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01/18/2013 16:51 #57146

The Best Dinner Ever
Category: food

I love restaurants but they really can't keep up with the ecclectic meals I create for myself. I really like to mix and match flavors.

Dinner the other was night was ugli fruit, cherries, swiss chard, sweet potato clear noodles, mini mushrooms, okra, mache salad, half a red pear, shrimp in the shell, and 3 uncured, organic mini salami slices and some cheese aged in a wine barrel. Then some oil oil and sesame oil over the top and sprinkled with rock salt. It was amazing. Someday I really want to open a restaurant for this kind if food. I bet someone would like it.



01/18/2013 16:40 #57145

Madonna's on Allen - The best cheesesticks ever
Category: food

They are open for lunch now and they seriously have the best fried smoked mozerella cheese sticks in the world. The perfect amount of crunchy outside and melty inside.

The rest of the burgers, sandwiches and lunch items are delivious too. I really enjoyed the eggplant parm.



01/18/2013 16:18 #57144

Someday We Will Have A New Bathroom
Category: house

We are ready to start on it but its such an overwhelming process.





01/13/2013 15:23 #57135

The Buffalo and Erie County Botanical Gardens
Category: buffalo

It was supposed to be 70 degrees outside today but it didn't seem it with the wind and no sun so I instead of hiking around, we visited the botanical gardens.


The combo of humidity and warmth is so great.












01/13/2013 12:08 #57134

Mike's Hard Lemonade Tornado
Category: life
After the really long and stressful unpaid, overtime friday I got a visit from the Mike's Hard Lemonade monster. I wasn't home - out with (e:mike) while when most of it happend but it pretty much wrecked a whole lot of stuff including destroying my outdoor electric socket and just about every flower power I have. Then it ripped the wind shield wipers off (e:puddlediving)'s car. Not just the easily removable wiper part either. It ripped them down to the motors which is likely hundreds of dollars in damage.

The police came but no one pressed charges because despite it being passed out on my porch in a puddle of damaged stuff, and threatening the entire night, it denied everything. I also felt bad enough for it so I didn't press charges and the monster got taken home by the police instead of off to jail. Even after that it continued to threaten me the next morning via text. I've decided its time for a restaining order come monday. I want the kind where it can never talk to me ever talk again.













metalpeter - 01/13/13 16:08
Everyone isn't the same... Some people when they get drunk pass out... Some people get funny, Some people punch walls .... Hence why a few things where made illegal (Everclear I think was grain so a bit differently but that made people lose their minds)... Now yes people do use it as an excuse to do things they normally wouldn't like break stuff or take someone home.... Of course there are combinations of these... That doesn't make it any less crazy
paul - 01/13/13 15:47
Oh ya, no doubt. If alcohol was the actual issue then every person that drank would do stuff like this. Sorry you had to experience this.
puddlediving - 01/13/13 15:32
Alcohol isn't what makes people violent. It may lower inhibitions to "release the beast." I was hammered out of my gourd at the Halloween party and still calmly played "bouncer" to enforce appropriate party behavior.

I'm about as opposite as violent as you can get, which makes being a victim of violence so disturbing.
metalpeter - 01/13/13 15:10
That is crazy.... Not sure that only 2 mikes would cause that but on top of other drinking I could see it... Now Joose yeah cause that big can is 9-14% alcohol and Blast is about the same.... But the harder ones have more so maybe... That doesn't make it any less crazy....