It seems like every hotel has pools here but our hotel has the best pools. The main pool is like a city block big. I can't wait to check it out later in the week. There is a gym, a bar and strangely a Starbucks and dominos pizza. It looks like additional retail is being built.
According to the website, rooms are now $499 a night but there was a special with Orbitz for $209 a night for a week which was cheaper than a regular hotel room yet its a whole 2 bedroom apartment with kitchen, living room and balcony patio.
This is much better than my experience with Orbitz and Expedia in Portland where I ended up in some isolated hotel way outside the city.

I'm pretty sure I mentioned that last week when you showed a picture of the forecast in an earlier post. Just like here in Maryland, the way the weather is reported is much more grim than the reality. It's rarely cloudy all day long, and almost never cloudy for a string of consecutive days. But you wouldn't know that if you get your info from