Now near where I work I noticed some art work not sure what it is about..Kinda looks like a mug shot? Then since we are on the topic or urban art. There are tags on the train that I got.. None of them are like the really fancy ones (didn't see them) that some artists do with like a spray can worked in or like where the name is spelled out in bricks or a picture is mixed in .......
The Occupy Movement is still not done? They make a point about locking up the bankers.. They did get bailed out and none of that money they got helps us?
Not sure whom covered this on the net but I guess some of this style of tagging got people in Allentown all upset ...... Here is what I got...
I myself am more of a fan of the spray paint art then say like words or like murals... But stuff that is put on purpose or allowed isn't the same as someone hitting a mailbox or gangs putting up names or something.. But maybe that area doesn't want to take the chance.. But yet the one bar when I was a kid people would get thrown out the front window.. Brick Bar you didn't go to unless you where a tough guy?
EDIT: I need to mention that last graphic I couldn't get all of between the fence and the trees.. It might be tough for anyone to... Well unless of course the gate was open... So go buy and take a look......
Yeah, I think flexibility is a cultivated trait. Gets harder as you get older.
How they do it I don't know... some of it is equipment I'm sure and learning how to do it... But I think that some of it is that they learn at a very young age. Or maybe beaten ..HA..Oh that is only in the kung fu schools and that I doubt is done anymore.... I think there are some skills teach balance and to have total body control with slow movements... But there also has to be a genetic aspect to it.. I won't go so far as to say only Asians can do it. But some people naturally when they go upside down lose where there feet are or maybe that is just me.. I also wonder if there is an age thing.. Like as an example in olympics to be a do gymnastics you have to be is it 16 or 15 I can't remember But I'm guessing at least for the women again just a guess that youth helps?
All the photos look so breath-taking. How did they do all that balancing?!!
WOW. Thanks so much for posting these. They are amazing.
And are you kidding. Its been ages since I did yoga and even when I did, I couldn't come close to ANY of those poses. What are they, made of rubber?!!