So Delaware North and Uniland want to knock down the serviceable and occupied Delaware Court building at Delaware and Chippewa to build a new headquarters/hotel. I could almost understand this being done with completely private money, even though I sympathize with the preservation argument. There are plenty of vacant lots even a block or two away that I'm sure Uniland could leverage a good deal out of.
(Although I still don't understand why the collapsed Erie Fright House was rejected by the preservation board to be relocated for condos - it's now being left to rot with no further use. Did developer Savarino not grease the right palms on the preservation board?)
But now Delaware North is demanding tax breaks to fill a $10 million dollar gap in the project budget, plus Uniland is looking for $5 million more from the Empire State Development Corporation.
Allegedly, they need a new HQ here otherwise they'll head to their Boston or California offices - because I'm sure they'll save so much in operating costs by moving there. So they need $10 million for a *potential* of 65 new jobs? Oh, and we'll have a half vacant Key Center to go along with an empty HSBC Tower (also being emptied by subsidies - . Why should we pay to shuffle the deck between offices? What does anyone gain out of this, besides the developers that get picked as winners?
This is corporate extortion, and I'm absolutely sick of it. Every company seems to play this game now, because no politician wants to even think of having a company HQ leave on their watch.
I call any claims of job growth and relocation a bluff. If you need to look to nearby examples, this happened in Ohio with American Greetings getting $93.5 million for a new headquarters, before laying off 300 workers.
Same thing with Diebold and their $55 million Ohio tax break.
Great pics!! I am double fisting it lol
And Mike?!!! What on earth? Was libertad an astronaut-in-training?
I am kind of stumped. Who are you supposed to be? What was Paul? Terry in drag = Wow! :)
not sure how cameras on phones work but if the shutter speed slows down with out a flash then movement can cause blur ... Some people know how to do that as an effect but when taking a picture you don't know that person will move so....
lol interesting and amazing :)
Thanks! I need to use my phone camera better so they're not so blurry. But that kind of summarizes the night.
Nice Pictures ........