It was cool seeing the lake frozen over from the sky.
metalpeter - 02/22/14 20:50 Nice shots and the beach looks like it would be relaxing .......
02/22/2014 19:01 #58719
Westside Bazaar Category: food
Oh man the food at the West Side Bazaar was so good. My favorite was the baklava from the coffee stand lady. They were only one dollar a piece and tasted so good. They have food stands from several different countries. Its the perfect place to have a mix and match lunch.
I got the Ethiopian lamb which was very chopped bone in the style of the former
goat curry at Palm Tree that used to be on Allen.
I also bought a cute owl change purse for my gift horde. Its just crap I collect for when their is an emergency gift requirement and no time to shop.
joe - 02/23/14 18:37 I love Terry's face eating the chicken slush.
lilho - 02/23/14 00:59 I want that food right now.
02/20/2014 19:01 #58710
Orlando Trip Category:
Heading to Orlando on Saturday to HIMMS conference for work. Check out the stupid weather. its so 90° hot right now and it dwindles down to 60 and thunderstorms while I am there, ugh.
ExBuffalonian - 02/21/14 16:58 I'll take 76 degrees over 90 any day of the week. The rain is unfortunate though. Maybe it won't be as bad as it looks on paper. I'm in Maryland, and often times when the forecast calls for rain, it only lasts for a few hours with the rest of the day sunny.
joe - 02/20/14 20:37 At least it isn't highs of:
Sunday 28
Monday 22
Tuesday 21
Wednesday 19
Thurday 12
Friday 12
Saturday 13
I'd take Orlando lol.
02/18/2014 19:45 #58703
This Car With A Problem Category:
This car was being driven by a really young looking girl smoking a cigarette with some younger kids in the back, maybe even a baby.
When I passed her she look like she had no idea that something was even wrong despite her car sounding like a motor cycle.
I mean who drives like this. I guess the exhaust situation couldn't get worse at that point but I hope the floor is real solid and she doesn't idle too long.
YesThatCasey - 02/19/14 09:37 Ignorance is always coming up with new ways to amaze me
lilho - 02/18/14 20:20 Da fuq.... Everything about this chick is wrong.
02/16/2014 21:12 #58697
Crystal Beach Ice Caves Category:
My mom called to say we should go check out some ice caves formed by the ice on the beach in Canada. By the time we managed to get ourselves going it was almost dark but totally worth seeing. There were so many people. The ice looks like it goes on forever. I wonder if you can walk to america.
Nice shots and the beach looks like it would be relaxing .......