Metalpeter's Journal
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11/04/2011 19:16 #55443
e:tinypliny The KillCategory: music
Sorry not sure what I was thinking about Tittle Wise just kinda thought of one part of this song..... Not sure what I was thinking but it kinda sounds kinda a bit the same?
11/02/2011 18:25 #55430
The Stamplickers Halloween 2011Category: photos
11/02/2011 17:42 #55429
Crackty JonesCategory: photos
So Not sure if Cractky Jones is how you spell it but they where pretty good on Saturday night... Now I admit I know none of the Pixies music but they made it sound good.... But they are also a tribute band they dress like Kiss or did that night at least for Halloween....

Now part of the fun was the pretty ladies dancing near me.... Who where really into it... No way of getting a picture of them though really... They also had a costume contest.... Think the Abfab people won and the Dollar General crash was 2nd?

Now part of the fun was the pretty ladies dancing near me.... Who where really into it... No way of getting a picture of them though really... They also had a costume contest.... Think the Abfab people won and the Dollar General crash was 2nd?
10/31/2011 19:38 #55416
Part 2 Halloween BurlesqueCategory: photos
10/31/2011 18:25 #55415
Burlesque Sat. 10-29-2011Category: photos
Had such a great time where to start other then posting some pictures sure it will be multiple posts.......

This is Part of a Nightmare Before Christmas bit... I don't get all of it but thought it was great... They Had "This Is Halloween" my Marilyn Manson so.......

I know I had a great time but maybe part of it is that before I even Knew "Velvet Train" (Christmas Sweeter and then later with the mask and blue Corset) Kinda had a crush on her oh so hot.... Then it moved onto Trixie Fire Cracker (Santa ... Yes the one with those huge perfect boobs)... They are all great to watch and Mistress J is all ways a great MC....
This is Part of a Nightmare Before Christmas bit... I don't get all of it but thought it was great... They Had "This Is Halloween" my Marilyn Manson so.......
I know I had a great time but maybe part of it is that before I even Knew "Velvet Train" (Christmas Sweeter and then later with the mask and blue Corset) Kinda had a crush on her oh so hot.... Then it moved onto Trixie Fire Cracker (Santa ... Yes the one with those huge perfect boobs)... They are all great to watch and Mistress J is all ways a great MC....
Well I notice a lot when one song sounds like another but often can't tell what the name of the song is.....
heh, that is like that movie, the shining? and those look like a couple actors from some other movies that I can't recall now.
But I am having a hard time hearing the same notes. Maybe its one of those songs that grow on you the more you hear it and then you start to hear underlying melodies.