So I admit I meant to write this on Friday or Thursday would have worked but somewhere kinda ran out of time....
Thanksgiving is less then a week away and no so it Black Friday... Now in Buffalo there is the huge drinking holiday the day Or I should say the night before thanksgiving and well it might as well be Christmas it shows up quicker then the paychecks sometimes.....
Now there are some Holidays like Thanksgiving and Columbus Day... Yes you could put Christmas in there as well that have a dark side.... There are sayings like "Keep the Christ in Christmas"... That believe it or not is a really good point... See Halloween isn't this evil holiday where we praise the dead and ask souls to take over our unborn babies.... What Holidays are is what behavior we do.... So Halloween is about dressing up as someone you aren't and taking the persons persona and yeah getting candy. Now of course if you go out and get a medium and sit in a cemetery then that is what the holiday means to you..... I think this is true of all Holidays.... If I had NFL Network thanks giving would be a 3 football game day for me! If say Just Pizza had a plate you could order with 7 slices of turkey 3 slices of apple pie , mashed with gravy I would be good... Maybe a thing of Hot Hard Cider (not beer that tastes like cider) or just regular with cinnamon .... Give me that and a TV with football maybe a few minutes of a parade then some TNA (think fox has a new Ice Age special and a new Charlie Brown one might have to check that out)... And that is my thanksgiving ..... It isn't about how we where friends with the Indians and then after the winter stole the land and then brought blankets that killed them... Then after the fact when something was found on there land oh gold, oh oil, oh here we come with the guns find some other place live.... So if you feel bad about what we did that is fine but maybe as pay back go lose all your money to them at a Casino.... Hey if that is your thanksgiving then fine......
My Point is there are so many Holidays and what they are on the Calender and why we got them doesn't mean anything.... It is what we do on those days that give that Holiday meaning or no meaning at all..... Maybe there are some of those out there that for every 2 gifts they buy they give one to a charity and if that is what the holiday is about to you then that is what Christmas is to you or any holiday for that matter......
Metalpeter's Journal
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11/19/2011 17:29 #55556
Black Thanksgiving?!MeaningCategory: holidays
11/18/2011 17:50 #55545
1920's YoutubeCategory: music
Now I'm not going to lie and say I know anything about this type of old music. I can't even say it is all from the 20's or 20's and 30's but it is what I find on youtube and what sounds good to me.....
Well seeing as I just lost internet for a minute don't wont to lose the entire post.....
Well seeing as I just lost internet for a minute don't wont to lose the entire post.....
metalpeter - 11/18/11 19:29
not sure of whom I was thinking?
not sure of whom I was thinking?
tinypliny - 11/18/11 19:14
I especially like it when he sings and dances!!!
I especially like it when he sings and dances!!!
tinypliny - 11/18/11 19:13
I LOVE hugh jackman in anything, btw. :)) I am like his No #1 fan (in a non-creepy way).
I LOVE hugh jackman in anything, btw. :)) I am like his No #1 fan (in a non-creepy way).
metalpeter - 11/18/11 19:00
Might not have been you....Or maybe the person was just talking about not liking jackmen's performance again maybe it wasn't you.....
Might not have been you....Or maybe the person was just talking about not liking jackmen's performance again maybe it wasn't you.....
tinypliny - 11/18/11 18:52
WHAT?! I LOVE Australia! And he just cried ONCE!! {and it wasn't pretty, I agree). The music and cinematography were GORGEOUS!
WHAT?! I LOVE Australia! And he just cried ONCE!! {and it wasn't pretty, I agree). The music and cinematography were GORGEOUS!
metalpeter - 11/18/11 18:32
Wait I'm confused I thought you (might have the wrong person) said you didn't like Australia that all Jackmen did was cry through the entire movie.... I must be mixed up........
Wait I'm confused I thought you (might have the wrong person) said you didn't like Australia that all Jackmen did was cry through the entire movie.... I must be mixed up........
tinypliny - 11/18/11 18:06
I'd give a palace
if I were a king!
It's more than a Palace
It's my everything
There's a queen waiting there
With a silvery crown
In a shanty in Old shanty town!
I'd give a palace
if I were a king!
It's more than a Palace
It's my everything
There's a queen waiting there
With a silvery crown
In a shanty in Old shanty town!
tinypliny - 11/18/11 18:03
It reminds me of that scene from Australia where Nicole Kidman dances with Hugh Jackman. That was one awesome movie!
It reminds me of that scene from Australia where Nicole Kidman dances with Hugh Jackman. That was one awesome movie!
tinypliny - 11/18/11 18:02
they danced to all these songs, most of them are fox-trots.
they danced to all these songs, most of them are fox-trots.
metalpeter - 11/18/11 17:59
Not really.... Think some of it is that in one of many shows I like they make that time even with all the violence looks so good with real wood houses and great old looking cars and don't get me wrong I love Hatebreed and Metallica but there is this sound in that type of music that you don't really hear to much in today's music... Or maybe I'm just yearning for a (bit latter then this time period) and old school pin up girl with the new look of Tattoos and what ever a flapper girl is... There is that kinda look that is shared in burlesque maybe next time I do a search I'll look up burlesque and see what I find?
Not really.... Think some of it is that in one of many shows I like they make that time even with all the violence looks so good with real wood houses and great old looking cars and don't get me wrong I love Hatebreed and Metallica but there is this sound in that type of music that you don't really hear to much in today's music... Or maybe I'm just yearning for a (bit latter then this time period) and old school pin up girl with the new look of Tattoos and what ever a flapper girl is... There is that kinda look that is shared in burlesque maybe next time I do a search I'll look up burlesque and see what I find?
tinypliny - 11/18/11 17:58
thanks for digging all this up! Loving the tunes! it reminds me of my favourite radio show - Christopher South, 4 EVEH!
thanks for digging all this up! Loving the tunes! it reminds me of my favourite radio show - Christopher South, 4 EVEH!
tinypliny - 11/18/11 17:55
haha, you are on a period craZE! I can't tell you how many 20s, 30s and 40s crazes I have gone on in the past decade. It's so out there and fun! :)
haha, you are on a period craZE! I can't tell you how many 20s, 30s and 40s crazes I have gone on in the past decade. It's so out there and fun! :)
11/17/2011 19:19 #55538
Youtube Boardwalk VideosCategory: tv
I admit I'm a Steve Buscemi Fan... Now the other day I watched Board Walk Empire... They had this beach scene that reminded me of (e:matthew)'s costume... They had a cop who would measure girls suits.... Great show with violence and story and great music.... Now I posted some of these on the facebook page and G+ so thought might as well put some of them up here today?
Now granted this is just a sampling plus often times the music makes a scene but away from the scene it isn't the same thing.....
Now granted this is just a sampling plus often times the music makes a scene but away from the scene it isn't the same thing.....
metalpeter - 11/17/11 19:44
glad you like it.... Next time I'm on maybe I can look up music by the time period?
glad you like it.... Next time I'm on maybe I can look up music by the time period?
tinypliny - 11/17/11 19:34
That is some really good music! thanks for sharing! :)
That is some really good music! thanks for sharing! :)
11/15/2011 17:51 #55519
Schweddy 2So not only for (e:tinypliny) but got this from the web.... Could only figure out how to do this as a screen shot not sure if this will be readable.......

tinypliny - 11/15/11 20:27
Erm, not really. All that is on the label. As you perhaps noticed, I am struggling with first grade tables presently.
Erm, not really. All that is on the label. As you perhaps noticed, I am struggling with first grade tables presently.
metalpeter - 11/15/11 19:51
You are pretty good with the math.... They do have this same information on all of their flavors one would have to go flavor by flavor and I'm sure it varies based on what flavor ice cream and what is in them....
You are pretty good with the math.... They do have this same information on all of their flavors one would have to go flavor by flavor and I'm sure it varies based on what flavor ice cream and what is in them....
tinypliny - 11/15/11 19:04
heh, thanks. Yes, it is readable if you click on it. Each tub contains 4 servings (2 cups). 1/2 a cup is one serving and gives you 270 calories with more than 50% coming from saturated fat (140 cals). For that mythical average American man who needs a 2000 calorie daily diet, this amount of saturated fat amounts to 50% of recommended daily allowance (RDA), 20% of cholesterol RDA, 10% of carbohydrates and 4g of protein. I addition it gives that mythical man 2% of fibre RDA, 10% of VitA and Calcium, each and 2% of iron.
heh, thanks. Yes, it is readable if you click on it. Each tub contains 4 servings (2 cups). 1/2 a cup is one serving and gives you 270 calories with more than 50% coming from saturated fat (140 cals). For that mythical average American man who needs a 2000 calorie daily diet, this amount of saturated fat amounts to 50% of recommended daily allowance (RDA), 20% of cholesterol RDA, 10% of carbohydrates and 4g of protein. I addition it gives that mythical man 2% of fibre RDA, 10% of VitA and Calcium, each and 2% of iron.
11/14/2011 17:34 #55511
Schweddy ..........Category: photos
So I guess for this post I gotta give a little History......
Now one can debate if Saturday Night is Funny anymore.... A great point that it isn't really could be agreed on I'm sure... But that being said there have been some Epic Moments like all the Tiny Fey as Palin stuff and most of the weekend update stuff....
Now SNL has spoofed all kinds of things That entire Night at The Roxsburry stuff was an Infomerical Mockery.... All that great and Funny Geico Caveman stuff is bar-owed from Cave Man Lawyer... But that being said some stuff you aren't sure what they are making fun of.... Delicious Dish is one of those it was a radio show about food... The way the women talked would imply things... Then when Alec Baldwin would come on he was Pete Schweddy and he had his Schweddy Balls.... Now did they maybe copy South Park and Chef's Chocolate Salty Balls maybe but they are both funny so who cares really not sure what bit started first But Chef did sing.... But I think it was all ways a highlight of the show.... Now as I remember there where times when the people who did delicious dish where no longer on the show and came back for this skit... Good times.......
Now when this season opened Baldwin was back (Granted he has been on a lot but it kinda makes sense since 30 Rock is also an NBC show) and he Mentioned there was a Schweddy Balls Ice Cream.... I thought it was a joke... But no it is real... Not only is it real but the way I found out it was real is that some stores won't sell it because of the name.... Wonder if these same stores sell Maxim, Cosmo, Beer and smokes?
Now I would look for the stories and try to find links like I did in the past but guessing all of those stories are in the part of the websites where you have to pay to read old stories? Well old news wise at least.....
I admit I never buy Ben &Jerry's because of the price and Size but got it today at tops and it was good not my fav... but good......

And to Answer the question yes Like a Girl in one of those movies where she is dumped I ate the entire thing in one sitting... Think I was watching South Park at the time.....
Now one can debate if Saturday Night is Funny anymore.... A great point that it isn't really could be agreed on I'm sure... But that being said there have been some Epic Moments like all the Tiny Fey as Palin stuff and most of the weekend update stuff....
Now SNL has spoofed all kinds of things That entire Night at The Roxsburry stuff was an Infomerical Mockery.... All that great and Funny Geico Caveman stuff is bar-owed from Cave Man Lawyer... But that being said some stuff you aren't sure what they are making fun of.... Delicious Dish is one of those it was a radio show about food... The way the women talked would imply things... Then when Alec Baldwin would come on he was Pete Schweddy and he had his Schweddy Balls.... Now did they maybe copy South Park and Chef's Chocolate Salty Balls maybe but they are both funny so who cares really not sure what bit started first But Chef did sing.... But I think it was all ways a highlight of the show.... Now as I remember there where times when the people who did delicious dish where no longer on the show and came back for this skit... Good times.......
Now when this season opened Baldwin was back (Granted he has been on a lot but it kinda makes sense since 30 Rock is also an NBC show) and he Mentioned there was a Schweddy Balls Ice Cream.... I thought it was a joke... But no it is real... Not only is it real but the way I found out it was real is that some stores won't sell it because of the name.... Wonder if these same stores sell Maxim, Cosmo, Beer and smokes?
Now I would look for the stories and try to find links like I did in the past but guessing all of those stories are in the part of the websites where you have to pay to read old stories? Well old news wise at least.....
I admit I never buy Ben &Jerry's because of the price and Size but got it today at tops and it was good not my fav... but good......
And to Answer the question yes Like a Girl in one of those movies where she is dumped I ate the entire thing in one sitting... Think I was watching South Park at the time.....
metalpeter - 11/14/11 19:22
for some reason when I zoom in it blurs? maybe since it is text not sure really....
for some reason when I zoom in it blurs? maybe since it is text not sure really....
tinypliny - 11/14/11 19:08
LOL, you blurred out the nutrition label!
LOL, you blurred out the nutrition label!
metalpeter - 11/14/11 18:54
Yeah it isn't really that much ice cream.... There was a study done once many years ago and I think this was one of the 3 premium (by price I think) Other was Hagen Daz and the third was with an F something like Frezguade and it turned out that the 3 most expensive also had the most fat and pretty much in order of the more fat the higher the price........ Buying this brand was a one time thing maybe... Sometimes it is on sale so.... I'm more of a Perry's and Eddy's guy my self.... Don't ask for a favorite flavor cause How can one even pick a fav......
Yeah it isn't really that much ice cream.... There was a study done once many years ago and I think this was one of the 3 premium (by price I think) Other was Hagen Daz and the third was with an F something like Frezguade and it turned out that the 3 most expensive also had the most fat and pretty much in order of the more fat the higher the price........ Buying this brand was a one time thing maybe... Sometimes it is on sale so.... I'm more of a Perry's and Eddy's guy my self.... Don't ask for a favorite flavor cause How can one even pick a fav......
libertad - 11/14/11 18:41
hahaha, it is so easy to down a whole ben and jerry's. That is so funny the name of that flavor, I think I might like it. I just can't do the fat right now as much as I might want to.
hahaha, it is so easy to down a whole ben and jerry's. That is so funny the name of that flavor, I think I might like it. I just can't do the fat right now as much as I might want to.
Well some where marching turned into an art form... There are people who use wood guns or in some cases real guns and how they move is all most a Dance.... What people don't want to here is I think the Germans or Nazi Party is who got that stuff famous.... George Clease (monty phyton) has that famous bit of Silly walks I think that mocks them but look at two movies Malcom X and Star wars and those are prime examples of that kind of march... Well won't give the Nazi all the credit give some to the Russia also?
hahah, I think there are fancy marching regiments who just show off for parades. I doubt if any of them could break their nails in real battle.
i wonder if parades like that are kinda like Hey don't mess with us see what we can do? But I also wonder what it would be like to be at one.... At some parades where they have cops I think wait if they are here then whom is fighting crime?
yes, that is exactly how they are. :) When the tanks roll by a few feet away from you, you can hear them resonating in your chest cavity. its a weird feeling. I have been to rehearsal parades because they were near my school.
I think marching and tanks on the street would be pretty cool.... But not sure if that is how they are......
oh and let's not forget holidays for birthdays of former-politicians-who-definitely-messed-up (n = 4-5, varies on which government is ruling and political allegiance of the majority in the parliament).
heh, there are just two holidays with parades. August 15: Independence day: MOST boring military parade far away from home. January 26: Republic day: An 80% military and 20% fun parade again far away from home. I just liked the fly-pasts because they used to go directly overhead at home. the parades are very regimented and very different from parades here. :)
I LOVE LOVE LOVE festival food!!!!!
You don't like Parades ! Boo! HA...... Food Yes! Food Yes!
Most holidays at home are birthdays of our 1000+ gods and goddesses, or some anniversary of random historical comeuppance against the British. The god/goddess ones are more fun because many are associated with awesome food varieties and specialty dishes. The British ones are kind of bland and boring and marked by stupid parades... just like them.