I thought and yes it is still going on that there was some good stuff this year...Not lots of give aways but that varies year to year but love the food truck area..... Oh and just to be clear I've allways been pro food truck what I was anti was people who boycott a place cause they want laws that favor them... I also didn't get why people got all upset when lloyd's wanted a 2nd truck and people got all upset......
Couple of things When I went into New Era I went just to look around and not sure what all that math on the glass wall is and get out of the heat but saw an amazing old style looking raiders hat so had to buy it :)
Also Thanks (e:mrmike) for the Dinosaur Idea they where good.... The Roast beef Sundae... Was it good yes... Was it as good as the 1st time I ever had it no... Somehow the Sundae dish keeps the things where they are supposed to be and not as mixed... I guess it is kinda like (wouldn't know) when you do a multiple layer drink the wrong way but it would still taste good?
I LOVED the weather this year. It has been near perfect all the time. The winter was mild. The summer has been warm. I could not have asked for a better farewell from Buffalo!! :)
It is good that you got what you wanted... As much as I love the heat over say the cold the heat has been up this year... There still is a bit of summer left not a lot but some....
So did I. I think I pretty much missed the whole summer this year. But yeah, I got what I wanted finally. :)
It is to bad you missed it... Turns out at least when I was there Sat was better.... Sunday it was so so so packed... But as crazy as pittsburgh sounded it sounded fun.....
I am so sad that I missed it, I was just too tired on the way home from pittsburgh to go.