After the conference registration and stuff I headed over to the beach for a couple hours with (e:yesthatcasey). It was amazing. Despite all the weather saying it was a overcast thunderstorm, it was 80 and sunny all day from when I woke up at 8 till sundown. We rode the waves so hard and far. Some of them were massive. One kind twisted me up under water, I though my neck was going to break. Though, it was pretty amazing in general and all the ibuprofen for my tooth makes me pretty impervious to pain right now anywaysm
Going to the beach is a double edged sword. I love seeing all the hot guys but then I get jealous of them. Despite working out I obviously don't look like someone who lives in a place where you can go shirtless most of the year. Casey said it is environmentally unfriendly to have big muscles because I don't need them to type and I'd have to just eat more to maintain them.
I was trying to explain to casey that this is a issue that seems like its worse for gay people because your desired object could also be your competition. He countered this with that he gets jealous of woman too.

I'm pretty sure I mentioned that last week when you showed a picture of the forecast in an earlier post. Just like here in Maryland, the way the weather is reported is much more grim than the reality. It's rarely cloudy all day long, and almost never cloudy for a string of consecutive days. But you wouldn't know that if you get your info from