I had off since Thursday technically but I worked about 15 hours from home that day. Despite the work being kind of fun, the next day I was totally sick with fevery, sore throat again. This time
(e:Joe) has it too so at least I'm not alone.
This weekend we were supposed to go see Matt and Kim and
(e:Joe)'s Alma Matter in Cleveland but alas that never happened;(
While I blame stress to some extent I also blame the fact that we were near our sick coworkers. Anyways I spent Friday, Saturday, Sunday in bed totally miserable. Not the kind of relaxing rest but the kind of miserable orange mucous hacking bullshit. My whole body hurts from coughing. I would kill for one warm, humid, outdoor allergy free day but we all know how this spring is working. From freezing to full on allergies.
For the first time ever I watched TV all day. I was never a TV guy. For years we didn't even have it but I felt too sick to even compute. It was a strange sickness where we didn't even have the energy to stand up and get water. My heart also started doing that jumpy thing again. I wonder if its related.
I have so many important meetings on Monday and Tuesday including ones people flew in for. I'd like to just not go or call in but calling sucks as I found our from a meeting where I was clearly not understood over the phone.
I wish everything wasn't on such crazy deadlines right now because I need some real rest. At the same time, I really enjoy non stop interesting work. Here is to getting well.
60 degs hehehe :P