Bathroom light had been sparking for a bit as the switch was deteriorating. It finally gave out. Luckily this problem was one that i could fix on my own for the grand total of $4 and 20 minutes of effort including the trip to get the replacement part I needed at Schuele.
Its pretty awesome that there is a hardware store right on Summer between main and linwood now. somehow they manage to pack everything I ever need into that store. Its like having a home depot one block away minus the kitchen, remodeling, bathroom fixtures, doors, wood yard and drywall sections that I never really go in anyways.
I hate going to home depot when I need a small item because first of all its a 10-15 minute drive each way and second of all because I end up spending forever trying to find what I needed or get help. Then I end up purchasing all this crap I didn't really want or need because I was waiting around.
Everyone isn't the same... Some people when they get drunk pass out... Some people get funny, Some people punch walls .... Hence why a few things where made illegal (Everclear I think was grain so a bit differently but that made people lose their minds)... Now yes people do use it as an excuse to do things they normally wouldn't like break stuff or take someone home.... Of course there are combinations of these... That doesn't make it any less crazy
Oh ya, no doubt. If alcohol was the actual issue then every person that drank would do stuff like this. Sorry you had to experience this.
Alcohol isn't what makes people violent. It may lower inhibitions to "release the beast." I was hammered out of my gourd at the Halloween party and still calmly played "bouncer" to enforce appropriate party behavior.
I'm about as opposite as violent as you can get, which makes being a victim of violence so disturbing.
That is crazy.... Not sure that only 2 mikes would cause that but on top of other drinking I could see it... Now Joose yeah cause that big can is 9-14% alcohol and Blast is about the same.... But the harder ones have more so maybe... That doesn't make it any less crazy....