On Saturday (e:paul) and O tackled cleaning out the junk drawer and cabinet in the kitchen. I wish I took a before picture because the end pic is about a tenth as messy as it was. We dumped a bunch of old recipie print outs, ancient medicine (sunscreen that was expired in 2006?) It took us about 2 hours, including trying to fix the saggy cabinet door. The kitchen really didn't look different after but its mentally the antidote to hoarding.
After we went to go take a bunch of old clothes to Amvets and went St Patrick's day shopping at Wegmans with my brother. Paul and I rewarded our work with Ethiopian at Gaturs. They're selling Scientology books now.

I miss you all - and I just haven't met you yet?
Hang on. Gatur's sells weirdology books? Do you think they are getting paid or just more patronage from the freaks?
I am super impressed by the drawer project!! Congratulations!