I've seen this house change so much on the outside it is a pretty rad looking place....
So I took pictures with my bigger camera and most of the time it can tell when the picture is the other way so hope that all those pictures are oriented the right way....
Well we shall see... I guess this is a good showing of what I saw...
Most years I go 2 days... This Year I went for a few hours on Sunday... If I remember Correctly the olympics where on and I watched those and then went to infringement and wanted to save my self for that.... Yet I still have to post pictures from that cause I have so many not sure how to post them ?
In the backyard they had the grill area set up like so one could have a stir fry then the Japanese ? water thing... At first I just thought the table setting was part of like the theme and art but I see there is a little piece of what might be food in a bowl so maybe they really do use it?
So whom was that dinner laid out for? Nice squarish bowls. :)
Hmmm... Look at how the old money lives. ;-)
So pretty! I missed it again this year. And this time I didn't even know it was that weekend. I think I slept through the weekend because I was completely exhausted. :)