Bathroom light had been sparking for a bit as the switch was deteriorating. It finally gave out. Luckily this problem was one that i could fix on my own for the grand total of $4 and 20 minutes of effort including the trip to get the replacement part I needed at Schuele.
Its pretty awesome that there is a hardware store right on Summer between main and linwood now. somehow they manage to pack everything I ever need into that store. Its like having a home depot one block away minus the kitchen, remodeling, bathroom fixtures, doors, wood yard and drywall sections that I never really go in anyways.
I hate going to home depot when I need a small item because first of all its a 10-15 minute drive each way and second of all because I end up spending forever trying to find what I needed or get help. Then I end up purchasing all this crap I didn't really want or need because I was waiting around.

I think I might have a mullet in this pic.