a lot of teachers that i used to work with would refer to students as high and low..... it bothers me. isn't there a less demeaning and more intelligent way of indicating what level a student is at academically.
right now, i would rate myself not that high achieving. i just completed my fist round of coursework for the semester and it was days of an inward struggle with myself. i did everything to avoid doing this work, including but not limited to:
shopping for things i don't need
watching t.v. and movies which often bored me
sleeping and then taking naps as well
eating, and then eating again
socializing too much and even when i didn't feel like being social
talking on the phone
looking at lame stuff on instagram
oh, and i did actually workout once!
anyway, the point is that it really wasn't that bad completing the work and surprise.... i actually learned quit a bit! the classes i learn the most from are often the least enjoyable. however, it's the reading where you really get the good stuff. it feels good to think on a worldly level and stop being concerned with my mostly silly day to day concerns. i feel refreshed knowing that i learned quite a bit today.
(e:paul) needs to stop posting blogs of my fam.... i'm ronery.
playa, playa, playa... left empty handed and broken hearted.
She played you like whoa. She takes after Auntie Jessica. The original playa.
it has always been my biggest fear in life to be convicted of a murder I didn't commit
Have you heard of the Memphis 3? I wouldn't expect someone her age to know to call to thank on her own.
You totally got played. You prob would have done the same thing at her age.