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12/10/2011 17:43 #55690

It's on!!!
This is what I'm going out with tonight? Line up boys!!!

tinypliny - 12/12/11 20:17
What is that scarf? Is that a scarf? Or is that a special hat.. or towel?

10/13/2011 16:34 #55289

Ok gross out for some....
This is my michael jackson hand!!! It's healed I'm just waiting for my color to come back. The good thing is I can use my hand now, so I'm back to drawing with my mummy hand and some sewing. Makes me happy.



flacidness - 10/18/11 12:53
Awe thank you honey! I dabbled a little in middle school.
tinypliny - 10/13/11 23:04
This is so exciting! Now, I just need to get a decent sewing machine. My Janome purchase went right back because I couldn't get the tension to work properly. I think I want to get a Husqvarna Viking next.

You have beautiful fingers. :) Do you play the keyboard/piano?
flacidness - 10/13/11 22:49
For sure babe I'll help you :) and it was chicken grease lol
tinypliny - 10/13/11 18:39
Was that hot oil then or scalding water? You never said what it was that burnt your hand.

And oooooooooooooooh! REALLY, do you sew?? Can you teach me how to do simple things? I want to make a winter coat and make a dress I have smaller.

10/09/2011 21:34 #55273

Now you're alright....
But I'm here darlin, to enjoy the party. Ok my whole body is hurting. Everything hurts besides my mj mummY hand ironicallY. I didn't know hiking included rock climbing and sliding down cliffs lol. It was sooooo much fun we had a lot of fun. Poor Casey wasn't feeling to well after our night out before, but still was a trooper and did most of the adventure. Did somebody say Tranny island?! I must say hiking took a lot more out of me than I thought, and my shoes are not going to be the same. But would I go again? Hell yeah!!! Later this week I have a funeral and a going away party to go to in the same day lol. I would put a pic of my hand up bit I don't want to gross anybody or. Let's just say I really am white on the inside ;) goodnight all love you long time

paul - 10/12/11 09:38
I was there would be more summer weather.
tinypliny - 10/12/11 00:50
I guess you could call a wake a going away party.
heidi - 10/09/11 21:45
I heard (e:Yesthatcasey) took a nap in the middle ;-) G'night!

09/22/2011 00:24 #55179

No more cooking
I've been told by numerous people that I can't cook, and I don't belong in the kitchen. I've agreed %100. But every few months or so I feel the urge to try. They have resulted in me burning many a things mostly food and twice my hand. I've even cut my hand trying to make strawberry pie. Yesterday confirmed it big time!!! I burned the HELL out of my hand which resulted in me going to the ER lastnight. Now I have a mummy hand and I'm NEVER cooking again. Now how am I supposed to be a hand model :(


paul - 09/22/11 23:26
Oil burns suck. Hope you are doing better.
KeithT - 09/22/11 18:35
tinypliny - 09/22/11 17:48
% many people think they are great when they are bad

lol, that is me to a T.. or a B.
metalpeter - 09/22/11 17:45
I can't really cook either many people can't so don't worry to much about just stay away from cooking I guess..... At least though you know so many people think they are great when they are bad....
paul - 09/22/11 01:07
That happend to me one, it took like 5 years for the scar to fade.
tinypliny - 09/22/11 00:35
Ouch. What happened? Did you spill oil over it?

09/10/2011 12:05 #55128

When I think of home....
I think of all my friends and family back here and all the love I've been shown since I've been here. Makes me wonder why the heck did I think I could really be happy in New Orleans. Words can't express how happy I am to be back, it really started to sink in yesterday, when I was thinking about B.S. in new orleans and realized I'm 1200 miles away. It ofcourse wasn't all bad but, the bad definetly out weighed the good. I like when the scale tips the other way. I'm not staying here forever ofcourse,i will be moving again in january. But for now HAY, HAY, HAY!!! I'm pretty sure I'll C U all soon. Xoxo-TK

metalpeter - 09/11/11 08:47
I agree on the other party cause that was for his Birthday and not a house warming or house breaking in what ever you want to call it....

So TK is here till Jan..
libertad - 09/10/11 14:46
Yay! I think mike and I should have another party soon.