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11/02/2011 16:10 #55428

Category: potpourri
Well. It's been a while. I'm sorry I didn't make it to the Halloween Party. I wasn't sure if I could go or not. Dad came up to visit me over the weekend and we had a great time. Looks like the parties at the 24 are as lively as ever. I didn't get to see anyone or drink crazy drinks or check out any other consumables. I didn't get to see (e:lilho) either which is really disappointing.

Job is going great. Can't complain. My San Francisco trip was amazing - I could definitely see myself out there someday. That city is definitely my speed. I'm tired of my iPhone 3GS but don't see the value in upgrading until the next iPhone is released (or until iOS5 performance drives me over the edge). I also like the Galaxy S2 like (e:Paul) has. I go out all the time, a few times a week usually at least. I'd like to try Epic restaurant sometime. Been pretty restless, but it is time to buckle down and find something to keep my mind occupied during the winter months.

On the romance front, the sociopath has left me alone for over a month which is really great. I guess you could say I've been free to let my feelings evolve from confusion to hatred. Yeah, I hate her and her piggish, ignorant, shit talking friend more than I've ever hated anyone. I know I have to let go of those feelings too.

I met a new girl at a wedding recently and we hit it off pretty well. Another long distance one. Going to visit her this weekend. I don't really know if I have it in me to give that much of myself, or even if I believe in monogamous love anymore. But she is an interesting person. Smart (Vet doctor), beautiful, funny, salty, a bit of a party girl. She seems to like my personality a lot. So, I'm going to go and be open minded, have fun, and see how I feel.

I don't spend a lot of time with my guy friends. They're either busy all the time with family obligations (which I understand) or never want to leave home (which I do not understand). I never get any visitors. Been hanging out with mostly female friends and hitting the town. They are mama bears. Great friends. Sisterly. There is something about getting a text that says "Hey! Are you eating??" that makes me love them every bit as intensely as I hate the other people I mentioned. Yeah, I would lie in court for them. I would take a beating for them. They're awesome.

So, I guess that's it. I keep track of things around here still. I read journal entries still. Hope everyone's doing alright and that everyone is happy.
paul - 11/02/11 20:47
Glad to hear you are doing good. Go for the Galaxy s2, its awesome.

08/02/2011 23:00 #54848

Stay gold, Ponyboy...Stay gold.
Category: potpourri
When I started my first professional gig at 22 years of age, I got to work with a bunch of interesting characters who influence me even today. Looking back at that period in my life, it was a great work environment with lots of smart, motivated people.

One of these characters was a salesman who had long hair, a BMW convertible, and a carefree, "I don't give a shit" demeanor about him which I greatly admired. He was an author and a traveler. A worldly, flawed, independent person. I was a naive, wide-eyed kid who got to hang out with the older guys.

This man wrote a literary non-fiction novel, loosely based upon his career, and, of course I was a minor character in the book. He gave me a signed copy of the book and wrote inside of it "Stay gold, Ponyboy" which confused me. Was he breaking my balls? Complimenting me? I appreciated the gift but not knowing what he meant, put it at the back of my mind and sort of forgot about it until tonight.

For some reason or another this quote came up in conversation tonight while hanging out with some friends. I learned it was from a book, The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. The discussion rejuvenated these decade old memories of my early adulthood so I went home to learn about the book and in particular the blurb my friend wrote to me.

I learned something interesting....he was telling me to stay how I was, to stay innocent. Here I was, at 22, wishing I was more like he was in some ways, and he wanted for me to not change my nature. There was something good in it.

It is fascinating how the universe gives you what you need at the right time again and again. Here I was today, at the peak of my depression and bitterness over what happened with Josh and my ex-girlfriend, wondering whether those things were going to overcome my happy go lucky outlook on life. Yet the message was repeated to me at a time when I was ready to understand it. Stay how you are, Jason. You're fine as-is. Things come full circle. Amazing.
metalpeter - 08/06/11 11:03
Wish I had something wise to say... I have heard the outsiders is a great book not sure if it and the movie again never saw that are connected....
libertad - 08/03/11 21:00
I'm glad that you can remember some pearl of wisdom during a very low period like that. I guess we never know how our words can affect someone if not now, but at some time down the road.
mrmike - 08/03/11 20:59
I like Lee's thought and your conclusion. You're doing fine.
heidi - 08/03/11 16:04
Beautifully written, Jason. Much love to you. It is a good book.
leetee - 08/03/11 02:07
You are fine as is.... you always were. It's ok to not be ok all the time.

03/09/2011 23:35 #53800

Life Doesn't Go In A Straight Line
Category: bad news
That's what I always tell people when they take a kick to the groin in life. Yes, what you've heard is true - Joshua passed away on Tuesday in his hotel room in De Pere, Wisconsin. I don't know the official cause of death yet, and I would rather not discuss the details, but you can be sure it was natural causes.

I check this site now and again during the work week and I appreciate the kind gestures toward my brother. I'm not sure if he ever made it clear enough to you, so I'm motivated to say it on his behalf. Labels meant nothing to him. He found something to admire in all of you and enjoyed spending time with you as well.

The details about the memorial service, etc, are on Lee's journal.

As for me, I would never be daft enough to claim I'm unaffected. I don't need to tell you how important he was to me. This is a disaster and I have not even begun to suffer. It's comforting to know I have so many good people sending good vibes.

Some of you have written to me and I am not ignoring you! I've been trying to respond to people but I've also had a lot of really unpleasant shit to do so I haven't had enough time to respond properly. Don't worry - I'll get back to you.

Much Love
chico - 03/11/11 23:08
It's beyond my comprehension and I'm not going to pretend to know what to say, or that anything I say will bring you comfort, so I'll echo uncut: strength to you.
uncutsaniflush - 03/10/11 21:32
Strength to you, Jason.
matthew - 03/10/11 10:05
I am sorry for your loss, (e:jason). Best wishes.
paul - 03/10/11 00:02
I wish you the best.
tinypliny - 03/09/11 23:48
(e:Jason), (e:Joshua) leaves a part of him with all of us and I am sure that all of us were enriched in varied ways because of it. I wish you all the very best and am sending the warmest of thoughts and prayers in your direction.

10/21/2010 09:02 #52989

Time For A Trim
Category: potpourri
It's time to get my hairs cut once again. I still hate salons more than the dentist office. I'd like to have a style but I just don't want to set foot in one of those places. So what's a guy to do? I'll likely be buzzing my head again.
metalpeter - 10/21/10 17:46
There is some place (never been only heard the ads) called Lady Jane's that is supposed to be like for guys only and they guy stuff there (foze Ball I think) and hair cuts are like $10, there might be some catch like with a wash or something.........
tinypliny - 10/21/10 10:07
How about (e:libertad)'s grant-street bloke or the main-place-mall frenchman?

09/13/2010 15:07 #52729

Went to the Salon
Category: potpourri
When my friend got married, and I had a giant unkempt mop on top of my head, I went with Josh to a salon on Hertel to get a trim. I'm not naming the place because I don't want to make it sound like I'm down on that one place, but in general I think going to the salon is not a lot of fun.

I feel like you go there to be judged. The vibe was really uncomfortable. In general, I think the fashion/style universe reflects the absolute worst in us, and doesn't have a ton of value to me, which probably colored my perception of being in the salon. I didn't like it and couldn't wait to leave.

Who knew that going to the salon was worse than going to the dentist's office? This was the first professional cut I got since 1998. My trim was fine, okay, no complaints there. I think it is true that a good cut makes you feel good, a little self esteem booster. Still, maybe a salon isn't the place for me, given my negative take on it.

Maybe I should stay home and continue to buzz my own hair off. It isn't a style, but I don't have to go to the salon. I can save the money for what amounts to a glass or two of wine + an appetizer when going out. Or maybe I just prefer a male stylist, or maybe I just have proximity issues with strangers. No matter what, I don't see myself going back to a salon any time soon.
libertad - 10/11/10 14:42
I just got another haircut from Nick on Grant. I would say he has given me the best haircut I have ever gotten.

I'm really hoping people will go to him as he doesn't seem to be getting enough business and really seems to need/deserve it. I also think you will really like his personality as well.
jbeatty - 09/13/10 22:13
Wow! I can't believe that many people bought a Flowbee!
janelle - 09/13/10 22:11
I'll buzz it for $5.00

I do it for Drew.
tinypliny - 09/13/10 21:05
Oh and since people are recommending non-judgmental salons, let me throw out two more. Roberto at SuperCuts at Delaware is very friendly and very professional. The Main Street Mall barber place is also really good. The owner is one of those rare non-snobbish non-expensive Frenchmen.

tinypliny - 09/13/10 21:01
When you have 50 people and their households all getting an RSI typing out praise for the flowbee at Amazon ( :::link::: ), it transcends into all the rage status.
jbeatty - 09/13/10 20:15
I'm pretty sure the Flowbee was never all the rage. I go to the salon next to SeaBar, only because I like the family that owns it. It's a very relaxed kind of place, plus I can get lunch afterward.
tinypliny - 09/13/10 17:18
I know *exactly* the judging atmosphere you are talking about. It's loathsome. Maybe you should consider the flowbee. Apparently, it's all the rage.
mrmike - 09/13/10 15:24
I go to Chick's barber shop on Hertel, guy friendly
libertad - 09/13/10 15:15
I LOVE my new barber on Grant. His name is Nick. Directly accross from the Cuchifrito Hut. Very good cut and super cheap. He charges me $12 and I tip him $5. I used to go to another place but I always felt I needed to go back after just two weeks and got tired of it.

He listens to Rush but I will gladly sit through it because otherwise he is a really awesome guy.