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01/08/2015 22:19 #59729
Zoodles are Animal NoodlesCategory: commercials
01/08/2015 18:25 #59727
My Cracked Eragem Sapphire Wedding RingCategory: ring
I have been so sad since my natural sapphire from eragem cracked. I didn't expect this to ever be an issue after reading how hard they are

They are basically right behind diamond and are supposed to take all kind of heat and pressure.
I can still remember how happy I was writing to say dreams really can come true (e:paul,57440) when I got my star sapphire wedding ring

Sapphires aren't supposed to crack. $3500 dollars later, I find out they do when I dropped it in the shower. I was really sad. Not just because I liked the ring but because rings are supposed to be an eternal thing. Now I just have cracked stone that stresses me out every single time I look at it. Thats why I don't wear it anymore.

I know there is nothing eragem could probably do but them I wonder if the sapphire had been cracked before and filled with something. I mean it was a three foot fall? I guess the ring is heavy. Everyone seems to suggest sapphires don't crack that easy.
I wrote to to see if they knew of anyone that could repair it or if they knew where I could get a replacement stone but never heard back ;(
Unfortunately, hunting just for the stone I found the cost of a replacement natural star sapphire is about the same as the ring itself. According to the jeweler I talked to, the ring was built around that stone and would have to be melted down and formed to accommodate a new one which would also cost a bunch. Then you have to factor in the labor. I might as well just buy a new ring.
Recently, I found what I think is a good replacement

Here are the old rings stats for comparison. This is a real step down.

Diamond rings are borrrrring.
You know, the broken gem keeps getting prettier the more I look at it. You can actually look into the cracks and imagine a glacier in the north sea. You have your own wonderful little plate tectonic s in that small ring. It's amazing. Close your eyes, fly out to the north pole, come back and look at it again! :)
i think the ring is still pretty, but if you get that diamond one, it probably won't break. The sapphire is protruding from the ring and is one giant piece vs. smaller stones set into the ring. i wonder if there is a way to do something with the crack itself, kind of like kintsugi? They repair broken porcelain with gold and it celebrates the imperfection rather than hiding it. I don't know if that's possible with a stone, but it could be interesting.
I like vintage ones because I don't have to feel bad about the mineral issues. That and I don't have a husband who would be into shopping like that. You are lucky. Mine would melt down in like 30 seconds of that.
Have you considered buying a ring in person, maybe at a place like Tiffany & Co. or Cartier? My husband and I made a trip out of it and went to Tiffany's NYC flagship store on 5th Ave. They treated us like we were the most important customers in the world, personally escorted us to the elevator and second floor, had us sit down at the counter while we tried on different rings, and brought us champagne to sip while we shopped. Then we went to the Boathouse restaurant in Central Park for lunch. We decided on simple, classic platinum bands that could have been purchased online. But the memories we have attached to getting them are irreplaceable. We're not normally such fancy guys, but it was fun for the day and something we'll never forget. Also, Tiffany & Co just started running advertisements for wedding bands starring a gay couple, and that goes a long way to help the LGBT community.
I say the ring is still beautiful! :-)
01/07/2015 00:37 #59725
SSL and robots.txtCategory:
01/03/2015 13:19 #59714
We need a computer labCategory: computers

Standing desks! And a good solution for storing all our computer parts and cords!
01/04/2015 01:52 #59718
Rev. Olivia Miller - Psychics In Buffalo - Buffalo News 1983Category: psychic
The Buffalo News Magazines October 30, 1983
I just converted this with OCR so it might not be perfect. Here is the page about my aunt.

THE HOUSE looks like many others in the North Ogden-Lovejoy area of Sloan: neat flowerbeds, clean white siding, tidy sidewalks. But it's not exactly like every other house. One difference is the small metal plate on a pillar of the front porch, done in rustic lettering: "Rev. Olivia Miller/Church of the Holy Spirit/Use Side Door." Inside the side door is an expan-_ sive kitchen, but just to the rear is the church. The sanctuary contains nine small pews, each big enough for two people. At each seat is a hymnal. The walls are covered with crucifixes, paintings of biblical scenes and bells decorated with angels. In the middle of them are the Rev. Olivia Miller's framed credentials — her certificate of or-dination from Covenant Spiritual Church in Buffalo, dated 1978, and a certificate authorizing Reverend Olivia's Counseling Service to do business in the village of Sloan. "I consider myself to be a counselor becatse of the ministry, because people come to me for guidance," she says. Although her church is Christian-based, Miller says, it also teaches recognition and use of metaphysics. Her faithful (she says they number from twelve to 70 at the weekly service held on Wednesday night) deal particularly with aura reading and psychometry. Aura reading is based on the idea that each human being is sur-rounded by a halo that varies in color with his or her mood and that this halo can be seen by people who are psychically tuned in to it. "I tell people that if someone has been un-fair or mean to them, surround that person with pink universal love," Miller says. "One night a woman called me, very upset," Miller says. "She was upset at her husband, and she said it seemed like every time the family sat down to supper, a squabble would break out and they'd all end up yelling at each other. "At the time, she had a pot of stew cooking. I told her that every time she stirred that stew, she was transferring her bad energy into the stew, and that was what was dis-rupting her family. She stopped feeling upset, and her family stop-ped quarreling."
—photo by DICK MUECKL
Rev. Olivia Miller with
Miller, who lives in the same neighborhood In which she grew up and who has three adult children now, says that as a child, she "used to pick up things on people." "1 had to find out why I felt things about people. Finally, in 1970, I said, 'Hold it. I must find out who I am.' I went out to search for a medium, and I found a wonderful teacher. A lot of people want to learn why things happen in a scien-tific way. I wanted to find the spiritual way. It more or less came to me one night. I woke up saying 'Alchemy is self, alchemy is self.' I paced a long time and thought about what that could mean. And then I realized that I had done a complete about-face in my life, and I didn't feel like screaming at peo-ple any more." Miller uses "color healing" to help spiritually troubled members of her church. She has a special room set up for it and special tools. The room is furnished with a small table, a few chairs and two kneel-ers. It also has a bookshelf on
her colored stones: "Pink universal love" and hostility In the beet stew. which are boxes of colored glass "stones" as well as books. Miller says the seven colors of stones each indicate a different spiritual state of being and she can tell how a person is feeling by which color he or she chooses from a plate of stones. She also does readings, using a crystal ball which she keeps safe in a bag that in other circumstances would be used to carry a bowling ball. "I don't really read the crystal ball," she says. "But I do believe it has energies in it, and I let people feel them." Ntiller is a firm believer in the good works of her church. She says it's Important for her to be at the end of the phone In case someone in need should call and to have the church to offer her counseling. "If someone said, 'You can't have this church,' I wouldn't know what to do. I believe I'm in the right spot in my time."
HOLLY D. REMY Is an assistant editor of The Magazine.
Here is the whole article as a PDF.
OMG, that song is literally in my head a disturbing amount of time, and I'm seriously not even joking.
That being said, I just had a hippopotamus for lunch!
Love you!
It's repressed love for pasta. You got to let it free. Shun carbs.