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10/16/2011 17:58 #55319

computer question
Category: ?
1. I started a new category I think with a question mark that seems like a good idea if someone has a question just use that....
2. Most of the computer stuff on here by (e:Paul) and (e:tinypliny) I admit is way past me so I read a bit of the post then stop since I'm lost after like 3 lines
3. I admit I should have thought of this yesterday

My question or problem:

I set up my sisters computer and she didn't have a USB plug with her computer for the printer that is right it didn't come with one and it says some of them don't come with one What? But that isn't the problem I'm asking about....

She moved the computer down stairs or maybe Time Warner did to set up the internet. Her monitor has the hookup for something other then the computer to plug in but has no out put and no speaker on it... So there is no sound so I bought speakers just the kind that plug into the back... Do they make USB Speakers? Not even sure if there is a USB port open? They are plugged in and hooked in and no sound? Any Ideas? I went to sound and couldn't figure any thing out.... There is something called like HDMI or something like that sound but can't see any way to change it....

Does one call Best buy or Time Warner ? I have no idea?
metalpeter - 10/18/11 20:38
To be honest I'm not sure if she had sound or not before... I wonder...
tinypliny - 10/18/11 19:16
Well, it is an important question. If she had sound before,
a) installation of some extra software --> could point to some driver conflict or software corruption,
b) moving the comp --> physical/hardware issues.
Many monitors have speakers in them and there is a 2 way cord that takes input from devices and plays it back. For eg. my monitor can play sounds from my mp3 player. So can my new toshiba.
metalpeter - 10/18/11 17:56
I guess She is going to have to call Time Warner.... Thing is no speakers on the monitor and it only has import no export things like on a flat screen TV so... Not sure if there was sound before she I assumed she is the one that moved it maybe time warner did and set everything up there is phone also so I'm guessing time warner has to do something just thought some people might have ideas to look into thanks though...... Now in terms of the drivers I think that is all installed unless of course there is some part that is needed that you have to get online but best buy is usally pretty good and all that stuff is preloaded ....
tinypliny - 10/16/11 19:41
Monitors that have speakers have a cord with a green end that go into the speaker port that (e:heidi) posted a picture of.
tinypliny - 10/16/11 19:40
Maybe the sound drivers are not installed? does she have a CD with the drivers?
tinypliny - 10/16/11 19:40
Did she have any sound to begin with?
metalpeter - 10/16/11 18:48
her printer looks to have some weird kind of thing in the back that I need to look into.... Not sure why she didn't go to Best Buy to get one...ARGh... It looks like it is hooked into the green one.... and looks like the volume is on and the speakers are plugged in and on....
heidi - 10/16/11 18:19
Also, make sure the computer's sound isn't muted.
heidi - 10/16/11 18:17
Usually basic computer speakers have the green plug that goes in the green port on the back of the computer, and a power source plug which could either be for an electrical outlet OR for a USB port. I'm posting a pic over in my blog of green plug, green port. Then there's a power switch on the speakers themselves.

Any old USB cable with the right ends will fit the printer. If you used to have a printer, use the old one. Most computers have about 8 USB ports.

10/14/2011 17:28 #55296

Can Buffalo Handle a Championship?
Category: philosophy
So It is the Sabres Home opener Now I can admit that it isn't the same as say baseball where it is also kinda like the start of a season and all the stuff that goes along with that but I'll watch at least the start of the game... There were all kinds of changes with the new owners and we shall see how much of that we see on TV should be interesting....

Now Pegula has loosened up the purse strings..... But that doesn't really mean the team gets better... Yes you can keep more talent but you can also pay people based on a great first year when they don't play up to the level they are paid at but it is a good first step.... Now I don't know as we can ever get to the New England Patriot level of good where players took less money to play with them but you never know....

But for anyone who is reading this I haven't answered my question....
1. Bandits Have 4 Championships but for some reason no one counts those...
2. Bisons are professorial Baseball and have had Back to Back championships don't ask what years cause I have no Idea.... Oh since we aren't one of the famous Minor league clubs that Baseball movies are made about I guess they don't count those...
3. I thought that before the Superbowl Bills where AFL champions but not sure on that some one help me out on this?

So I guess Hockey and Football Only Count!?
--I don't think Buffalo could Handle a Stanley Cup Championship.... When the bandits won cars where pounded and it was all most insane as inside a game... Now with the Sabres never winning a cup and the 10,000 out side in the plaza I think all hell would break lose.... Now I could be wrong maybe I'm to much of a Jim Carey Fan?

Buffalo is a Blue Collar town.... Doesn't mean that everyone works hard... But that work ethic is in everything... But we don't have the tradition of greatness of say Boston Or other hockey towns....Maybe we need an NBA Team? Here it is more about the hard work... Then we come up a bit short... We aren't the Championship team or town.... Just look out side of sports for prof of this.... Maybe it is just cause I fell in Love with Toronto but... Why wasn't there a waterfront 15 years ago? Why did we put a highway (think before I was born) that made one big huge park into about 3 or 4 that aren't connected? This list for those older then I could go on for an hour so I'll skip to the Aud.... Maple Leafs Gardens is going to be reused and yet when we shut down the aud no one thought lets get the chairs and that kind of thing.... When they went to tear it down the Blue ones where the only ones you could auction off safely.... The lower and upper golds or even the reds would have been great with cushions... Oh my!!!!!!!

There is a part of me that I hope is wrong that I will Never see The Sabres win the cup.... It is like not our destiny..... I don't remember "The French Connection" but they are the most Famous Sabres and they didn't win the cup.... Grant Fuhr and No cup then Backing up Hasek and no cup.... Mogilny and LaFontane and no cup..... All of our best teams where never enough.... Granted we have had some teams who played above there skill level and see that is the hard work thing again.... I admit a few Years back I think we where good enough but got Jinxed.... Think that was the one year one Goal thing... People knew we where good and new we could win...Well that isn't the Buffalo Attitude and it bit us on the as... People made there own Stanley Cups and New Era had a count down on how many more games we had to win .... We put our own Jinx on.....

Hey But Maybe all this Occupy Stuff will change thing and change the fates and change things up... But currently the Sabres and this town are the hard workers who all ways get less then the big bosses and those are the other teams..... I hope I'm wrong ..... Will the marina burn if covered in Snow?

"Lets Go Buffalo" "Lets Go Buffalo" "Lets Go Buffalo"

10/08/2011 13:36 #55267

Protest and Music
Category: photos
So Friday was kinda Interesting not as fun as I would have liked.... There where going to be Burlesque at night at a Great Arrow... But that is a bit of a walk home down Elmwood at 1am so I bailed on that.... But I did have a good time at some of The Skiffle Minstrels ...... On my way I took a few pictures of the protesters only a few of them guessing that it will grow today but we shall see if it makes the news?


I was shooting into the sun and it looked ok and then zoom in and eck....

Onto Skiffle....

paul - 10/14/11 18:06
I wonder if they are still out there during this crappier weather. People keep saying how will this street protesting end. I bet winter silences before any police do.
metalpeter - 10/09/11 11:29
Yeah I missed the news last night or most of it anyways..... But I did read something on line about it.... Wonder if in Buffalo if it is mainly A one day thing?
paul - 10/09/11 11:11
I saw it on channel 4.

10/06/2011 18:32 #55250

Occupy Buffalo?
Category: politics
So today I'm on my way home and I hear honking and Yelling and not sure why .... So it takes me a bit with the sun and the hoodie but I see a big Card board sign that says something along the lines of "Occupy Buffalo we are the 99%" there where a few people near the flowers in the circle in front of city hall... Wish I had a camera or cell phone... I have no idea if this will catch on here I mean come one there is a Hockey Game event thing on Saturday and we have sports to watch and jobs to work at.... Now maybe there where people there all day and they gave up or maybe these couple of people are trying to start it hard to know....

Not really sure what they are protesting.... I get that some of it is about greed .... I know some of it is about how Corporations run this country... I know how some of it is about the stock market.... Maybe different people are there for different reasons like they don't have a job or where they worked it got shipped away.... I also don't know if there are any goals other then just to protest... Is there something they want.... Does everyone want the same thing.... In any event it sure could get interesting or it might not even make the news and may stay at four people? Guess we shall see....... I will say this though it is a cool idea.... Maybe this is all really just a test to see if it works so that if it does the next level will be with torchs and pitch forks and yelling and screaming?
metalpeter - 10/08/11 12:00
I don't think it will to a point of Marshall Law I don't think it will go that far... I think there is a silent Majority who aren't Athlete Rich but who are well enough off that working and things like that are good enough.... I also think there will all ways be college kids who take out the loans and try to better there lot.... I also think the poor blacks and others in the ghetto are to different for whites to get into the movement if they united then I think Marshall law could happen but those groups see them selves as so different just culturally that it won't happen but we shall see...... Think Spread Buffalo starts at like noon wonder if it will make the news?
vincent - 10/08/11 01:52
It's spreading like across the country. In the end I think that the economy is going to continue to deteriorate to the point where the USA will be put under Marshall Law.

Ok, this is what some guy said on late night AM radio last night. But all I can think is this whole thing is not going to end well at all. The Top 1% will end up crushing the resistance.

10/02/2011 09:51 #55227

Metallica Bugs Bunny?
Category: music
So I've been kinda wanting to post about this from time and as crazy as it sounds I'll just state the main point then get to other thoughts kinda around it....

I like Metallica Because of Bugs Bunny!

Now why does anyone like any band? Well there are really a bunch of factors:
- Some how you have to hear the bands music... how does that happen is it a friend...
--Well friends do cause you to like and dislike stuff you wouldn't with out them.. Some times you listen to a song and kinda vibe off each other...
- Yes there is still this thing called the radio... Now in this form you can here a band but not know all the songs just the ones that they play
- Don't know to much about how listening to a certain band on line really goes down I know some bands have gotten found that way or on Youtube and I put this in kinda the CD way that you can here a bunch of a bands music.....
- Live is the best way though or it can be... Granted bands sound different live and when a band opens and you expect nothing (hey all bands opened at one time pretty much) and they are great.... Wow you get blown away.. Some bands have a great CD but are crappy live and some bands are so much fun live a CD would never do them Justice.... Speaking of that one thing that Kept me a fan of Mettalica was when I saw them Live (not sure where the 1st time was guessing the AUD) they sounded a lot like how they did on Tape (yes a copy of a copy sometimes).....

-There is more then just the music though...
Mettalica again is a good example of this.... I hated the entire napster thing and if I wasn't such a big fan they would have got left in the dust.. I like Limp Bizkit but Durst is a Dick and that is why many people won't listen to his music.... So I'm saying who the band is and how they promote them selves. This is also about whom the band seems to be... Some of this is also shown on the live shows.. Take Sum 41 decent band... They do this thing where they have their Alter Egos "Pain for Pleasure" come out... Yes same guys and they cover metal and are great wish they came out with an album.... What I also like is that on stage they get cheered and say stuff like "Hey we are just a shitty Canadian Punk Band" They Might say pop punk been years but it still means the same thing it is so great they admit that.....

-What Type of music it is....
Now of course their will be some acts that one likes that are out of there Genre... But as good as Ice Cube might be if you can't get into rap you won't like him.... There are people who only listen To metal with the growling or people who only listen to country or what ever and that is fine that isn't me... People see the long hair so they might think Metal head but that isn't true yeah some metal I like but try to find metal isn't so easy... Now what is odd though is that think back some ways that their was a Time "The Hair Bands" where a part of Metal.... Motley Crue I get but Poison?

The Sound....

I think that really every band has a certain sound... Yes some bands do sound like other bands and to be honest unless they have some of the same members or same singer that isn't good for either band...

Take Cold Play I love how they sound. Now what type of music are they I have no idea but I'm sure of that Genre they are the only band I like. Never seen them live but they are amazing... Wait I take that back a bit is Muze the same type cause they are great as well.....

Now often times you hear people say "All there songs sound the same".. Now I won't lie for a few bands a song starts you know the band but go is this that song or this song and until they sing you don't know the song... But most bands this isn't true.... But with most bands there is this kinda sound (even if just the lead singer) that kinda comes from that band... This is tough to explain you would kinda have to hear it but if you like a band you know what I mean (assuming anyone reads this).....

Ok Back to Metallica
-Did someone introduce me to them sure and is that a factor sure but If I didn't like it I would have stopped listening...
-After I got into them I found out Bay Area oh yeah and that dude in Megadeth they kicked out... Awesome wait this guy isn't the 1st base player what.... Oh my they are getting that dude who played with Ozzy he is awesome wonder how he will effect the new stuff....

But at the end of the day it comes down to how they sound... To me every CD (yes I heard them before I knew what the songs where called) is a bit different... Now song meanings I won't touch cause everyone takes what words they hear and give them their own meanings based on their own perspective. I will admit that new one is all over the place and if any other band took the old style and mixed in jam band I think I would think it sucks but they are my favorite band... Some of that load and reload stuff was out there... I don't even know if they do that stuff live any more really? But I also thought it was good...

Now in terms of a blog no one really knows if anyone is reading this or not but if they are (In this case you on TV I just did a moonlighting and broke the 3rd wall) now I still haven't said why Bugs Bunny is why I like Metallica. so here it is.... There have been many great bugs bunny cartoons hey who doesn't love that show... Some of them have great classical music in them... Or at the very least ones that fit the cartoon perfectly.... Anyone who says they don't like Classical music just doesn't know they like it... Now you might not think about that star wars music, or the music in Malcolm X but that very dramatic scene is made so by the Dramatic Classical music... Oh yeah by the way Music is an art so yes Music is Art.... I don't know if that is where I first head classical music but I'm sure when one hears it they go sounds like Bugs or wait is Indy going to make or is that rock going to get him? But I'm saying Bugs is what got me to like the music.... When I first heard Metallica they seemed to be kinda based of Classical music.... I also think this is why when they did the stuff with the Philharmonic it worked so well..... But hey that is just me so.... I also think that sound is why I like some metal but isn't a metal head?