Metalpeter's Journal
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09/27/2011 19:53 #55205
More MIA 2011Category: photos
09/20/2011 18:56 #55174
MIA Fire Dancing 2011Category: photos
So I decided to Jump ahead a bit in time cause the fire dancing pictures are pretty cool or at least I think they are......

The Above Pictures aren't all the pictures I took but a sampling of the pictures I took with my small Camera I had to do a battery Change in the middle of it... So now here are some pictures I took with the New camera....

Well hope someone enjoys these
The Above Pictures aren't all the pictures I took but a sampling of the pictures I took with my small Camera I had to do a battery Change in the middle of it... So now here are some pictures I took with the New camera....
Well hope someone enjoys these
09/24/2011 17:53 #55191
Fear-->hate-->The DarksideCategory: philosophy
"Fear leads to Hate, Hate leads to The Darkside" -Joda Now that is from Episode 1 and it is about how Ani misses his mother and how that will lead to fear and then that leads to hate and then onto the darkside... Anyone who has seen the movies knows about how he goes on to kill the Younglings and how he likes it... I admit I don't have the Saga on Blu Ray and the makes me a bad fan.... But that and hate and the darkside isn't what this blog is really about it is about fear so not sure what I will say really and won't prof read it but here goes...
So thanks to the girls who where freaking out at the bus stop over the bee. That shows you how crazy fear is... If you want you can put this into perspective about bullies and that is fine it is kinda a sub post or sub point... Of course that assumes you read the previous one... This is more about fear though and not hate that comes from it so... There is this tiny little bee that will only attack if you bother it.. Once it stings you it dies. It just like dogs can smell the fear.. Ok maybe not the fear but the chemical your body produces hence why bees bother you and dogs Bark at yeah.. It is real easy to say you shouldn't fear these things you do eggs them on... (I think some people can smell it or fear it)... That is why in a hood that is sketchy the best thing to do is not to hide not to watch shadows not be jumpy to know anyone fucks with you it is a chop to the throat then back elbow to the head and if he is with buddies they won't fuck with you after that... But no one can do that with bees, Bullies, or Dogs really or at least not all of them... I'm not saying that with Bullies we cause it to happen. But being fearless would cut down on a lot of it.... Again not saying that can happen... I know I don't trust dogs they are there to protect their area and if you are in you are a threat to them... People think they are walking the dog but the dog really is walking them... That pit bull decides to run when it really walks you I'm done. So I guess what I'm getting at is some fear is rational and some is non rational like that tiny bee....
Are there other factors that run the world sure but I think fear is the biggest and we don't even know it... This is so true of us men. Now fear isn't only about bad things but about good things and change as well..... Oh I'm not a shrink so if you take my advice and something goes wrong don't sue me and since this is out there Star Wars people don't do it either.... So I guess a bunch of examples since I don't think I have a real point just kinda showing some things off....
Oh that gorgeous girl at the coffee shop or on a bus or where ever. We want to approach but fear kicks in.. Now I include worry in fear as well because worrying about what can happen is part of fear even if it is a good thing... What if she rejects in front of everyone... What if she says she will call me then breaks my heart... What if her ex is the jealous type... Now I'm not saying that we think of all this stuff at once but often time something stops us like having our food taken or stepping on someone on a moving bus or having our favorite coffee place be weird....
Not attacking Bush "W'!" here. But he and not only him have used fear to pass his agenda in the past... You know little things like spying on citizens and the Patriot (Go Bills..HA oh wait that is the Patriots but when you leave that team do you hate your country cause your an expat ha!) Act. Gotta give him credit for that...
Maybe there is some country with out an Army ... Everyone needs an army what if we are attacked... Now that is fear at its highest form... You know what if no one had an army it wouldn't be a fear... This fear is used in most every war.. We have to fight them over there so they don't come over hear...
Locally the food truck battle is driven by fear... There are fads in food. Don't believe me look what happened to Krisppy Kreme.... Um who's that they are all closed now.. When they opened they had 40 minute drive through waits... So part of the fear is this new thing will be a fad and won't last and then in that fad time other places will close... I would call that rational fear... Or maybe since Paladino is all fired up that part of it is irrational not sure you decide (if anyone is reading this)?
Job wise where to start... So many people wake up and go why am I going to this place I hate.. All the fears from quitting... Like not being able to find a job, not having money, not being able to do what you like to do for fun, losing the family cause of no job... But that isn't the only fear for some. The fear of liking it.
Fear isn't only about bad things that happen it is also about good things that happen.. I have a dual fear of getting a tattoo ... First of all there are a bunch of fears of needles, if it is a pain I can't deal with, what if I get the new guy who isn't good yet or worst yet forgets to change needles... But there is also a positive fear and that is what If I like it... I like tattoos but don't want to look like the guy with them on his neck and there entire body is covered with them... Now a chick it is different cause women with them and guys look different... I myself like when there is a Tattoo you can tell what the entire thing is not like a sleeve where you can kinda see what things are but hey that is just me....
New things where you don't know what to expect are can freak people out... I know I'm a bit stressed out over work.. Can't say much but Boss was talking to one of the new people... There is a part of me that isn't worried and could care less about what they are talking about.... But there is another part that has a feeling there could be drama and then more people will have to talk and then I might have to say stuff that I don't want to say.... Is the talk about the new guy or about others? The guy is new does he know what he is talking about... The not knowing is a bit stressful .... The fear is natural though....
But fear is so complex... Some people like to face their fears like if you don't like heights climb to the roof (me) and just stay away from the edge.... Or in some peoples case it might be jumping off a bridge or high dive or something....
Fear of good things causes people to do things or not do things as well... There is something you see or you wan't but you don't think you deserve it so you are afraid of Success... Or maybe you think you can't handle that.. Again I think this might be true of me... I don't like talking about work but here it goes again.. I'm not a boss so I can't tell people what to do.. I can tell them what I would do, or what they could do, or what they should do, or even say well here is what is going on here are some ways you could do this.. But I'm not a boss so I can't tell the person what to do... I don't want to be a boss there are things that a boss does that I know aren't for me and that I don't want to do... Often times when you are a step back it is a better spot to see and say well you could do this. But when you are in it and you are the one who has to make that decision and live by what goes down it is different... Or maybe it is just fear of some kind not sure.....
I guess if someone wants a point it is that if we know it or not Fear really drives most of what we do and don't do... Again though This is not only about fear of bad things but of good things as well... If one can use fear as a way to drive for positivism then that is great but I would say that isn't very often... I do think that Fear does lead to hate.. But I wouldn't know really how to write about that... The other problem is just cause you hate someone or something doesn't mean fear caused it... Just wish I could come up with some example of how fear of Success causes people to do things......
So thanks to the girls who where freaking out at the bus stop over the bee. That shows you how crazy fear is... If you want you can put this into perspective about bullies and that is fine it is kinda a sub post or sub point... Of course that assumes you read the previous one... This is more about fear though and not hate that comes from it so... There is this tiny little bee that will only attack if you bother it.. Once it stings you it dies. It just like dogs can smell the fear.. Ok maybe not the fear but the chemical your body produces hence why bees bother you and dogs Bark at yeah.. It is real easy to say you shouldn't fear these things you do eggs them on... (I think some people can smell it or fear it)... That is why in a hood that is sketchy the best thing to do is not to hide not to watch shadows not be jumpy to know anyone fucks with you it is a chop to the throat then back elbow to the head and if he is with buddies they won't fuck with you after that... But no one can do that with bees, Bullies, or Dogs really or at least not all of them... I'm not saying that with Bullies we cause it to happen. But being fearless would cut down on a lot of it.... Again not saying that can happen... I know I don't trust dogs they are there to protect their area and if you are in you are a threat to them... People think they are walking the dog but the dog really is walking them... That pit bull decides to run when it really walks you I'm done. So I guess what I'm getting at is some fear is rational and some is non rational like that tiny bee....
Are there other factors that run the world sure but I think fear is the biggest and we don't even know it... This is so true of us men. Now fear isn't only about bad things but about good things and change as well..... Oh I'm not a shrink so if you take my advice and something goes wrong don't sue me and since this is out there Star Wars people don't do it either.... So I guess a bunch of examples since I don't think I have a real point just kinda showing some things off....
Oh that gorgeous girl at the coffee shop or on a bus or where ever. We want to approach but fear kicks in.. Now I include worry in fear as well because worrying about what can happen is part of fear even if it is a good thing... What if she rejects in front of everyone... What if she says she will call me then breaks my heart... What if her ex is the jealous type... Now I'm not saying that we think of all this stuff at once but often time something stops us like having our food taken or stepping on someone on a moving bus or having our favorite coffee place be weird....
Not attacking Bush "W'!" here. But he and not only him have used fear to pass his agenda in the past... You know little things like spying on citizens and the Patriot (Go Bills..HA oh wait that is the Patriots but when you leave that team do you hate your country cause your an expat ha!) Act. Gotta give him credit for that...
Maybe there is some country with out an Army ... Everyone needs an army what if we are attacked... Now that is fear at its highest form... You know what if no one had an army it wouldn't be a fear... This fear is used in most every war.. We have to fight them over there so they don't come over hear...
Locally the food truck battle is driven by fear... There are fads in food. Don't believe me look what happened to Krisppy Kreme.... Um who's that they are all closed now.. When they opened they had 40 minute drive through waits... So part of the fear is this new thing will be a fad and won't last and then in that fad time other places will close... I would call that rational fear... Or maybe since Paladino is all fired up that part of it is irrational not sure you decide (if anyone is reading this)?
Job wise where to start... So many people wake up and go why am I going to this place I hate.. All the fears from quitting... Like not being able to find a job, not having money, not being able to do what you like to do for fun, losing the family cause of no job... But that isn't the only fear for some. The fear of liking it.
Fear isn't only about bad things that happen it is also about good things that happen.. I have a dual fear of getting a tattoo ... First of all there are a bunch of fears of needles, if it is a pain I can't deal with, what if I get the new guy who isn't good yet or worst yet forgets to change needles... But there is also a positive fear and that is what If I like it... I like tattoos but don't want to look like the guy with them on his neck and there entire body is covered with them... Now a chick it is different cause women with them and guys look different... I myself like when there is a Tattoo you can tell what the entire thing is not like a sleeve where you can kinda see what things are but hey that is just me....
New things where you don't know what to expect are can freak people out... I know I'm a bit stressed out over work.. Can't say much but Boss was talking to one of the new people... There is a part of me that isn't worried and could care less about what they are talking about.... But there is another part that has a feeling there could be drama and then more people will have to talk and then I might have to say stuff that I don't want to say.... Is the talk about the new guy or about others? The guy is new does he know what he is talking about... The not knowing is a bit stressful .... The fear is natural though....
But fear is so complex... Some people like to face their fears like if you don't like heights climb to the roof (me) and just stay away from the edge.... Or in some peoples case it might be jumping off a bridge or high dive or something....
Fear of good things causes people to do things or not do things as well... There is something you see or you wan't but you don't think you deserve it so you are afraid of Success... Or maybe you think you can't handle that.. Again I think this might be true of me... I don't like talking about work but here it goes again.. I'm not a boss so I can't tell people what to do.. I can tell them what I would do, or what they could do, or what they should do, or even say well here is what is going on here are some ways you could do this.. But I'm not a boss so I can't tell the person what to do... I don't want to be a boss there are things that a boss does that I know aren't for me and that I don't want to do... Often times when you are a step back it is a better spot to see and say well you could do this. But when you are in it and you are the one who has to make that decision and live by what goes down it is different... Or maybe it is just fear of some kind not sure.....
I guess if someone wants a point it is that if we know it or not Fear really drives most of what we do and don't do... Again though This is not only about fear of bad things but of good things as well... If one can use fear as a way to drive for positivism then that is great but I would say that isn't very often... I do think that Fear does lead to hate.. But I wouldn't know really how to write about that... The other problem is just cause you hate someone or something doesn't mean fear caused it... Just wish I could come up with some example of how fear of Success causes people to do things......
09/23/2011 18:03 #55184
"You're going to Hell" "fuck You!"Category: politics
So Not sure how to start this really or how to say this but we shall see... Today in Walgreens I saw a No Bullying shirt. WWE has a no bullying program called be a star or something... Schools have people come in and talk.... I think my tittle kinda fits what could or should go down....
So there has been a lot of stuff in the news and it is national about this local kid who killed him self cause of Bullying and now national people jump on board....
To me this isn't about his sexuality... Kids pick on kids about any thing and everything.. If you are different you will get picked on in some form... Now when I was a kid yes this did go on I'm sure... But most of it was through picking on someone in a good way not cause you hate what they are and that type makes people stronger. It is a guy thing of busting balls. Like "shut Up" oh "Blow Me" and on and on till someone doesn't have a comeback... This is why I don't think any new laws should be passed... Can't have people who are having a good time with each other get in trouble for it....
I know schools say they take this seriously but I don't really buy it... I think it is more we are covering out ass... But maybe I'm wrong... Again here is a place where we don't need new laws there are ones on the books that work .... But are teachers and people really going to follow them?
What I don't get is why after the school shootings why didn't that spawn these changes... Those kids get bullied and put out on there own. Then they go and shoot up a school... Yes it is part of a Micheal Moore movie and yes you should see the Marilyn Manson part of the movie it is great... But that should have started everything....
I don't think this will ever end:
-When someone dies it gives the bullies just what they want someone they don't approve of is dead oh well one less that is what they get for being that way...
-When you tell everyone this is how being this way hurts others yes it tells kids not to be like that.... But what it also does it reminds people who don't care if someone gets hurt to do this..... If they tell the entire school how to deal with this then the bullies know what they have to counter .......
-But The big reason why I don't think it will stop is a lot of the bulling is because the bully sees the other person as less of a person because of what they are... It could be that they are gay or act gay or look like a chick or what ever... Many times this is taught at home or at church... So it is a moral thing... Since they are being moral it is ok to do this....
Not all bullying is because of moral things... The way a bully works most of the time is with fear. Now the fear of what will happen is stronger most times then what will really happen. But this is true of most fear... The fear of rejection or getting the shit beaten out of you and get your face shoved in the mud is worse then the beating its self... Yes it will hurt but it will then end and you won't be tormented every minute of the day.... But it is easy to say you just have to tell someone to go fuck them selves and take what may happen...... Or of course to punch them as hard as you can... It isn't that easy as anyone who has ever been afraid of anything could tell you.....
I know there is more i wanted to say but kinda lost it somewhere as all ways this isn't prof read...
So there has been a lot of stuff in the news and it is national about this local kid who killed him self cause of Bullying and now national people jump on board....
To me this isn't about his sexuality... Kids pick on kids about any thing and everything.. If you are different you will get picked on in some form... Now when I was a kid yes this did go on I'm sure... But most of it was through picking on someone in a good way not cause you hate what they are and that type makes people stronger. It is a guy thing of busting balls. Like "shut Up" oh "Blow Me" and on and on till someone doesn't have a comeback... This is why I don't think any new laws should be passed... Can't have people who are having a good time with each other get in trouble for it....
I know schools say they take this seriously but I don't really buy it... I think it is more we are covering out ass... But maybe I'm wrong... Again here is a place where we don't need new laws there are ones on the books that work .... But are teachers and people really going to follow them?
What I don't get is why after the school shootings why didn't that spawn these changes... Those kids get bullied and put out on there own. Then they go and shoot up a school... Yes it is part of a Micheal Moore movie and yes you should see the Marilyn Manson part of the movie it is great... But that should have started everything....
I don't think this will ever end:
-When someone dies it gives the bullies just what they want someone they don't approve of is dead oh well one less that is what they get for being that way...
-When you tell everyone this is how being this way hurts others yes it tells kids not to be like that.... But what it also does it reminds people who don't care if someone gets hurt to do this..... If they tell the entire school how to deal with this then the bullies know what they have to counter .......
-But The big reason why I don't think it will stop is a lot of the bulling is because the bully sees the other person as less of a person because of what they are... It could be that they are gay or act gay or look like a chick or what ever... Many times this is taught at home or at church... So it is a moral thing... Since they are being moral it is ok to do this....
Not all bullying is because of moral things... The way a bully works most of the time is with fear. Now the fear of what will happen is stronger most times then what will really happen. But this is true of most fear... The fear of rejection or getting the shit beaten out of you and get your face shoved in the mud is worse then the beating its self... Yes it will hurt but it will then end and you won't be tormented every minute of the day.... But it is easy to say you just have to tell someone to go fuck them selves and take what may happen...... Or of course to punch them as hard as you can... It isn't that easy as anyone who has ever been afraid of anything could tell you.....
I know there is more i wanted to say but kinda lost it somewhere as all ways this isn't prof read...
metalpeter - 09/24/11 17:00
@(e:YesThatCasey) : I think this is one area where we seem to agree pretty much for a change.... That being I know nothing about the N8 program.... Didn't even know what the symbol was kinda looked like a take off of some skate board talk or symbol of something.... My next post by the way not that this one is over is on hate I was inspired by a bee to write it yes a bee that is true...
@(e:YesThatCasey) : I think this is one area where we seem to agree pretty much for a change.... That being I know nothing about the N8 program.... Didn't even know what the symbol was kinda looked like a take off of some skate board talk or symbol of something.... My next post by the way not that this one is over is on hate I was inspired by a bee to write it yes a bee that is true...
YesThatCasey - 09/24/11 12:38
I think this is about hate, not about homosexuality. That said, homosexuality currently is, quite disgustingly, an accepted form of hate for a significant portion of our population, so it is not receiving as much condemnation as other forms of hate. But, I don't think that when we focus on teenage suicides that we should put those committed by homosexuals into a different class. The underlying issue is the same: some children (and pathetic adults) simply bully because they have learned that ostracizing others provides them with power. It isn't about the death of the person, but the control that they have been able to exert over them, and others by proxy.
Homosexual bullying differs in that we need to change the dinner-table-talk and national dialogue surrounding it. Things like the repeal of DADT are a sign of noteworthy progress. Unfortunately, the marriage laws will take a lot longer to fix, as will the hateful rhetoric of conservatives. But, while bigots will always exist, the power they have will diminish as their beliefs are no longer welcomed out loud. Of course, they'll just latch on to the next thing that is acceptable to hate, which is why I believe hate is the real problem, and also why I love the No H8 campaign. I believe that campaign could achieve more by not associating itself specifically with homosexual hatred, although I understand why they are doing so.
As for social networking, I definitely think it had exacerbated the issue, largely because of the ease in which a message can reach a broad audience, the lack of policing that occurs in that environment, and, most importantly, the anonymity that people can hide behind.
I think this is about hate, not about homosexuality. That said, homosexuality currently is, quite disgustingly, an accepted form of hate for a significant portion of our population, so it is not receiving as much condemnation as other forms of hate. But, I don't think that when we focus on teenage suicides that we should put those committed by homosexuals into a different class. The underlying issue is the same: some children (and pathetic adults) simply bully because they have learned that ostracizing others provides them with power. It isn't about the death of the person, but the control that they have been able to exert over them, and others by proxy.
Homosexual bullying differs in that we need to change the dinner-table-talk and national dialogue surrounding it. Things like the repeal of DADT are a sign of noteworthy progress. Unfortunately, the marriage laws will take a lot longer to fix, as will the hateful rhetoric of conservatives. But, while bigots will always exist, the power they have will diminish as their beliefs are no longer welcomed out loud. Of course, they'll just latch on to the next thing that is acceptable to hate, which is why I believe hate is the real problem, and also why I love the No H8 campaign. I believe that campaign could achieve more by not associating itself specifically with homosexual hatred, although I understand why they are doing so.
As for social networking, I definitely think it had exacerbated the issue, largely because of the ease in which a message can reach a broad audience, the lack of policing that occurs in that environment, and, most importantly, the anonymity that people can hide behind.
metalpeter - 09/24/11 10:31
-You both are right in this case it was all about homosexuality .. If I made it sound like it wasn't that wasn't what I was saying... I was saying more about the term bullying and that there are different forms of it and that it isn't only about homosexuality... That kids are brutal and will pick on people for anything... If there are rebel kids any more they would pick on the kids who get good grades... On normal students might pick on the "Teachers Pet" or someone who's family is part of the school... Anything so they feel good about them selves...
In terms of the homophobia bullying or you could even use the term Harassment I think one of the problems and here I go bashing my country again.. But it isn't only us ... That we seem to think that it is ok to treat people badly cause we are on the high moral ground. It doesn't only come from faith either. Abortion is killing so it is ok to kill Abortion doctors even though that isn't the only thing they do...
That is why I don't know as these programs work maybe they do.. Maybe they let kids know that you hurt people and so they won't do it... But does that really work on Kids so many kids are kids and they don't get it. But I'm also again just guessing that having speakers come to schools just fuels the fire of the haters even more. As an example they have some guy come in who hurt himself and is in a wheel chair kids see it listen to it and go oh that won't happen to me and are say wrestling or doing what ever almost killed this guy... So I just wonder if they just make things worse by giving the school a way to say ok programs are in place people are here now we can't get sued or if we do we are covered instead of getting to the issue and making sure the ribbing and targeting of people doesn't happen.. Again I don't go to school anymore so not sure what goes on anymore....
I won't lie I don't know all the details... But what seems so crazy is that he felt empowered by lady GaGa and did some of those it gets better Videos from what I understand.... But I guess what one shows on the outside isn't the same as on the inside...
I really shouldn't get into the Social Media thing cause it is to complex that is another blog and maybe I will write one... But I wonder if they make things better or worse? I can't say that where I went to school there where no gay kids but if there where no one knew or at least it wasn't out there... Yeah social media is a great way to vent and get things off your chest but it also a way that way more people can know you are gay (or really anything) in an instant... Even with the cool kids at some point kids don't like school for some reason and I can't imagine it with facebook now... Ask a girl to the prom and she says no and it is all over facebook on the girls side you said yes to that dork what.... Now add in being gay... I can't imagine it... I really can't...
-You both are right in this case it was all about homosexuality .. If I made it sound like it wasn't that wasn't what I was saying... I was saying more about the term bullying and that there are different forms of it and that it isn't only about homosexuality... That kids are brutal and will pick on people for anything... If there are rebel kids any more they would pick on the kids who get good grades... On normal students might pick on the "Teachers Pet" or someone who's family is part of the school... Anything so they feel good about them selves...
In terms of the homophobia bullying or you could even use the term Harassment I think one of the problems and here I go bashing my country again.. But it isn't only us ... That we seem to think that it is ok to treat people badly cause we are on the high moral ground. It doesn't only come from faith either. Abortion is killing so it is ok to kill Abortion doctors even though that isn't the only thing they do...
That is why I don't know as these programs work maybe they do.. Maybe they let kids know that you hurt people and so they won't do it... But does that really work on Kids so many kids are kids and they don't get it. But I'm also again just guessing that having speakers come to schools just fuels the fire of the haters even more. As an example they have some guy come in who hurt himself and is in a wheel chair kids see it listen to it and go oh that won't happen to me and are say wrestling or doing what ever almost killed this guy... So I just wonder if they just make things worse by giving the school a way to say ok programs are in place people are here now we can't get sued or if we do we are covered instead of getting to the issue and making sure the ribbing and targeting of people doesn't happen.. Again I don't go to school anymore so not sure what goes on anymore....
I won't lie I don't know all the details... But what seems so crazy is that he felt empowered by lady GaGa and did some of those it gets better Videos from what I understand.... But I guess what one shows on the outside isn't the same as on the inside...
I really shouldn't get into the Social Media thing cause it is to complex that is another blog and maybe I will write one... But I wonder if they make things better or worse? I can't say that where I went to school there where no gay kids but if there where no one knew or at least it wasn't out there... Yeah social media is a great way to vent and get things off your chest but it also a way that way more people can know you are gay (or really anything) in an instant... Even with the cool kids at some point kids don't like school for some reason and I can't imagine it with facebook now... Ask a girl to the prom and she says no and it is all over facebook on the girls side you said yes to that dork what.... Now add in being gay... I can't imagine it... I really can't...
lauren - 09/24/11 06:39
Peter, I do think you are right about the Columbine thing and it's a great point, and you did get me thinking about what these so called bullys feel like once one of their targets commits suicide. I have to agree with libertad that this is is absolutely about sexuality, you just can't deny the string of gay suicides over the last few years. That being said, I would be really interested to see how the classmates of these young children deal with their deaths, because even children are bombarded with "gays go to hell." Also, I am in a lot of ways sick of the word bully. I want people to know that homophobia kills kids. This is systemic and systematic "bullying" that targets gay people of all ages.
Peter, I do think you are right about the Columbine thing and it's a great point, and you did get me thinking about what these so called bullys feel like once one of their targets commits suicide. I have to agree with libertad that this is is absolutely about sexuality, you just can't deny the string of gay suicides over the last few years. That being said, I would be really interested to see how the classmates of these young children deal with their deaths, because even children are bombarded with "gays go to hell." Also, I am in a lot of ways sick of the word bully. I want people to know that homophobia kills kids. This is systemic and systematic "bullying" that targets gay people of all ages.
libertad - 09/23/11 23:36
I feel so bad that this kid killed himself. I want so badly to go back and help him but we can't.
This is a gay issue (e:metalpeter). This guy came out at a time when nobody else on this site was able to do so, maybe we all knew that we couldn't handle it. I remember how hard my life was then and I couldn't imagine how it must have felt if I actually was courageous as this kid was. Clearly, what we are doing now is not enough.
I feel so bad that this kid killed himself. I want so badly to go back and help him but we can't.
This is a gay issue (e:metalpeter). This guy came out at a time when nobody else on this site was able to do so, maybe we all knew that we couldn't handle it. I remember how hard my life was then and I couldn't imagine how it must have felt if I actually was courageous as this kid was. Clearly, what we are doing now is not enough.
09/22/2011 19:45 #55182
More 2011 MIACategory: photos
So on this great weekend on Sunday I did go to the WWE PPV Night of Champions but i would much rather post Music Is Art photos... It was a great time and it was great to see all the food trucks there.... Bye the way they are in the news again today.... But this is not the post for that.....

So If you have never seen this band go see them... They are called "Those Idiots" they take Rock songs or hit songs and do them Polka style but they still rock and lyrics get changed like Poker Face is Polka Face plus they play fun instruments as well...

So the one Piece of art is from a guy I have some other art from Paul Massaro (not sure on the spelling) he was telling me that is about some bitch of a judge who likes to take kids away from families ... Now the Black and White is a Sean Madden Original yes a 6 armed Jesus with money, flag, burger, Hot Dog , Gun, Beer and wearing a Micky Mouse Hat..... Then a clown Vomiting is a print and so is the Massaro... Who also does Tattoos ....

So I wasn't close enough to really see the box but they Buried this guy then he did an escape of getting his hand out and unlocking the locks that is what that box is.... Or was I should say....

This Next Band The Ruby Spirit I think was pretty good also...

That is about all I have time for so.....
So If you have never seen this band go see them... They are called "Those Idiots" they take Rock songs or hit songs and do them Polka style but they still rock and lyrics get changed like Poker Face is Polka Face plus they play fun instruments as well...
So the one Piece of art is from a guy I have some other art from Paul Massaro (not sure on the spelling) he was telling me that is about some bitch of a judge who likes to take kids away from families ... Now the Black and White is a Sean Madden Original yes a 6 armed Jesus with money, flag, burger, Hot Dog , Gun, Beer and wearing a Micky Mouse Hat..... Then a clown Vomiting is a print and so is the Massaro... Who also does Tattoos ....
So I wasn't close enough to really see the box but they Buried this guy then he did an escape of getting his hand out and unlocking the locks that is what that box is.... Or was I should say....
This Next Band The Ruby Spirit I think was pretty good also...
That is about all I have time for so.....
metalpeter - 09/23/11 17:09
This is true except for the Americana stage... At first though it was tough to keep what stage was what.... Since I didn't know about the Hoyt lake stage I assumed they meant the DJ place was that stage... Then later when I found Hoyt lake it made sense... The thing with the hill Is and I didn't try this out really is there is some point where you could only see one stage really and then past that point you could see all 3 but I never really went down close to try and find that perfect spot.....
This is true except for the Americana stage... At first though it was tough to keep what stage was what.... Since I didn't know about the Hoyt lake stage I assumed they meant the DJ place was that stage... Then later when I found Hoyt lake it made sense... The thing with the hill Is and I didn't try this out really is there is some point where you could only see one stage really and then past that point you could see all 3 but I never really went down close to try and find that perfect spot.....
paul - 09/22/11 23:27
I kind of wish I had caught some of the daytime part. I didn't realize it was in the park until we got there at night. I liked it so much better in the park than at the art gallery because the venues were far enough apart that you couldn't hear one from the other.
I kind of wish I had caught some of the daytime part. I didn't realize it was in the park until we got there at night. I liked it so much better in the park than at the art gallery because the venues were far enough apart that you couldn't hear one from the other.
I thought the hulas with fire where really cool. I'm not good enough with dark pictures to use enough flash so that the camera doesn't keep the shutter open and so that you get the fire to be bright with out the entire stage area being bright. So you either on your own or let the camera capture the moving fire and the pattern of the moving fire is the streaks......
I didn't notice the sword flying free... What I did see was something covered in fire rolling towards me and I back up and they grabbed it before it hit the grass.... So didn't get a picture of it...
Where is the sword flying free photo?
Its almost like someone just painted them over your pictures.
Wow! Those rings of fire are amazing! Thanks for posting!
After this I saw that there was a stand up base so I hung out for a bit... And during that time ran into Cyndi and Keith.... That was nice... I just wish I also got to see all the people in their dresses hoping to post more pix on Wends....
We must of just missed you. We were on the other side of the stage. It was scary when the sword flew free.