Not sure what else I'll post maybe the parade ? with some of the pole climbing ?
Metalpeter's Journal
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08/14/2012 17:29 #56678
Fair Animals 2012Category: photos
So Yes the fair is still going on :) ... So I thought that I would post some pictures of the Animals of the Erie County Fair... Now of course this is only of the ones I saw... There is an entire competition ring where horses trot and do stuff like that ...That I didn't see....

Not sure what else I'll post maybe the parade ? with some of the pole climbing ?
Not sure what else I'll post maybe the parade ? with some of the pole climbing ?
08/13/2012 18:29 #56677
2012 Erie Country FairCategory: photos
Now the thing that is great about Fairs I assume the state fair is like this and even fairs that are different is that they have things for all different people.. There is the Fried Food, Games, Rides, shows, shopping (yes all kinds of cool things you can get), The Animals, Animal Events and grand stand events as well.... Um did I mention the food not just the deep fried stuff... Yes trying new stuff can be a bit scary cause it might not all be made the same... But here are a few pix.. Ok more then a few ....

That is Fried Kool Aid fruit punch flavor I think... Tastes just like cool aid very good :)

That is a Deep Fried Taco... It was pretty tasty....

Not sure if the trains or all the detail on all the buildings was cooler ok the buildings.. Only posted a few not sure if they really translate....

Yes the doughnut Burger ... I never did get it last year.. Tastes like a burger with a glazed doughnut it was tasty...

Ok I admit the last two foods are kinda odd... I had to try the Chocolate bacon.. Now it was good but strange it was kinda like a sauce and I like mine cooked more soft but that is just me... The other thing was good and odd and liked the dipping stuff but couldn't tell you the flavor.. Chicken Fried bacon... I wasn't brave enough to try the deep fried butter ... Bet it could have been great.....

That is Fried Kool Aid fruit punch flavor I think... Tastes just like cool aid very good :)
That is a Deep Fried Taco... It was pretty tasty....
Not sure if the trains or all the detail on all the buildings was cooler ok the buildings.. Only posted a few not sure if they really translate....
Yes the doughnut Burger ... I never did get it last year.. Tastes like a burger with a glazed doughnut it was tasty...
Ok I admit the last two foods are kinda odd... I had to try the Chocolate bacon.. Now it was good but strange it was kinda like a sauce and I like mine cooked more soft but that is just me... The other thing was good and odd and liked the dipping stuff but couldn't tell you the flavor.. Chicken Fried bacon... I wasn't brave enough to try the deep fried butter ... Bet it could have been great.....
08/13/2012 17:31 #56676
Peeking Acrobats 2012Category: photos
So this weekend was the first weekend of The Erie County fair... It is going to have to be multiple posts... But I figured not just for (e:tinypliny) but for anyone who does yoga these acrobats of course they are women so they do have a bit more flexabilty I could be wrong on that but I thought there was some way the pelvis lines up or something sorry can't remember in any event for now here is their performance.. sorry if the pictures look over exposed a bit...

In terms of the bending and body control stuff that above is the main part of it but they do so much more.....

In terms of the bending and body control stuff that above is the main part of it but they do so much more.....
08/04/2012 11:54 #56657
Aug 2012 Skiffle Happy HourCategory: photos
So I admit I Haven't been infringing like I should..Part of that is the olympics and Social Media and work and the heat... Now this isn't part of infringement and again sorry for not posting pix up here of that yet... but if you are on facebook you can see them....But last night there where a few things going on wonder if they set the world record for Zombies at the ball park.. The reason I didn't go is that to get made up then go home on a bus.. Doesn't sound like a good idea.... Plus it sounded like they would be through out the ball park and not like in one area so... There was an art thing at 424 and Lloyd's but went with Skiffle....

I guess this Is a good time to mention two things... They are adding things like a big railing to sportman's I can't imagine the snow removal on that ... and also (e:lindyfix) was there dancing and will be in some pictures coming up.....

It was a great time.....
I guess this Is a good time to mention two things... They are adding things like a big railing to sportman's I can't imagine the snow removal on that ... and also (e:lindyfix) was there dancing and will be in some pictures coming up.....
It was a great time.....
07/31/2012 18:08 #56650
Garden walk 2012Category: photos
So with going out to Wham Bam Poetry Slam II and watching the olympics I only got a couple hours in at the garden walk... Now I will post pictures from that but gotta figure out the best way... I'm kinda thinking to do the Slide show thing since I have so many... But for now the garden walk.....

I've seen this house change so much on the outside it is a pretty rad looking place....

So I took pictures with my bigger camera and most of the time it can tell when the picture is the other way so hope that all those pictures are oriented the right way....

Well we shall see... I guess this is a good showing of what I saw...
I've seen this house change so much on the outside it is a pretty rad looking place....
So I took pictures with my bigger camera and most of the time it can tell when the picture is the other way so hope that all those pictures are oriented the right way....
Well we shall see... I guess this is a good showing of what I saw...
metalpeter - 08/13/12 18:56
Most years I go 2 days... This Year I went for a few hours on Sunday... If I remember Correctly the olympics where on and I watched those and then went to infringement and wanted to save my self for that.... Yet I still have to post pictures from that cause I have so many not sure how to post them ?
Most years I go 2 days... This Year I went for a few hours on Sunday... If I remember Correctly the olympics where on and I watched those and then went to infringement and wanted to save my self for that.... Yet I still have to post pictures from that cause I have so many not sure how to post them ?
metalpeter - 08/13/12 18:54
In the backyard they had the grill area set up like so one could have a stir fry then the Japanese ? water thing... At first I just thought the table setting was part of like the theme and art but I see there is a little piece of what might be food in a bowl so maybe they really do use it?
In the backyard they had the grill area set up like so one could have a stir fry then the Japanese ? water thing... At first I just thought the table setting was part of like the theme and art but I see there is a little piece of what might be food in a bowl so maybe they really do use it?
tinypliny - 08/13/12 17:44
So whom was that dinner laid out for? Nice squarish bowls. :)
So whom was that dinner laid out for? Nice squarish bowls. :)
tinypliny - 08/13/12 17:43
Hmmm... Look at how the old money lives. ;-)
Hmmm... Look at how the old money lives. ;-)
tinypliny - 08/13/12 17:42
So pretty! I missed it again this year. And this time I didn't even know it was that weekend. I think I slept through the weekend because I was completely exhausted. :)
So pretty! I missed it again this year. And this time I didn't even know it was that weekend. I think I slept through the weekend because I was completely exhausted. :)
Yeah, I think flexibility is a cultivated trait. Gets harder as you get older.
How they do it I don't know... some of it is equipment I'm sure and learning how to do it... But I think that some of it is that they learn at a very young age. Or maybe beaten ..HA..Oh that is only in the kung fu schools and that I doubt is done anymore.... I think there are some skills teach balance and to have total body control with slow movements... But there also has to be a genetic aspect to it.. I won't go so far as to say only Asians can do it. But some people naturally when they go upside down lose where there feet are or maybe that is just me.. I also wonder if there is an age thing.. Like as an example in olympics to be a do gymnastics you have to be is it 16 or 15 I can't remember But I'm guessing at least for the women again just a guess that youth helps?
All the photos look so breath-taking. How did they do all that balancing?!!
WOW. Thanks so much for posting these. They are amazing.
And are you kidding. Its been ages since I did yoga and even when I did, I couldn't come close to ANY of those poses. What are they, made of rubber?!!