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09/30/2013 09:00 #58103

New Glasses
Category: glasses

Finally I got new glasses. My insurance covers glasses but only at select vendors most of which have some excuse as to why everything they sell doesn't actually qualify. They always have some scam where the off the street deal, despite being less than my coverage, is a better deal that anything they could offer me with my insurance. For once I actually got a good deal on glasses. However, I am going to hold off posting about being satisfied until I actually get the glasses.

hodown - 09/30/13 10:23
Warby Parker. $99 with no tricks. And they give glasses to under privileged peeps w every purchase.

09/29/2013 18:24 #58102

Let The Fight Begin
Category: camping

Look what I found after (e:mike) and (e:libertad) left.

tinypliny - 10/10/13 20:11
What *is* that?
joe - 09/30/13 23:13
Keep this away from Mike, it may be used as a weapon.
libertad - 09/30/13 08:20
Haha! Proof that (e:mike) needs to listen to me the first time. Thanks for finding it!

09/27/2013 21:19 #58097

Holy Hotness
Category: woof

sina - 11/08/13 06:56
<3 them :)

09/27/2013 21:18 #58096

Category: haircuts
I cut if short on the sides again. I was so tired of the scraggle.


09/27/2013 20:53 #58095

My Crazy Brother
Category: food

(E:mike) got mad at me for not going out with him the other night so he decided to take my perfectly good bag of chips and crunch them up to get me back. Its amazing how small a bag of chips can be after you smash em up.

paul - 09/30/13 19:23
I know especially considering how he threatened to burn your face off in a campfire for not walking him to the bathroom. Somebody need anger management classes, lol.
libertad - 09/30/13 19:15
Surprised he didn't sprinkle it all over the house after you scammed him for a ride home! That could be used for a casserole.
lilho - 09/28/13 01:42
Crazy or just angry? I would be mad too...Especially because of the efforts I make when going out... Outfit, hair, makeup. I think the chip trick is actually perfect revenge for all chip lovers and I will add this trick to my bag(no pun intended).... Good job (e:mike) !
mike - 09/27/13 21:06
phew! I wasn't sure what this post was gonna be!Anywho you totally deserved that after the total goling out fake out that got me out of my house only for everyone to fall asleep!