Yuck, I was so skinny when I was younger. I have a 17 y/o anorexic girl's dream arm in this pic.
mike - 04/21/14 23:27 God I wish I was always that tan! I just don't tan like that anymore!
metalpeter - 04/21/14 18:26 Think I still might be that thin :) now adays do they call that Heroin shiek (spell check won't help me argh) but you know what I mean I'm sure you where healthy back then ....
tinypliny - 04/21/14 16:18 My arms look worse than that now. :/ I can even do 1 real push up these days but nothing seems to help. I am doomed to be the human stick insect.
joe - 04/21/14 13:00 There's probably some thighgap going on under those jeans too.
You still looked cute even 30 lbs underweight.
04/20/2014 22:01 #58923
1989 - Mike's 6th birthday Category:
(e:czarkasm) looking fine at (e:mike)'s birthday in 1989. I think this might be the year with the Debbie Gibson tape.
tinypliny - 04/21/14 16:20 Who is (e:czarkasm)? The one trying to beat Mike to the candles? :)
04/20/2014 01:13 #58917
Easter Basket From The Coop Category:
Is someone going to get the one and only easter basket at the coop? I wonder how they decided on that pricing for that. I want it.
tinypliny - 04/21/14 16:21 Eh, they probably have several in the back. They will probably reappear once someone takes them. You know like the heads of Ravana. :::link:::
04/20/2014 01:12 #58916
Spring Flowers Category: flowers
These mini flowers are so freakin cute.
tinypliny - 04/21/14 16:22 Whoa that is not Basra! I thought it was and then clicked on it wondering how you allowed him to get so muddy with.. cement!
tinypliny - 04/21/14 16:21 Love these pictures! :)
04/19/2014 18:53 #58914
Hiking At The Gorge Category:
We headed out to the gorge today to do the full hike at whirlpool state park. We went to the end of the trail this time. I know why they want you to stop now. Right after the end is the sewer overflow. Its gross. Other than that it was a beautiful warm day.
theecarey - 04/27/14 19:12 How are the trails holding up? Looks like you guys made it through unscathed. I used to hike the gorge trails 2-3 times a week, but haven't been there in almost two years. I wonder/ed how much the stairs and trails have degraded since my last exploration, if any.
God I wish I was always that tan! I just don't tan like that anymore!
Think I still might be that thin :) now adays do they call that Heroin shiek (spell check won't help me argh) but you know what I mean I'm sure you where healthy back then ....
My arms look worse than that now. :/ I can even do 1 real push up these days but nothing seems to help. I am doomed to be the human stick insect.
There's probably some thighgap going on under those jeans too.
You still looked cute even 30 lbs underweight.