Paul's Journal
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04/26/2013 09:48 #57574
The end of the worldCategory: pessimism
04/25/2013 22:10 #57573
Long and Stressful DayCategory: work
I used to love going to work everyday but right now its taken such a bad turn where it feels like there is no direction. I can't wait for things to change.
On the technical side of things I got a lot of programming done this evening.

Those graphs aren't actually supposed to make sense. At least I hope not because that first project looks like 1% complete and 100% budget consumed.

tinypliny - 04/30/13 01:12
Its the blue shirt and hat and just the angle!
Its the blue shirt and hat and just the angle!
tinypliny - 04/30/13 01:12
Did I tell you how cool that pic is? :^)
Did I tell you how cool that pic is? :^)
paul - 04/26/13 22:48
I took it.
I took it.
tinypliny - 04/26/13 22:44
Hah, now I have the context, the pic looks even more awesome. Did you take it? If almost looks as if someone else did...
Hah, now I have the context, the pic looks even more awesome. Did you take it? If almost looks as if someone else did...
tinypliny - 04/26/13 13:27
That's a fabulous picture and I hope you are okay.
That's a fabulous picture and I hope you are okay.
04/23/2013 22:33 #57569
Xandra's Birthday Dinner From SundayCategory: birthdays
This is a little out of date but (e:xandra)'s dinner at my moms was awesome.

tinypliny - 04/30/13 01:13
That's a lot of food. I always wonder at mums' capacities to make all of that and more...
That's a lot of food. I always wonder at mums' capacities to make all of that and more...
04/21/2013 17:29 #57557
Demolition ContinuedCategory: bathroom
We continued before (e:xandra)'s birthday party at my mom's. So much more is done but we need to do a mega cleanup now. Then deconstruct the floor, half the wall and the tub. Then the building can begin. I feel like once this is done we will end up learning so much which will open up the possibilities for bigger and better projects.


And I don't believe that is likely to happen in our lifetimes.