I got out and told the people that it was my driveway and that I needed to get in. I ended up just parking them in as I went to go get the stuff I needed. Same old story. In fact it seemed rather uneventful and I would have never even bothered writing about it until I got this letter. Apparently, me bring angry that I couldn't get in my own driveway came across as too rude for them.

Here is my response:
Dear Church,
0. The best neighbors possible would be ones that never park on my property.
1. I am but one secular human, free of miracle and I manage to shovel my driveway by hand. It doesn't require any special service contract being fulfilled. If anything with 20 people you should be able to shovel it infinitely faster.
2. My rudeness was minor and uneventful, I said, "Why are you parked in my driveway." To be honest I didn't even know they were church people. When the woman responded, 'because we are unloading for the church" - I said, "You could just shovel your side of the driveway, its not that crazy of a concept."
3. Normally, I just let it slide when people are parked in driveway for a few minutes unloading, it happens more than you think. However, this time I was in a rush and needed to get in my house. Why should I be inconvenienced and have to park a block away because you guys didn't have the foresight to clear your driveway. I spent the previous evening clearing mine so that I could get in and out during the day when I knew I would be in a rush.
4. I have no neighborly desire to extend any special privilege or access to my property just because you are a church with a small congregation. In fact I am less likely to do so because I am infinitely annoyed that you pay no tax on your huge property while it is barely used for spiritual activity.
Hmm, they pulled this year after year. They wait until mid winter then claim the can't find a plow service. I know for a fact that the Linwood Association compiles a list of local snow removal services for all type of driveways/parking lots at the end of fall, and sends that information through email to all of its members. They really have no excuse.
This is amazing! Your reply is perfect.
The thing is blocking a drive way is illegal and a ticket.. Even if only the bumper ... But by the time you got someone there it is to late... Now In court you can use photos to fight a ticket... But I don't know if you can take a picture showing the crime and the plate and submit it somehow... It use to be a crime even if it is your drive way.... In the fighting the ticket like if you can prove where you are and when vs. The sign .....
Oh yeah, in my opinion they "intentionally didn't plow the driveway." Because it ain't rocket science, your don't need a plowing service, you just need someone with a shovel. I'm sure they could have found somebody in the neighbourhood to do it. Several of our neighbours pay other neighbours (or their kids) to shovel their sidewalks and driveways for them.
I share your frustration with the driveway situation. I think it must be a Buffalo thing because I don't remember having this problem anywhere else. We have similar problems on the Westside.
I reckon the priest seems to think that trespassing is ok but complaining about trespassing is rude. I think that denying you access to your property is rude and tantamount to thievery.
Perhaps you need to put up signs about illegal parking and have violators towed.
Didn't you have plans to put up a fence all the way to the sidewalk?
Not that this helps anything but if you had a truck with a plow it might solve a couple of problems... Plus :) you could take pictures and just tow cars:) and charge them for a tow and then let them know where they can get said car... That will learn them....... :)