you care about, frozen in time can not be.
Now I wish I took more pictures of the people I was with and more video.
(e:Terry) hates being in photo and video. Its a miracle I managed this video of us on our trip around America in the summer of 2000. It seems like lifetimes ago.
At the same time at some point it become an issue of quantity. If you 1 to 1 ratio recorded everything that happens in your life, it would take 1 entire lifetime to review it.
Sadly, I censor a huge part of my life now for no good reasons. I basically have turned my journal into a shell of food and dancing reviews. I figure I can pick back up in a post-retirement expose style.
I would HATE being called out to play back an argument because i change my position halfway through a conversation all the time!!
By unobtrusive I meant they didn't have to get out a camera and have everyone pose and act unnatural.
Ya I liked how unobtrusive their recording function worked although I can see how that would end up so crazy.
Did you see the Black Mirror where everyone has every second of their life recorded and they can playback at any time?
This is great, i love Cranky Terry the Last Of The Pale Mohicans! It's those little mundane snippets of life that i find to be lost enjoyable to watch. Most of my memories of people who are gone are tiny fragments such as their wrist, smoking a cigarette, putting on a jacket, laughing, pouring wine etc. i have a Memory Palace that runs films all day of all the things i call up. I dont think i'd like a recreation such as that one from Black Mirror, or even an automated text message. It's pretty creepy when someone dies and their facebook page keeps updating or it says they're attending an upcoming event!
All the same, i like the idea of the things you put out there floating on for eternity. One shouldnt spend their entire life just documenting things for the future to the exclusion of the present, but maybe a balance between the two could be nice.
Tiny you should really watch that show I posted. I think you would like it.
I am actually pretty happy I don't have pictures of the people who mattered to me when they mattered to me. Somehow, they live on in dreams and many a times, in ridiculous misplaced nightmares and they are just like they were all those years ago. They are all there waiting for me to sink into a consciousness of the past. I don't think its possible to forget people who have left a lasting impression on you. The others... just don't matter really.
No good reason indeed.
I censor myself all the time.
Maybe the reasons are to do with being eminently discoverable and the consequences of just thinking too much about repercussions.
I'm so happy for you for many reasons. First, the new ring looks fantastic. Also, I think it's important to have happy thoughts, good memories, and positive feelings about your wedding ring. Now you do, and a great story to share about it. When fortuitous things like this happen, I beleive it could be the universe speaking.
Wow. Now I want to buy jewelry from them. Not that I wear any but you know, just because these folks seem so nice. :)
Hmm... the one ear-stud I had fell out a couple years back. Maybe these jewelers can help me with a replacement.