Last night at 3:45am ish the doorbell rang and there was a bunch of knocking. I assumed it was one of my friends and answered the door. Instead it was a man with one pant leg who had been robbed on my lawn. Instead of just taking his phone, wallet and keys - they just tried to rip his pocket off him and ended up ripping his pant leg off.
Needless to say he was pretty shaken up and it was pretty freakin cold out. He asked if I could call 911 so I figured it must be pretty legit. Because they stole his keys and phone I had to also call his building supervisor to get someone to let him in. Then I gave him a ride home.
Turned out he lives on Linwood just down the street. Its pretty crazy because he was just walking home from the Bend down on Allen. Could have been anyone.

Wow, salt on the wound! How awful! Really nice of you to help out, I'm sure it wasn't his greatest moment of 2012 to bang on someone's door half naked after being mugged.
Oh Great with a party coming up that is discouraging.... Think I'll still be there I'm sure I will.... I've heard of stuff like this in London and NYC where they cut your pocket or bag..... That is insane though.....