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04/20/2013 18:45 #57551

Mama's Kitchen - Jamacain Restauarant
Category: food

We headed down to mamas on Massachusetts for lunch yesterday. The food was so delicious, I had the jerk chicken, large size. It came with cabbage, rice and beans, fried plantains and chicken. I also had a grapefruit soda called tings that was reminiscent of squirt but made with real sugar. I would definately go back, next time I want to try the fish.

Here is their facebook page


libertad - 04/20/13 19:07
That soda looks so refreshing.

04/19/2013 01:07 #57547

More Bathroom Deconstruction
Category: bathroom

After 12 mad hours of programming I needed some sledge hammering. Not because my job was too hard but because I caught wind of everything returning back to the status quo. I want so bad for things to change.

I would like the bathroom to be taken apart enough that it is ready to be reborn. A point at which I can order new parts and hire a plumber to do the plumbing.

So glad I tore through everything tonight. The toilet pipe was rusting so bad that the large iron pipe simply cracked in two when I lifted the toilet up despite it not being bolted down. This explains the water damage below.

It would go so much faster if I

A. would order a dumpster. I haven't because I work too slowly due to my overworking on my underappreciated job and because my soon to be husband refuses to help on party nights which is just about every night he is not also working crazy hours.
B. didn't give a fuck about preserving things to bring to Buffalo Reuse. I am just about at my limit with recycling. I so carefully removed all the wall tiles. For a while I was removing the hex tiles one by one. I saved enough of them to not care anymore.

This is never going to be ready for the wedding at this pace. I also wish the furnace pipe would just go away. Right now everything looks real bad.






paul - 04/19/13 13:37
Thats actually just mortar for the tiles that I took off. Its a non supporting wall that is being mostly removed to extend the bathroom. I ordered a dumpster today so I can switch into higher gear now. Once I got it gutted I am hiring someone to set up all the plumbing.
fing - 04/19/13 13:29
Looks like it's going to be a lot of work Paul. If you want to do the supply lines for the water yourself check out pex piping. Very easy to work with. I am in the middle of a bathroom renovation myself. Is that your chimney on that wall or is is just brick underneath?
iriesara - 04/19/13 11:57
I wish I was there to help you! I could use me some sledge-hammerin. We'd get in done in no time!

04/16/2013 14:20 #57535

Funkin Neighbors
Category: neighbors
I can't believe people still use these cancer causing chemicals because of their excessive lawn vanity.

I love how the letter warns us with "You may wish to take precautious to minimize pesticide exposure to yourself, family members, pets or family possessions." but essentially we have no way to protect ourselves.

What are we supposed to do? Make sure we stay inside with the windows shut on the days listed below? Oh how convenient and its not like our house is air tight.

The Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, found a greater incidence of breast cancer in women who regularly used common home and garden pesticides.

I hope they get cancer. I will be sure to remind them.


heidi - 04/17/13 16:06
Maybe print out some scary pesticide articles and leave in on their front door?
lilho - 04/17/13 12:43
another example of how you are obsessed with cancer and why i am convinced i have terminal cancer.
metalpeter - 04/16/13 17:11
Yeah that lawn has to be nice and green, greenest on the block .... Grumble Grumble... I guess the upside and it isn't really an upside but a way to look at it is be glad you aren't in one of those communities that are like planned and have all these rules about what you can't do... I bring this up cause to me this spray stuff ties into that with the lawn being about looks and not function... If a wrestling match breaks out first one on the lawn loses cause of all the chemicals :( you can't even sit on a lawn like that.........

04/16/2013 14:05 #57534

Nighttime Bikeride to the Inner Harbor
Category: biking

There is so much going on down there. From the medical center all the way down main street to the inner harbor there is construction going on. It feels like the city is transforming.


heidi - 04/17/13 16:07
Can you post the panorama?
lilho - 04/17/13 12:55
(e:cindy) would love this.
metalpeter - 04/16/13 17:06
Nice... I think one big key that I'm not sure what it going on with it anymore is getting a better way to get to TheOuterHarbour ... For years there was that place with many names called shooters I think why it kept closing is it was the only place in that spot.. but you kinda had to get off the sky way and then go under it to get there? As an example when we tried to go to citybration I for the life of me couldn't tell you how we got there.... I think if they can make that more clear it would help... I've heard the concerts down there (Never gone) are a beast to get out of ......

04/16/2013 13:51 #57533

Loco Moco at Seabar
Category: food

I got the loco moco for lunch at seabar on monday. It seemed a little different than the other times but equally as delicious.

There was a poster for a food tasting event at the Hotel Lafayette.


lilho - 04/17/13 12:42
i'm so jelly! that is prob one of my top 5 fav blo dishes.