One involved a whole bunch of programming in order to add a new feature to a complex app to help a very important person and the other was graphic design. Its been so long since I had to promote something graphically and with text. I do graphic design stuff all the time, but not brochure/flyer stuff with text layout.
This tiny new system feature was a huge hit. Basically, we are trying to advertise a new system feature I created that allows users to unlock their account from anywhere so that there is no more "locked your account our at 3am typing the wrong password into webmail and need to call the helpdesk to get back in." type of situation. Really I pushed for the system because I am that guy with the overly complex password that I am typing into my phone at 3am but once we rolled it out there was so much positive feedback. It used to suck to have to call the helpdesk and wait to get unlocked, especially if they were busy and you were in the middle of something important, or they had to wake up to help you. It also sucked for them because they are busy with lots of other stuff.
I tried my best and ended up with this slide. I just got one slide so even though the system has all kinds of other cool features, I focused on the "cloud unlock" portion. Hope it works out.

I think I might have a mullet in this pic.