Now Granted it is a white Pizza and a Medium and UFC is Pretty long (3-4 hours) But I never thought I would only have 2 slices left and couldn't finish them so... Later tonight....
Now for the taste of Buffalo I'll just toss up the pix some of these Items where the small size I put $15 in and saw what I could get..When you don't buy drinks you get so much more......
Looks like pretty close in order.... Think I will edit the first one and call it food in category as well.... Monday is the Bisons Home run Derby, then Tuesday Is Skiffle at Bidwel or for you sports fan major league baseball's all star game.. So DVRing Covert Affairs line up...Then on Wens-day back to the ballpark for the all star game.. On Saturday I might go to a bar? could get interesting.....
I LOVED the weather this year. It has been near perfect all the time. The winter was mild. The summer has been warm. I could not have asked for a better farewell from Buffalo!! :)
It is good that you got what you wanted... As much as I love the heat over say the cold the heat has been up this year... There still is a bit of summer left not a lot but some....
So did I. I think I pretty much missed the whole summer this year. But yeah, I got what I wanted finally. :)
It is to bad you missed it... Turns out at least when I was there Sat was better.... Sunday it was so so so packed... But as crazy as pittsburgh sounded it sounded fun.....
I am so sad that I missed it, I was just too tired on the way home from pittsburgh to go.