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05/21/2014 20:53 #59004

my first bid on a house

I bid on a house on Lafayette and west ave. I lost the bid to a buyer paying cash. I did have a good vision for the home.








tinypliny - 05/23/14 14:17
Mine got away. But I am not sad, it just made me hopeful that someday I will meet someone like him. :-)
ExBuffalonian - 05/23/14 13:06
Try not to be discouraged. People find their dreamhomes in even the toughest of markets. It's all about being in the right place at the right time, and you have to stay in the market to make that happen. Things usually work out the way they do for a reason, so don't worry too much when the one you think you want gets away. (I guess that applies to not only house hunting, but in dating too.) Sometimes there are things wrong with houses (and men) that are not apparent on the surface, and not getting what you think you want could be the best thing that ever happened to you.
libertad - 05/22/14 13:57
@exbuf, you have no idea, it's insane, I feel so discouraged. Property values are skyrocketing everywhere on the West Side. Last year I probably could have gotten it for $45k based on sales of similar homes in the area. Actually there is going to be a story about the current housing market in the Buffalo News very soon and I will be quoted in it. This house does look like a wreck but it actually had a lot of charm and it had one of the best foundations I have ever seen. I'm contemplating dropping out of the market and waiting to see if it balances out.
ExBuffalonian - 05/22/14 12:39
Wow, If that sold for $55K cash, then property values have really gone up dramatically in Buffalo since I bought my first house there about 11 years ago. Mine was a double on West Tupper between Maryland and Virginia Streets, and it needed zero fixing up. In fact, it had original hardwood floors, pocket doors, leaded glass windows, and amazing original woodwork. All that for only $74K. I still miss that house. My new house in Baltimore set me back five times that, literally, and has just a fraction of the charm and none of the history.
libertad - 05/22/14 07:21
Yeah it is but I think it would have been worth it. It was sold for 55k.
paul - 05/22/14 00:01
Wow that's a real fixer upper.

05/21/2014 20:40 #59003

California raisin

mike - 05/23/14 18:47
I got my dad this california raisins figurines on a piece of bread that played music for christmas or somethign one time from those stores they would have at school around holidays and I always loved that. It played the simplest do do do do dodododododododo but i loved it

05/21/2014 20:37 #59002

I see you kitteh


05/21/2014 20:34 #59001

main place mall dress code

tinypliny - 05/22/14 14:53
Seriously, HOW do those trousers stay up. It's like an existential question that bothers me every time I spot these pieces of art.
ExBuffalonian - 05/22/14 12:42
LOL, you should see some of the guys who get on the MTA Maryland bus in Baltimore. Most of them are ridiculous, but some of them have nice booties and underwear, and then I don't mind so much.

04/27/2014 22:11 #58940


mike - 04/28/14 23:36
was it a hit and run?