So doing a washing clothes Day I and I saw that Lloyd's was on Connecticut St. So I had to go check it out it was Nice to run into (e:PMT) again... I didn't know what the thing was really to be honest just went for a Taco... See that power is what the "Brick and Mortar" Places fear... But what they don't get is that those trucks bring people who wouldn't be near your place so it helps you out also......
I only Have one Pet Peeve or Problem and not blaming these guys not sure what owner did it..... When I was growing up the Graffiti mural thing was all ways there... It is dark out coming home from the showplace I'm the next stop... Now never sure what it really was but it was cool... It was hip... It was never painted over.... Then one day when Horse Feathers was still open I think I saw it was painted over and they had signs saying you where watched and tagging would get you locked up.... But those couple of parts they never painted Over?
Well the box is free... They have two sizes of cupcakes I went with the big one the ice cream was $3 A big cupcake might be about $3 not sure
How much do those zillycakes boxes cost? How much is it for a muffin? Looks very fancy.