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11/07/2013 04:35 #58258

Night Lights at Griffis
Category: art
Tuesday night, (e:paul), (e:terry) and I went with (e:YesThatCasey), (e:Dianne), (e:Heidi) and Tanya out to Griffis Sculpture Park for the night lights. I hadn't been there before, but it looks like it'd be amazing to walk around especially on a nice day .

I'm not big on art so I can't tell you much about the statues except that they were huge and pretty cool. I'm especially a sucker for LEDs, and they had some amazing lamps thrown on some of the statues. I thought the best were the lasers projected on a bunch of tiny rotating mirrors. in the dense trees, the green lasers almost made it look like there were fireflies everywhere. Possible arduino project?

I brought my Canon, but had so much trouble hand holding in such low light, even wide open. I'll have to go through and post what turned out well.





metalpeter - 11/08/13 20:42
very Nice .... I would think holding camera still enough could be very tough not sure if two hands is really better or not ????
sina - 11/08/13 00:21
marvelous!! I like to be there one day.
joe - 11/07/13 08:39
Guess it's unclear, lol! In one of the big statues you can climb in, the ceiling was covered in ladybugs! Paul says it's probably where they kept themselves warm during the day.
tinypliny - 11/07/13 07:36
Ladybug on a dark wall?

11/05/2013 15:17 #58250

No love for old Zunes
Category: crime
Yesterday afternoon, I opened up my car to find my glove compartment and center console emptied out onto the passenger seat. I usually leave my door unlocked because I don't keep anything valuable in my car and I don't want my window smashed. I've never had a problem. But bish we ain't in Kenilworth anymore.

Of course they didn't find anything to take because I don't even have change in my car. They even left my old first gen Zune in there. I guess nobody would want one, even for free.

sina - 11/08/13 00:06
What a wonderful event!!!
joe - 11/07/13 08:42
(e:Paul) maybe they're all the same bougie robbers, can't be seen slumming it on stolen Windows PCs.

And yeah, (e:tinypliny) - it's a beast! It was about twice as thick as my sisters iPod Video from the same time.
tinypliny - 11/06/13 20:20
They probably thought it was dead. And whoa - that looks bulky.
paul - 11/05/13 17:10
My buddy at work was just telling me how the Best Buy story in Amherst was robbed and they only took macs. Even robbers don't want MS stuff.

11/04/2013 13:18 #58244

Help Buffalo Bike
Category: bikes
So Buffalo is now a bronze level biking city, according to the League of American Cyclists (only took 17 years after our first Bike Plan in 1997 and 6 years after the most recent in 2008).

Although there's still a long way to go before we're really a bike-friendly city, I definitely notice an improvement in infrastructure and culture in the past few years. The most recent Census data says we have the 14th largest share of bike commuters in the country, and we've seen an 88.6% increase in bike commuters from 2011-2012 .

Unfortunately there are still too many bike and pedestrian accidents and not enough good infrastructure (43 deaths for Erie county in 2012). There aren't many east-west bike lanes in the city, and almost no lanes at all north of Delaware Park. There are too many roads still being constructed and reconstructed with only cars in mind, despite a completes streets law for the city and the state.

Some of this can be changed relatively soon! This week there is a chance for the public to air comments on the reconstruction of the 198/Scajacuada. The NYS Department of Transportation wants to essentially reconstruct it as is, instead of turning it into a connected, bike and pedestrian friendly boulevard that there should be. There will be a meeting at Olmsted School 67 at 7:15 on Tuesday for input on how this can be changed.

There is also currently an effort to put Parkside Avenue on a road diet, down from four lanes to two and a turning lane plus some bike lanes. This Wednesday at 5 will be a "park and bike-in" at Parkside and Russell.

Parkside Neighborhood residents and supporters are organizing a day of action, calling for motorists to park their cars on Parkside and join bicyclists and pedestrians to show support for safer streets and come to Sweetness 7 Café to sign a petition demanding that the city put Parkside on a Road Diet (taking out traffic lanes, adding turning lanes & bike lanes)."

These two projects would fit perfectly together and definitely help link more parts of the city together for bikes.

11/03/2013 21:47 #58241

pink yo drank
Category: drinking
(e:lilho) you need to drop your single soon. chambord will license the hell out of that


maybe one day Paul will be pinked.

lilho - 11/05/13 12:01
I'm so ready for this... And for (e:Paul) to be pink drank de-virginized!

11/03/2013 21:21 #58238

arduino nerdiness
Category: programming
so (e:Paul) got a few arduinos and a raspberry pi for his work projects. If you hadn't seen them before, they're basically small, embedded all-in-one computers that are designed to be low-power and expandable. The Arduino can only run compliled programs under 32k using very little pwoer, while the raspberry pi can run a full fleged version of Linux with expandable storage, using slightly more power.

Over the past couple of weeks, we've been playing around with them to get used to them and test out their capabilities. We were able to rig up an Arduino Uno to respond to a button press, and post a test post to the estrip website. The programming logic itself was pretty basic, but I am not experienced in web stuff and it took a lot to learn how to craft a good POST header. Paul definitely did though and we were able to work through it. I love nerding out with him, he knows so much.

I can see for larger projects working on the arduino might be frustrating because the storage is so limited, and there aren't tons of libraries available because of it. Also, doing anything object oriented is a pain because you have to go through all these steps to make every new class a library. The Arduino IDE isn't too great either. It's basically a text editor with no other features although you can use an external IDE like Netbeans or Eclipse if you set it up right. But for super simple projects like sensors or little displays, I can see a good use case.

Kind of looks dangerous...

I want to start playing with the raspberry pi and maybe some other sensors to see what projects we can do with some more power.