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03/13/2014 00:23 #58781

Car share
Category: cars
I fucking hate having a car. I know that sounds like a garbage first world problem, but I do.

I just worked it out today that if I didn't have this lease and was able to be in the car share, I would have only spent $200 (counting the days I actually needed to drive for work) this year instead of $600, even more with the other months I took over the lease. And this is in the winter with the few times I actually had to drive. I could have probably taken transit on almost every day I drove anyway.

I barely ever drive it and still pay for it on the off chance I need it. When I get rid of this car I am going to take the money I save and do something fun with it, besides paying the Sallie Mae the bloodsucker (what could be better?).

Too bad I can't car share yet, I've had a license for less than the two years you need. Has anyone had experience with Buffalo Car Share?
tinypliny - 03/17/14 20:10
I knew how to drive very well. But then I drove on the opposite side and I learned I couldn't undo all the years of experience. So I just gave up driving and haven't had a car since forever. Can't say I miss it. I pick work and commutes that are intentionally car free. I engineered my lifestyle so I wouldn't ever need a car.
paul - 03/14/14 13:50
You need more practice too. Maybe you should practice while you still have a car before you become another (e:hodown) who doesn't know how to drive.
ExBuffalonian - 03/14/14 12:34
No experience with Buffalo care share, but I have experience with Zipcar in Baltimore. It's freaking awesome, and I would recommend it to anyone. Baltimore suffers from a car culture mentality very much like Buffalo does, and I will never understand that. It is totally possible for most (OK, maybe not all people) to commute to work on public transportation and use a car share program on those occasions when you go shopping at IKEA or need to pick someone up at the airport. At least that has been my experience.

03/12/2014 12:21 #58780

Snow Day again
Category: winter
I can't believe I have another snow day. It wasn't that bad when I left this morning, but by the time I rode down to Delaware and Tupper, I got a call from work saying not to bother coming in since the office was closing at 12. So I went back home to sleep in. On the way home a truck driver started honking at me asking "What the fuck are you doing?" referring to my bike.

Now it's time for working from home (or programming and Deutsch). I'd still much rather have it be spring and be stuck at work than have another freaking foot and a half of snow.


tinypliny - 03/21/14 15:13
You got 120+ inches this year and we got ~40 inches and are miserable. Hah
North and South.

03/11/2014 12:04 #58778

Supermarket Sweep
Category: food

After the hike (e:paul) and I went shopping everywhere - Wegmans, Target and the coop. At Target we noticed they were clearing out the best granola ever - the coconut macroon kind - for only $2.50. So we cleared them out. There almost wasnt enough room to store them all at home.



03/11/2014 12:01 #58777

Tifft Hike
Category: hiking
On Sunday we went for a walk out on the ice. Well, we were going to, but as soon as we got out on the ice at Times Beach we heard cracking and booked it back to land.

Tifft was a much better and less windy option anyway.

We found this shell of a water tank along the rail tracks. I think it was a water tank, there were four old piles in the ground on the inside. They took off the roof at some point so all that was left was the concrete shell.

A diode on the train track, for switching maybe? Paul said it looked like an explosive

We were werewolf tracking.
Terry's got a big bushy stalk.
Paul tried to make a flute.
What are these metal baskets hanging in the trees? Artificial nests?

metalpeter - 03/20/14 18:29
I have no idea what that is but looks like a bomb to me as well ? Could be feeders in the trees ?????
tinypliny - 03/17/14 20:10
NICE :-)
joe - 03/11/14 12:11
lol, I took it out of draft mode before I was ready! Whoops.
tinypliny - 03/11/14 12:10
Wut, no commentary? :P

03/10/2014 13:01 #58776

Sleep Paralysis
Category: dreams
While I was napping on Saturday I had the most Inception like dream I've ever had.

I dreamt that (e:paul) and (e:terry) and I went up to the old North Park library for a party. We got there, and Paul left to go pick someone up. Terry and I were talking sitting down talking to this couple, but I couldn't turn and look at them because Terry was holding on to me via meine schlange. I wanted to tell him to let go, but it just made me wake up (or at least I thought). I started to tell Emily (who was in our bedroom?) to tell Terry to let go again, since he was still holding on, but I couldn't form any words. While this was happening my eyes opened for real, and I could see Terry, who was holding on for reals. I tried to tell him to wake me up but I couldn't talk, move, or even breath. Apparently I really was just laughing in real life, which makes me think I was having sleep paralysis.

Basically scientists think it's the boundary between being awake and REM sleep. Lack of sleep is considered a cause, which definitely could have been after the rave. The brain gets out of control sometimes.