I love how the letter warns us with "You may wish to take precautious to minimize pesticide exposure to yourself, family members, pets or family possessions." but essentially we have no way to protect ourselves.
What are we supposed to do? Make sure we stay inside with the windows shut on the days listed below? Oh how convenient and its not like our house is air tight.
The Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, found a greater incidence of breast cancer in women who regularly used common home and garden pesticides.
I hope they get cancer. I will be sure to remind them.

Maybe print out some scary pesticide articles and leave in on their front door?
another example of how you are obsessed with cancer and why i am convinced i have terminal cancer.
Yeah that lawn has to be nice and green, greenest on the block .... Grumble Grumble... I guess the upside and it isn't really an upside but a way to look at it is be glad you aren't in one of those communities that are like planned and have all these rules about what you can't do... I bring this up cause to me this spray stuff ties into that with the lawn being about looks and not function... If a wrestling match breaks out first one on the lawn loses cause of all the chemicals :( you can't even sit on a lawn like that.........