Terrys Birthday At Windmill Point Quarry Category: birthdays
It was a great time had by all relaxing in the sun at the side of the quarry cliff. (E:dianne) and (e:libertad) are still there.
libertad - 08/28/13 10:29 Wish we were still there!
tinypliny - 08/27/13 20:26 If I didn't read that block of text, I'd be assuming you had a stressful time. ;-)
08/25/2013 17:57 #58018
Torn Space Motion Picture Category: silo city
Torn Space put on an amazing show at Silo City. The whole experience from video against the massive silo canvas to the live performance of actors and even horses was amazing.
tinypliny - 08/27/13 20:27 Wow - this is so cool! Wish I had been there!
metalpeter - 08/26/13 18:15 Nice Photos I read about this coming up I think and it sounded pretty cool....
08/24/2013 13:42 #58016
Fixing the Bathroom Light Category:
The old back bathroom left side mirror light switch was broken. It was making me crazy be unsymmetrically lighted. Every hardware store sells only one bottom style twist switch from the same brand. It was a slightly different size but the light balanace is restored. So many bugs died in this light. It was unreal how many of their little bodies fit in there.
lilho - 08/25/13 13:32 Trying to find the best way to describe you w/o being disrespectful. You's a sexy bitch.
08/20/2013 23:51 #58015
Woof Category:
08/20/2013 20:51 #58014
The Big Metal Spoon Arrives Category:
The metal spoon I ordered at the Block Club party (e:paul,57981) arrived today from Pier 1. Should make for a fun time at (e:mike)'s birthday on the 31st.
metalpeter - 08/22/13 17:29 First of all thanks.....
From what I've read they can be dormant for months and not bite but still be there ..... Hence I can't be in or have anyone in my place really.... I'm working on it but so often after a day at work it is tough to get any thing done .... Hope I get it done soon also...... Honestly thought I would have had it done by now ok at least a month ago.....
In any event I hope everyone has a great time ..... Sure it will be a blast
Just hope everyone has a few or half a tray of Jello Shots for me :) Enjoy everyone....
libertad - 08/22/13 14:00 Nobody will be good as you (e:metalpeter) at capturing party pics! Sorry to hear you are still dealing with that nightmare, hope you can resolve it soon.
lilho - 08/22/13 11:16 Why am I missing this.... Pretty sure I started the giant spoon obsession. :)
metalpeter - 08/21/13 18:03 1. Happy Birthday
2. My screwed up apartment Status means I can't be in anyone's house so I won't be there sorry.........
3. That Metal spoon makes the wood one look small watch out the back swing could take someone or a group of people or wall out or something :) maybe if it is still there the cage room will be where everyone has a party ;)
4. Hoping someone gets some great pictures and posts them at least the safe of internet ones .................
mike - 08/20/13 22:40 everyone should be there! invite everyone you know!
mike - 08/20/13 22:40 YAY! That will make the best birthday party ever!
Wish we were still there!
If I didn't read that block of text, I'd be assuming you had a stressful time. ;-)