I think I want to be some sort of snack engineer from now on. Someone comes up with all these ridiculous variations on snacks. Vanilla cupcake goldfish, they didn't taste very good but something about them made me finish the package. The taste was weird and fake cake flavored, kind of like a sugar-ier cake vodka.
It reminds me how I used to inhale Cupcake Pebbles when it was a thing. Those probably tasted the same flavorwise but I could eat a box in an evening.
tinypliny - 03/21/14 15:09 You clearly have a problem. And THEY are targeting you. *gasp*
03/19/2014 18:41 #58802
Clean drawers Category:
On Saturday (e:paul) and O tackled cleaning out the junk drawer and cabinet in the kitchen. I wish I took a before picture because the end pic is about a tenth as messy as it was. We dumped a bunch of old recipie print outs, ancient medicine (sunscreen that was expired in 2006?) It took us about 2 hours, including trying to fix the saggy cabinet door. The kitchen really didn't look different after but its mentally the antidote to hoarding.
After we went to go take a bunch of old clothes to Amvets and went St Patrick's day shopping at Wegmans with my brother. Paul and I rewarded our work with Ethiopian at Gaturs. They're selling Scientology books now.
tinypliny - 03/21/14 15:10 I miss you all - and I just haven't met you yet?
Sorry Buble playing at full volume in my head right now*
tinypliny - 03/21/14 03:34 Hang on. Gatur's sells weirdology books? Do you think they are getting paid or just more patronage from the freaks?
heidi - 03/20/14 13:03 I am super impressed by the drawer project!! Congratulations!
03/16/2014 23:53 #58798
St. Patrick's day Category: holiday
I'll have to post captions later, I have a headacheee
Update: We started somewhat early around 12 after getting decked out in green. I wore (e:paul)'s green zunfthosen .
We got to the parade but weren't actually there too long. Everyone brought St. Patrick's day to the roof for a bit where it got a little cray. Then we came home and stuffed our faces with La Nova. (e:paul) and I took a 5 hour nap before I got back up with a second wind. (e:terry) on the otherhand powered through the whole day. All in all an amazing St. Patrick's day.
Breakfast of champions.
Halloween costume for next year?
Mike advertising estrip with what he's got
Heidi after she unzipped the zunfthosen at the parade... I forgot how I was wearing them.
Union floats - a good fuck you to the people that were booing them. You just wish you had a union, I know I do.
joe - 03/24/14 12:59 (e:heidi), no hate, out of love! A good summary of the day I think.
(e:tinypliny) as long as the air outlasts the effects of the beer he should be okay, right?
tinypliny - 03/21/14 15:11 I don't know. (e:Paul)'s goldfish bowl headgear makes me anxious about suffocation. Did you make sure to drill holes in it?
heidi - 03/21/14 13:02 You need the vest advertised on the page with the pants.
metalpeter - 03/20/14 19:29 Wow looks like a crazy and good time .... That roof is huge ..... The Parade all ways gets crazy some how ......
paul - 03/20/14 16:59 Nice pics. At first I was like ETF happens to our chiminey, it got so bad this winter but they I realized it was actually the one at (e:Terry)'s work
heidi - 03/20/14 13:05 You seriously posted a pic of butt crack and puking? <smh> I didn't realize that you hated us. :-(
03/16/2014 23:45 #58796
ELAB Circus at Dnipro Category: going out
(e:terry), (e:paul) and I went with (e:Keith) to the ELAB circus fundraiser at Dnipro. It was pretty good. The Ukranian beers were humongous. (e:paul) decided to speed his tooth healing with cotton candy. Dancing to Soma was pretty good but there weren't many in such a huge space. The coolest part was the full moon projection camera which took your shadows and put them on projecters inside and out of the building.
Then we came back and played street fighter. I beat Terry once with Chun Li, what what.
tinypliny - 03/21/14 15:12 Hey! is (e:Paul) supposed to have cotton candy when he is having crazy teeth issues??
tsk tsk!
metalpeter - 03/20/14 19:24 looks like it was a lot of fun ....
03/13/2014 23:55 #58783
Throwback Thursday Category: estrip
Yesterday I was listening to Blümchen (die beste Künstler) with (e:paul) and was reading this post that (e:terry,35355) wrote about loving her back in 2003.
(just listen to her sing about verrückte jungs - crazy boys. she's amazing, 90's, and she'll earworm you forever)
I read a couple of his other posts and they were redonk. And the other day when (e:Mike) was over we were reading some of (e:paul)'s posts from a less bougie time (e:paul,32125).
It made me think it's pretty awesome that a journal like estrip lets you go back and see what you or someone else was like at different points in their life. Even boring shiz about food or being bored at some bar somehow ends up being fun to read. It's like a record of Buffalo - I know I always came across estrip posts on google before I even knew anyone on it. Emily's brother would see what Paul said about a restaurant before he went there. There's so much written on estrip about Buffalo that otherwise would fall to the wayside.
Seems like there are less people that post now than before. I'm interested in knowing what makes people post/not post and what would change that. Maybe we could chalk advertise again like we tried (e:joe,58289) when it doesn't rain the same afternoon. I should try to get my friends to sign up now that facebook is over.
metalpeter - 03/20/14 18:42 I think the Chalk thing is a great idea..... I don't run the site and don't know what Paul's goals are for the site but I wonder if people would notice if it was written on the Road and or side walks where Elmwood Festival of the Arts is ??
I don't post as much cause I get behind and also some things I would post about aren't really an entire blog and some of that I blame on how much fun posting about sports and shows it quick little tweets is .....
tinypliny - 03/17/14 20:07 I stopped posting because I moved. I bet that is the primary reason for a substantial number of non-current posters. I still keep in touch once in a while but it is increasingly becoming less frequent as life becomes busier and more chaotic.
You clearly have a problem. And THEY are targeting you. *gasp*