Now one can debate if Saturday Night is Funny anymore.... A great point that it isn't really could be agreed on I'm sure... But that being said there have been some Epic Moments like all the Tiny Fey as Palin stuff and most of the weekend update stuff....
Now SNL has spoofed all kinds of things That entire Night at The Roxsburry stuff was an Infomerical Mockery.... All that great and Funny Geico Caveman stuff is bar-owed from Cave Man Lawyer... But that being said some stuff you aren't sure what they are making fun of.... Delicious Dish is one of those it was a radio show about food... The way the women talked would imply things... Then when Alec Baldwin would come on he was Pete Schweddy and he had his Schweddy Balls.... Now did they maybe copy South Park and Chef's Chocolate Salty Balls maybe but they are both funny so who cares really not sure what bit started first But Chef did sing.... But I think it was all ways a highlight of the show.... Now as I remember there where times when the people who did delicious dish where no longer on the show and came back for this skit... Good times.......
Now when this season opened Baldwin was back (Granted he has been on a lot but it kinda makes sense since 30 Rock is also an NBC show) and he Mentioned there was a Schweddy Balls Ice Cream.... I thought it was a joke... But no it is real... Not only is it real but the way I found out it was real is that some stores won't sell it because of the name.... Wonder if these same stores sell Maxim, Cosmo, Beer and smokes?
Now I would look for the stories and try to find links like I did in the past but guessing all of those stories are in the part of the websites where you have to pay to read old stories? Well old news wise at least.....
I admit I never buy Ben &Jerry's because of the price and Size but got it today at tops and it was good not my fav... but good......
And to Answer the question yes Like a Girl in one of those movies where she is dumped I ate the entire thing in one sitting... Think I was watching South Park at the time.....
for some reason when I zoom in it blurs? maybe since it is text not sure really....
LOL, you blurred out the nutrition label!
Yeah it isn't really that much ice cream.... There was a study done once many years ago and I think this was one of the 3 premium (by price I think) Other was Hagen Daz and the third was with an F something like Frezguade and it turned out that the 3 most expensive also had the most fat and pretty much in order of the more fat the higher the price........ Buying this brand was a one time thing maybe... Sometimes it is on sale so.... I'm more of a Perry's and Eddy's guy my self.... Don't ask for a favorite flavor cause How can one even pick a fav......
hahaha, it is so easy to down a whole ben and jerry's. That is so funny the name of that flavor, I think I might like it. I just can't do the fat right now as much as I might want to.